I have tried to leave my personal opinions out of it, but some made it in
I have also made some suggestions on what could be improved.
Cannot bind mouse 4 and mouse 5 buttons (the 2 thumb buttons on most mice). Thats really annoying as 99% of other games let you bind them!
Mouse wheel scrolling and double clicking work where you expect them to.
Left mouse or R are the basic attack keys. Press once for 1 attack, hold it down to continue attacking. There is no auto attack outside of the tactical cam.
Pressing attack wont move you to an enemy like previous DA games. you have to manually move to an enemy and attack (unless in tac cam), just like other action/adventure games.
A result of this means you cannot hold down left and right mouse buttons to drive your character.
Its going to take some time getting used to having jump on space instead of pause. Can rebind though.
Ability Tooltips dont show any info on them unless your in the skill tree. Really annoying when your out adventuring and want that info quickly. (detailed tooltips mod please!)
Having to wait for the bending animation when looting gets annoying really really fast.
It seems to me that you have to wait for an animation to finish before that action registers or you can do anything else. Example is the looting, and in combat animations have to finish before you can move again.
The V key searches for nearby loot and highlights it.
The highlight does not stay on screen for long enough, and it highlight is so subtle you easily miss items.....forcing you to spam the key.
Personally i much preferred the previous games method of holding a key down.
Right clicking or pressing F collects loot. But you have to be standing next to the loot. It will not walk you over to the loot like previous games.
On the loot screen you have to click the take all button or single items you want.
There is no take all key like in DA2.
Could easily make the F key do that though, strange why they havent.
Tactical Camera
For me the tactical camera doesnt scroll out far enough. But thats just my personal opinion.
You can move the Tac cam by using WASD, holding down the mouse wheel button or holding both left and right mouse buttons down.
You can pan the Tac camera by holding shift, or holding right mouse button down.
When in tactical cam view, selecting a party member jumps the camera to them.........would LOVE it to be a toggle as i would rather it not jump.
Tac cam can get stuck on objects like boxes. Also on building roofs.
Could do with an option that disables the mouse wheel going into Tac cam mode when scrolling back. Occasionally i have accidently gone into Tac cam mode when i just want to scroll out.
Occasionally i exit Tac cam mode when im pan around .......and i dont know why that happens.
Annoyance of mine is Interface screens which starts text halfway up the screen so requires more scrolling to go through......like the inventory screen, attributes screen and options screen.
Crafting and upgrading are seperate screens, and require you to move to another workbench to open those screens......pointless and annoying.
Skill tree menu requires you to scroll a lot to see all available skill. Could have been improved, especially for PC where we dont need everything to be large.
For now thats it, may post more later.