Dragon Age Inquisition

ahhh i see, thx guys.

Personally I love playing rogue, stealth archer builds in these types of games, but Archery looks so damn slow and boring in this game. Might have to roll with some sort of Battlemage
Was stuttering on mantle, so went to dx11.

Same thing happened to me, mantle was awful by DX11 is great. No idea how much FPS I'm getting as I have vsync on, but it never dips below 60. I'm running a 4670k and 290 crossfire.

I am getting the odd flashing textures though, that's a bit weird.
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Was stuttering on mantle, so went to dx11. /QUOTE]

Same thing happened to me, mantle was awful by DX11 is great. No idea how much FPS I'm getting as I have vsync on, but it never dips below 60. I'm running a 4670k and 290 crossfire.

I am getting the odd flashing textures though, that's a bit weird.

Hopefully the crossfire 290's cope at 1440p or I'll have to run at 1080p. Will find out later tonight anyway.
To be fair, the game hasn't been released yet, so we can't really measure performance accurately. We don't know what patches or drivers might be ready by official release date. I can't see AMD not making sure mantle runs perfectly tbh. It's a big game for them.
Started my download just now (key from cdkeys)

I was a massive massive fan of origins that i have 3 copies :D
really disappointed by the second one so much..

Lets hope they have made a good one here!

I tried the dragon age the keep to make sure my characters were correct and the choices that i have chosen through the series ready to export the DA:I
To be fair, the game hasn't been released yet, so we can't really measure performance accurately. We don't know what patches or drivers might be ready by official release date. I can't see AMD not making sure mantle runs perfectly tbh. It's a big game for them.

This is the official release, they just stagger it across the world. Asia get it first.
This is the official release, they just stagger it across the world. Asia get it first.

Not in this country though, they might have a patch planned. You never know. There was a game a few months back that did the same. I forgot which, but people playing through vpn didn't get the patch that improve performance.
so wheres the best place to get an appropriate vpn. Tunnelbear doesnt seem to have a country I can use to unlock it early.
Hmm I seem to be running the game fine at around 45-55 fps. Think I could do with a couple of tweaks though, my computer is showing it's age a little (i5-2500k, 8gb, gtx 680) When I am in control its fine, but the cutscenes seem a bit choppy because they switch down to 30.

Blooming good though, I went with Mage lol :D
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