Dragon Age Inquisition

Have you watched Angry Joe's first impression video? He plays it as an archer and it gives you a pretty good look at what it will be like. Let's just say it won't be the character I will be playing!

I will probably be going Sword/shield I think. My Hawke was a mage(I think) so I don't need another.

yea, only the first 10/20 mins though. It was him that kind of gave me the idea as he said the mage felt very much samey.

Now I don't know lol!!

EDIT: I am going to be naughty and try unlock it today with Korean VPN, bad idea or are all you guys going to do it too?? :D
I don't land till at least 7 this evening due to work :(

So how did you guys decide on class?? The only vid i have seen is the official one which gives a very brief overview of them all?

It was so difficult for me. I decided I wanted to be a bad, ruthless character. So I figured Elf or Quanari are best for that. Which left me torn between Elf Assassin or Quanari Warrior. As I've never played a warrior before in the DA series, I figured I'd go for that.
Apologies if this has been asked before.

I put the key in Origin. The Game came up and I went through the process.

It's not in the my games list atm though. Will it take some time or has something gone wrong?
Ahh see, I know I was going to be good first play through. But I just can't decide a class!! I always start out with a Mage/Necro type character but wanted to try something new when I saw the Angry Joe vid as he said Mages were samey. Usually on 2nd play through, I sometimes go Warrior or Rogue (stabby stabby kind not Archer). I was going to roll an Archer, but now Pighardia says they looked pap so now I don't know again lol. Maybe I should go with Mage as I wasn't going to lol. First world problems eh!
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I've taken the wrong plane and ended up in Italy and somehow locked myself out the plane :(

Edt: Fixed it!
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Just quickly chucked a character together, everything maxed out and about 10 mins play, solid 60fps at 2560x1080 with a single 980 overclocked.

Now time to create proper character.
how you guys playing it? Doesnt the vpn trick only allow you to pre-load but have to wait for the 18th to play?

It's out in some Asian countries now. I used a S. Korea VPN. Also I don't have to use it every time I start the game thankfully!

Ffs!... Every option requires a restart it seems...haven't got past the options yet!
FX 8350

Everything on ultra. Between 45 and 60 so far. Was stuttering on mantle, so went to dx11.

PS. classic bioware- great textures, good lighting great looking game... Hair looks like it is from 2001!
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