Draytek Vigor 130 and FTTC SNR setting increased sync

Hi guys,

Just tweaked mine...

 ---------------------- ATU-R Info (hw: annex A, f/w: annex A/B/C) -----------
   Running Mode            :      17A       State                : SHOWTIME
   DS Actual Rate          : 73448000 bps   US Actual Rate       : 14937000 bps
   DS Attainable Rate      : 73471352 bps   US Attainable Rate   : 14955171 bps
   DS Path Mode            :        Fast    US Path Mode         :        Fast
   DS Interleave Depth     :        1       US Interleave Depth  :        1
   NE Current Attenuation  :       18 dB    Cur SNR Margin       :        2  dB
   DS actual PSD           :     6. 9 dB    US actual PSD        :     6. 8  dB
   NE CRC Count            :       34       FE CRC Count         :    68235
   NE ES Count             :       30       FE  ES Count         :    31335
   Xdsl Reset Times        :        0       Xdsl Link  Times     :        4
   ITU Version[0]          : 00000000       ITU Version[1]       : 00000000
   VDSL Firmware Version   : 07-07-0B-05-00-06
   Power Management Mode   : DSL_G997_PMS_L0
   Test Mode               : DISABLE
  -------------------------------- ATU-C Info ---------------------------------
   Far Current Attenuation :       24 dB    Far SNR Margin       :        6  dB
   CO ITU Version[0]       : b5004946       CO ITU Version[1]    : 544eb206

Not sure why the ITU info is 'blank'?

Also feel that web pages loading are a bit more clunky like
Hi all, ex-sky customer now with CiX.

I'm not going to be changing my snr delta on my 130 just yet since i'm having issues but thought i'd at least post my stats currently and then update later when i have a stable line.

> v s
  ---------------------- ATU-R Info (hw: annex A, f/w: annex A/B/C) -----------
   Running Mode            :      17A       State                : SHOWTIME
   DS Actual Rate          : 79997000 bps   US Actual Rate       : 19999000 bps
   DS Attainable Rate      : 69676176 bps   US Attainable Rate   : 27179000 bps
   DS Path Mode            :        Fast    US Path Mode         :        Fast
   DS Interleave Depth     :        1       US Interleave Depth  :        1
   NE Current Attenuation  :       11 dB    Cur SNR Margin       :        4  dB
   DS actual PSD           :     0. 2 dB    US actual PSD        :    13. 7  dB
   NE CRC Count            :        0       FE CRC Count         :    30793
   NE ES Count             :        0       FE  ES Count         :    22497
   Xdsl Reset Times        :        0       Xdsl Link  Times     :        1
   ITU Version[0]          : b5004946       ITU Version[1]       : 544e0000
   VDSL Firmware Version   : 05-07-06-0D-01-07   [with Vectoring support]
   Power Management Mode   : DSL_G997_PMS_L0
   Test Mode               : DISABLE
  -------------------------------- ATU-C Info ---------------------------------
   Far Current Attenuation :       12 dB    Far SNR Margin       :       14  dB
   CO ITU Version[0]       : b5004244       CO ITU Version[1]    : 434da48c
> v snr
vdsl snr [delta]
  delta: SNR margin delta. The SNR margin delta should range from -50 to 50.
  delta=1 means 0.1dB.
  Current VDSL SNR Margin is 4 dB.
  Current VDSL SNR Margin delta setting is 0.
> v s more
  ---------------------- ATU-R Info (hw: annex A, f/w: annex A/B/C) -----------
                  Near End        Far End    Note
 Trellis      :      1               1
 Bitswap      :      1               1
 ReTxEnable   :      0               1
 VirtualNoise :      0               0
 20BitSupport :      0               0
 LatencyPath  :      0               0
 LOS          :      0               0
 LOF          :      0               0
 LPR          :      0               0
 LOM          :      0               0
 SosSuccess   :      0               0
 NCD          :      0               0
 LCD          :      0               0
 FECS         :      0            409561 (seconds)
 ES           :      0            22497 (seconds)
 SES          :      0              24 (seconds)
 LOSS         :      0               2 (seconds)
 UAS          :     27            6099 (seconds)
 HECError     :      0               0
 CRC          :      0            30793
 RsCorrection :      0               0
 INP          :      0             220 (symbols)
 InterleaveDelay :      0              16 (1/100 ms)
 NFEC         :    254              32
 RFEC         :     16              16
 LSYMB        :   5374              16
 INTLVBLOCK   :    127              32
 AELEM        :      0            ----
used this the other day on my line
was something like 105 attainable in 2013 has slowly been going down
then stabilized at 89 ish attainable then a few weeks ago they turned on the g.fast cab
dropped my attainable to something like 79980000
rebooted the other day and got my first ever non 79995000
was something like 79987000 used -5 to take my attainable to 81572072
back to 79995000 shouldnt bother really as im having g.fast installed in 2 weeks
Just had to knock mine down to -20, was getting a lot of ping spikes due to errors and was making the internet feel laggy all the time. Taken my download sync from 35mb to 31.5mb. Faster isn't always better :p
I've got one of these coming this week to go with plusnet fibre. What firmware would you guys recommend? I'm running pfsense and see a BT and an alternative one.

I just made this tweak to my vigor 130 lifting the sync speed from 42Mb/s to just about 52, picking up a not to shabby 10Mb/s
Dunno what the error rate is like at the moment as i am running the vigor in modem mode off a pfsense VM so i cant actually reach it via the lan at the moment for stats but i will switch out the cables and check it in a few days.

So far though, yep looking good.
It was so long ago since I did mine and I use a USG now, but I don't remember it being too difficult to do. Perhaps things have changed.
I tried a few times and couldnt get it to work either, its totally different in bridge mode as opposed to the old fashioned way of giving a unit a gateway address.
There is prob a way but i dont care enough the now to do it, can just connect the pc to the wan port directly and hit the ip i gave it from there.
When you set pfSense up to dial a PPPoE connection it removes the interface from the port, but you can add it back and give it an address without causing issues for the PPPoE dialer.
Yep been through that, assigned a Wan subnet to the network port on the back of the server for the modem interface - ip addresses/gateway ect..

Pfsense also seems to think the modem has an non routable IP on 169.x.x.x which it tries to poll as a gateway which it cannot reach, the ipaddress of the vigor is not this 169 address (tried it on the local lan, a wan address, a random 192.168.100.x address...) nope
Tried adding firewall rules... nope although the built in wan to any net catch all rule prob should have done it.
On an ECI cabinet and I've got a Draytek Vigor 130 so decided to try this, dropped SNR from 6 to 3 and my download rate has went from 60Mbps to 70Mbps :D

How are people monitoring this to check for errors and instability etc?
On an ECI cabinet and I've got a Draytek Vigor 130 so decided to try this, dropped SNR from 6 to 3 and my download rate has went from 60Mbps to 70Mbps :D
How are people monitoring this to check for errors and instability etc?

Interesting as the ECI cabinets aren't supposed to be able to drop that low.
Interesting as the ECI cabinets aren't supposed to be able to drop that low.

I thought they wouldn't by default, not that they couldn't :confused:

I could be reading the stats wrong. I did the tweak via an old laptop and took screenshots, I'll transfer them to usb so I can upload them here.
On an ECI cabinet and I've got a Draytek Vigor 130 so decided to try this, dropped SNR from 6 to 3 and my download rate has went from 60Mbps to 70Mbps :D

How are people monitoring this to check for errors and instability etc?
Use the command vdsl status or vdsl status counts. Should show the stats then, keep an eye on the Errored Seconds.
On an ECI cabinet and I've got a Draytek Vigor 130 so decided to try this, dropped SNR from 6 to 3 and my download rate has went from 60Mbps to 70Mbps :D

How are people monitoring this to check for errors and instability etc?

I'm on an ECI cab, hows your connection holding up with the SNR at 3?
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I'm on an ECI cab, hows your connection holding up with the SNR at 3?

Only did the tweak yesterday afternoon so too early to tell, ran multiple speed tests and it's still 71Mbps down. Watched Netflix last night with no issues. Need to log back in to the modem and check for errors but so far no issues (fingers crossed).
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