Draytek Vigor 130 and FTTC SNR setting increased sync

So had my Vigor 130 with the SNR sync running for a few years now. My sync speed was pretty stable around 32mb down. Today switched from Sky to Plusnet and my sync speed has immediately increased to just shy of 38mb. Not sure why that would be? Either way I'm not complaining though!
DLM reset on change of provider, if the error rate continues as it did on Sky then it will drop back down again.

That's quite likely I guess. Not showing any more errors than usual though. Plus download speeds are very stable, more so than previously in fact.
Your WAN will be dynamic normally - your ISP will generally issue you with a dynamic IP (exceptions exist).

If I am assigned a static IP address does this change at all? Curious to ask as over the next few weeks I will be moving to Zen who provides static IP's as standard.

P.S My line has left interleaving and is back at fast path (only took 2 days woo!)
That's quite likely I guess. Not showing any more errors than usual though. Plus download speeds are very stable, more so than previously in fact.
Its possible Plusnet is using a better backhaul over Sky hence the increase in speed. While yes your line hasn't changed the ISP's internal equipment might be better than anothers.
Its possible Plusnet is using a better backhaul over Sky hence the increase in speed. While yes your line hasn't changed the ISP's internal equipment might be better than anothers.
Yeah sounds quite likely.

My sync has dropped slightly bit still much higher than it was, and the ping has remained consistently lower.
Its possible Plusnet is using a better backhaul over Sky hence the increase in speed. While yes your line hasn't changed the ISP's internal equipment might be better than anothers.

Backhaul won't affect the sync rate between the modem and DSLAM. It could affect throughputbut wont' affect the sync rate that the modem is getting.
Hi there - new user,

Found this forum while researching the VDSL drops my Draytek Vigor 130 has been experiencing.
My SNR was originally 6dB (default) and I have changed the delta setting to to -50.
This has improved the frequency of the drops, now only about once or twice every 24 hours.
How can I tell what the 'optimum' value is please?

Reply from bytes=32 time=53ms TTL=51
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vd st
---------------------- ATU-R Info (hw: annex A, f/w: annex A/B/C) -----------
Running Mode : 17A State : SHOWTIME
DS Actual Rate : 52008000 bps US Actual Rate : 8020000 bps
DS Attainable Rate : 62593496 bps US Attainable Rate : 8020000 bps
DS Path Mode : Fast US Path Mode : Fast
DS Interleave Depth : 1 US Interleave Depth : 1
NE Current Attenuation : 26 dB Cur SNR Margin : 6 dB
DS actual PSD : 6. 8 dB US actual PSD : 14. 5 dB
NE CRC Count : 20 FE CRC Count : 10743
NE ES Count : 4 FE ES Count : 1500
Xdsl Reset Times : 0 Xdsl Link Times : 38
ITU Version[0] : fe004452 ITU Version[1] : 41590000
VDSL Firmware Version : 05-07-09-0F-01-07 [with Vectoring support]
Power Management Mode : DSL_G997_PMS_L0
Test Mode : DISABLE
-------------------------------- ATU-C Info ---------------------------------
Far Current Attenuation : 38 dB Far SNR Margin : 6 dB
CO ITU Version[0] : b5004244 CO ITU Version[1] : 434db20b
> vdsl status more
vdsl status more
---------------------- ATU-R Info (hw: annex A, f/w: annex A/B/C) -----------
Near End Far End Note
Trellis : 1 1
Bitswap : 1 1
ReTxEnable : 1 1
VirtualNoise : 0 0
20BitSupport : 0 0
LatencyPath : 0 0
LOS : 2 0
LOF : 0 0
LPR : 0 2
LOM : 0 0
SosSuccess : 0 0
NCD : 0 0
LCD : 0 0
FECS : 0 232647 (seconds)
ES : 4 1500 (seconds)
SES : 0 463 (seconds)
LOSS : 0 0 (seconds)
UAS : 67 10564 (seconds)
HECError : 0 0
CRC : 20 10743
RsCorrection : 0 0
INP : 205 220 (symbols)
InterleaveDelay : 0 23 (1/100 ms)
NFEC : 32 32
RFEC : 16 16
LSYMB : 16 16
AELEM : 0 ----

vdsl sn
vdsl snr [delta]
delta: SNR margin delta. The SNR margin delta should range from -50 to 50.
delta=1 means 0.1dB.
Current VDSL SNR Margin is 6 dB.
Current VDSL SNR Margin delta setting is -50.

Thanks in advance,
My SNR was originally 6dB (default) and I have changed the delta setting to to -50.
This has improved the frequency of the drops, now only about once or twice every 24 hours.

1 or 2 dropouts every 24 hours is still to much. How often were drop outs before the SNR change?
Before the change they were between 6 and 8 times a day (sometimes 10 - 12). I have had the telco company out to check the line four times now. They just keep reterminating the scotch locks in the demarcation point (that are not the problem - making the cabling another inch shorter each time) then go up to the dslam and move us to a different line card.
Some of the instability has been caused by using a firmware version for the router that did not support vectoring. I have the correct firmware version now and want to nail the optimum SNR value. How do I work out which value is best? With a gazillion possible values...
Before the change they were between 6 and 8 times a day (sometimes 10 - 12). I have had the telco company out to check the line four times now. They just keep reterminating the scotch locks in the demarcation point (that are not the problem - making the cabling another inch shorter each time) then go up to the dslam and move us to a different line card.
Some of the instability has been caused by using a firmware version for the router that did not support vectoring. I have the correct firmware version now and want to nail the optimum SNR value. How do I work out which value is best? With a gazillion possible values...

The line should not be disconnecting 6-8 times a day with default SNR settings, there must be a fault somewhere.

Have you tried connecting the router directly into the VDSL connection to eliminate any wiring inside your house?

Who is your ISP?
I have spent the last couple of years trouble shooting this in minute detail. If my line does not disconnect more than eight times a day, the lines people will come out (do f'all) and charge me $180 NZD for the visit.
Now I would like to work out the best SNR for my Draytek Vigor 130. It is not that I am going about this the wrong way (trust me) it's just that I have spent an incredible amount of time and energy on this to date (digging trenches, replacing copper in the ground with new CAT6 in conduit, re-terminating scotch locks that were fine to begin with, replacing wall outlet data mechs, replacing inline ADSL filters, substitute router, different router firmware versions, putting my router out at the demarc blah blah blah). From here I guess that the only thing to do is change my VDSL delta value by increments of 5 every 48 hours and try to work out (somehow) which value is best. After a few weeks I should have an idea. I will let you all know how I get on as it may assist someone else either now or in the future. Thanks
If your line is disconnecting there seems to be a fault or your sync speed is too high for the line to cope with. Do you have DLM in NZ?
I'm quite surprised that adjusting the SNR lower has improved the stability, surely it should have the opposite affect? What happens when it's set to +50 on the SNR?
I'm currently with Sky and in the process of getting rid of the Q Hub. I've ordered a Vigor 130 and a UniFi Dream Machine.

When Sky increased my download speed last year it dropped the upload. When i mentioned this to them they told me it was impossible unless it was caused by them fixing an unknown fault on the line.

What sort of speeds should my line support?

These are my line stats:

Connection Speed (Kbps) 39994
Line Attenuation (dB) DS1:14.5 DS2:29.2 DS3:45.2
Noise Margin (dB) DS1:8.1 DS2:8.1 DS3:8.4


Connection Speed (Kbps) 16375
Line Attenuation (dB) US0:0.9 US1:23.7 US2:34.1
Noise Margin (dB) US0:6.6 US1:7.1 US2:6.6
What I would like to do is reset the SNR delta value back to default and get the provider to run DLM on the line. What is the default for this value please?

I can see that this is quite high:
Far Current Attenuation : 38 dB

These matching seems about right (I guess):
Cur SNR Margin : 5 dB
Far SNR Margin : 5 dB

Not sure where my delta setting should be:
Current VDSL SNR Margin is 5 dB.
Current VDSL SNR Margin delta setting is -50.

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