Dremel Dream Machine!

Thanks mast3r, I'll be using clear blue tubing as soon as I get sorted

My main issue now is the 8-pin ATX cable is too short to go round the back of the MB tray, gotta buy another sleeved extension, this should be ready next week but it's another delay.

so, tonight after the gym : (Getting into geek-trim)

check on the paint job.
check the GPU's for connections and possibly fit them
Start looking at loop / pump order

I'm worried that the pumps are sat on top of the DVDROM now, they get quite warm and don't want to shorten their life OR kill the DVD.

there's no space for a fan or even a heatsink .. Hmmmm problems problems

Also concerned about the SLI connectors on the GPUs .. seem a little bit fiddly, only a couple of O-rings between me and £1000 leaky disaster... meh .. who cares ! :D

The Fan controller should be fun as well, I know it fits flush with the new fill ports (tested last night) but SO so so so many cables and also the temp sensors..
to be honest .. it's Bling only, I'm not dropping the fan speeds as there is no point
and the system has enough temp sensors apart from Ambient so .. it is pretty redundant.

I like it tho :p

The RAM is hacking me off too, I need to find somewhere that will strip the heatsinks bare and re-anodise them, Red is so not "in" .. I need Blue. or Silver
Hell I'd settle for white.

The Fans are awesome... I have no intention to paint the GT's .. it'd throw them off balance anyway.

any other thoughts on things to add in ?

brilliant, it sounds like you would get on well with me and Nath:p

Glad I'm in good company ... a shoulder to cry on over spilled mil*... De-ionised water .. is always appreciated

My mate came round yesterday with his PC to have a look at, he's just bought Starcraft II and his machine started to complain at the punishment, so I opened 'er up ..

10 minutes later after evicting the dust bunnies we found the source of his woes

dual core Pentium 1.2 Ghz
Raden X1200 ( not even listed on AMD Driver web btw)
1GB Ram
300W PSU

I made him cry by putting his whole box INSIDE my 800D and still being able to see my M/B behind it :p

Then I stopped showing off and found an old Foxconn M/B with a phenom 2 9950 I forgot I had, slapped in 4gb ram
the On Board GPU was an X1200 as well .. how weird is that !!

fired it up with Windows 7 ... and despite being a HDD from an age old build win 7 just picked up the drivers right away and worked like a charm .. I was so shocked.

I haven't seen my mate since .. apparently SC2 is mildly addictive ?? I might find out soon :p if I ever finish this
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haha great build and tech, your personality is funneh

The funneh comes from being a mentalist !

so, quick update, I'm being dragged kicking and screaming to the post office to return £3million worth of QVC ****e the missus bought while I was modding and she had my credit card !!

and then to B&Q to get more paint for the house .. I do get to browse the DREMEL isle .. woot !

anyway, I managed to grab a can of spray paint first :

simple little thing but the crossfire bridge was annoying me


masked them up .. trying to do a proper job :p


and let loose the can-o-black !


and off we go for a road trip .. see ya later, if I survive :D

just going to start installing components and tilted the case

about 5cm of water still in the pipework all over the M/B ...

no pics, I panicked and grabbed the paper towel not the camera lol

gotta make sure this is dry now before I do any more damage
good point, will do....

on a good note, when ripping apart your rig in a blind panic, you do get the opportunity to spot how SUCKY your TIM application was on the CPU..

again no pics but it looked like a bear took a dump on the HS and then his family did the same on the same spot !
Waiting for 'OMFG my board is dead!!!111' post...

You will never hear that from my lips Sir,

you may hear a whimper and "oh crap I better find me wallet" I've already noted that any damage done in this project is expected and indeed deserved for being in-experienced and my "Do it before you think it's a bad idea" methodology.. please take your cynicism elsewhere :)
going round me mates while this dries

win 7 upgrade he bought for that machine is causing him grief ..

he owes me a beer anyway :p


I Just had an idea

I could keep cutting the case on the bottom under the PSU .. where i have put that crap hole for the cable ... I can take the whole lot off and end mount the PSU on the bottom so that the heat exhausts out the case ... Hmmm .. wait till the 90 degree cable turns up .. just in case it don't fit
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In every build, sacrifices must be made

Meet Mr ADVENT .


Mr. Advent was a happy little PC World purchase from a couple of years back
I bought him as a bargain while I worked there and slowly raided his vital organs to build the monstrosity that was the Antec case in the first post here.

Mr. Advent's carcass has been cluttering up my garage for months and has now made the final sacrifice to aid and abet me in this endeavor.


OH, nearly forgot, the CF bridges turned out not bad



I decided to do a cover up of my previous case hack before some one gives me more grief for my not straight, not filed and not pretty cable hole


Also this will allow my PSU to breathe the clean cool air

so we have happily butchered Mr. Advent and kept the best bits


now to bend him into shape and make him pretty again


I have censored the Hammer blows, it's too brutal for younger viewers, well and i can't hold the grips the wood and the hammer and the camera !! I need a stunt double !



now does it fit ?


OMG .. take that ! you damn thinking and planning type people !

let's hear it for the do and be damned with it types

splash on some paint...


bake for a few hours and come back later

time for peppered steak and chips for me tea.. laters
Thanks for the comments guys .. really keeps me going on this now.

I've had a creative mental block

Last night I managed to get the bottom tray out of the case and start shifting the PSU into different positions, but it's hopeless .. the place and orientation it is already in suits it the best, so...

I'll wait for the cable to turn up this week and measure it so that the PSU is as low in the case as possible and then use the bracket I created above to cover the massive hole I am about to DREMEL into it.

for those who doubt my dremel addiction
the kill list so far :

DVD Drive bays sliders x 4
lower case tray
lowest drive bay removed
mid drive bay removed and butchered (decided to mount HDD with velcro)
hole in bottom case (not my finest moment)
140 + screws bolts, rivets and other fittings
Mr. Advent in several uncomfortable places
and I've even used the polishing tool to "File" some rough edges

Admittedly I haven't been the most creative with the dremel, I have only had one since starting this... and I'm not even slightly artistic, or experienced :p

I am loving the constructive criticism guys keep it coming, without it I'd have just thrown it all in the box and shut the lid :p

time to do some more cutting before this damn rain comes in, or the missus gets me to do laundry or something ! :D
Thanks guys :)

okay at work so will have to make it brief before the boss spots me ..

PSU 90 degree cable arrived, I got some SERIOUS weird looks as I got over- excited at a cable !!

the good news is the connector to PSU is tiny so I can drop the PSU to the bottom of the case :)

will test tonight and then get cutting again

I hear a-whispering in my ear !! .. strangely silent on the other shoulder... wonder where the little angel went ... why is my shoulder covered in feathers and red dye ?
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