Dragon Age Inquisition

Dunno what's up with EA/Origin but it doesn't like my debit card. It just flat out says it cannot verify my card, doesn't even look like it tries. Instant nope.

And I used it just earlier online to buy some pizza, my card is fine.
I normally play as warrior-hero-guy in these type of games so thought a would try being a lady mage for a change...Having a lot of fun so far.
Would you guys say this game play is more suited to PC (mouse and keyboard) or Console? (might be slightly biased i know!) But cant decide between getting it for PS4 or PC!
You can use a controller on the PC version too if you want, so I'd say PC wins due to higher playable res & gfx settings as long as you have a decent enough rig.
Well no my rig I cant play on Ultra settings. The gameplay seems fine with no AA and everything at Ultra but all cutscenes are jerky. The benchmark had me at 32-39FPS at 1440p.

I may drop to 1080p.
Well no my rig I cant play on Ultra settings. The gameplay seems fine with no AA and everything at Ultra but all cutscenes are jerky. The benchmark had me at 32-39FPS at 1440p.

I may drop to 1080p.

Cutscenes are limited to 30fps anyway.
Played for about 10 mins to just mess with the character creator and had first fight. Utterly amazing.

I will now turn off VPN and wait for DAD (Dragon Age Day), which starts at midnight on Thursday :)
This and gta are on my hit list for this month. Not sure whether to get this on PC or ps4 though. Got 2x 780ti gpu's in my PC but the cram might limit me here. Decisions!
I hope the Keep actually works. Apparently some people have got quite far in before realising it is bugged out, and having wrong outcomes etc

I have noticed quite a few poor animations and generally poor technical aspects tbh... Nowhere near AC: unity level though!
Well.. there is one deep and begging mystery that I hope a future DLC goes into for this game: Where exactly are the female characters getting their supply of lip gloss from?
Loving this so far, graphically it looks phenomenal.

Is it just me though or is the UI just slow? Like, to do anything takes longer than it should. Specifically changing weapons and armor and stuff, really slow and clunky to change it out and then switching between characters. Different pages for different sections (weapons, armor etc) and then a scroll down list with massive text when both DA:O and DA2 had a far superior list where you could see the majority of your items at a glance.

I dunno, maybe it'll just take some getting used to but it's like everything is taking up more space than it should. Maybe a UI scaler would fix it but I can't see the option to scale in the options so maybe a mod will sort that out in future.

That's really my only gripe which says a lot for the game. Great voice work, the environment even in the first area felt HUGE, combat is very smooth (although I don't like the "keep button pressed to attack" business, that's unnecessary and annoying imo) and spells look fantastic. Also, the skill trees look awesome too.
Who wants... free Red Lyrium weapons?!


Login to your Origin account and complete a series of mini games and you get 3 free weapons. It's like EA has seen themselves in the mirror when looking at Ubisoft lately and are doing everything right. I'm truly shocked at how they're handling this release. Nice and early reviews, free DLC content, what next? :D
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