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Driver Has Stopped Responding - Nvidia Driver Crashes

If it was a bios issue why when I roll back to the drivers I had when I originally bought the card (msi 970) does it work fine and the newer ones it crashes?
Had my first bluescreen using the new game ready driver for Arkham Knight, error DPC Watchdog Violation which is a new one to me.

No issues with the previous 350.12, stable in everything, I just can't play Batman with them which is annoying.
If it was a bios issue why when I roll back to the drivers I had when I originally bought the card (msi 970) does it work fine and the newer ones it crashes?

That's the $64k question between Nvidia and its AIBs... lol
Again, all guess work at this stage, as we have no guidance or visibility from Nvidia other than either denial, blaming the user error or complete silence :(
Had my first bluescreen using the new game ready driver for Arkham Knight, error DPC Watchdog Violation which is a new one to me.

No issues with the previous 350.12, stable in everything, I just can't play Batman with them which is annoying.

Had that with the last hotfix and the previous 353.06 with GTAV every now and then just as you launch the game and exit the splashscreen. No overclock on the GPU.
Only just tried out the latest driver with Arkham Knight and played alright (apart from the subpar performance), and as soon as I got out to the desktop and moved the mouse.........driver stopped responding.
Well done Nvidia, last 4 driver releases including the hotfix have been absolute garbage for me personally - they really are on a roll the last couple months :rolleyes:

350.12 was absolute rock solid, but no use for the Witcher 3 (which I've effectively had to stop playing until the driver situation is resolved, as even importing SLI profile via Inspector wasn't doing it for me), but I think it's time to just revert to it and at least have a full functional setup.
well it seems these new 353.3 driver are just as bad. had a few instances where i would get no message just my monitor would flash like the signal had gone for a second. i have seen the driver has stopped responding message now and will be reverting back to 350.12

could it really be this difficult for them to fix?
Had my first bluescreen using the new game ready driver for Arkham Knight, error DPC Watchdog Violation which is a new one to me.

No issues with the previous 350.12, stable in everything, I just can't play Batman with them which is annoying.

Hmm in my experience Watchdog violation is usually something to do with an overclock.

It can be but if the code is 133 it's normally because the driver in question has not responded within a certain number of requests. In this case the NVIDIA driver. If he saw a black screen for long enough prior to the BSOD.

I've yet to experience any crashing on the Arkham Knight driver, plan to rinse that game tonight so will update if any issues
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Not strictly true at all (if at all). A lot of happy Maxwell owners without issues myself included. Neither me or Whyscotty and a few others have had grief with these builds. So it's specific to configurations not specficallly Maxwell cards

Its a strange one - aside from my own setups family and friends also have various nVidia setups who aren't experiencing crashing either.
My brother bought my HTPC off me which is an i5 ITX box with 980GTX, he's not having any issues playing Arkham Knight or anywhere else, Chrome included. His system is completely stock, and mine isn't. In fact that's the irony as my 5960x box is heavily overclocked CPU / memory side and I have no problems lol
:D ok then there's more anger in peoples posts?

*Shrug* Leave me alone :(


lol no I'm not refuting there aren't problems dude as there clearly are! But if users are soak testing these drivers and not having issues where others are then you can at least a little appreciate that replicating these problems isn't as easy as some people care to admit to themselves. They are just angry that it isn't working for them!

Even in my case I've had to do certain things in order to improve stability in certain games, like set PhysX to CPU, take out GFE from the equation etc.

But it took all of 5 minutes and I'm able to use my machine. All we seem to be hearing is people saying "It's crashing every 5 minutes, fix your **** NVIDIA!"

Which is a fair comment - but, take some initiative lol. If my rig was crashing that consistently I'd be looking to remedy it. Then you've got the probable large percentage of people who are piping in with issues that are totally unrelated who are crashing.
But it took all of 5 minutes and I'm able to use my machine. All we seem to be hearing is people saying "It's crashing every 5 minutes, fix your **** NVIDIA!"

True, look at my fixes, they've worked perfectly for me, as such I get 70fps (locked) and it never drops in The Witcher 3. But I'll be damned if I go back to the 353.x any time soon
I agree with what some people are saying here, but please get real, people don't get angry if they haven't tried to fix the issues, and keep ranting. Most likely, these people have tried all the basic to advanced to bizarre fixes before posting about it.
Also, not everyone having issues is probably posting about it, and you can imagine that number is a lot higher. I have been using Nvidia cards for years, benchmarking and troubleshooting all kinds of associated problems, in the name of hobby... Lol
This is the first time I have encountered so many driver issues with Nvidia's drivers.

It really gets under my skin when kids get on the forums (not this forum..lol) and start posting nonsense such as their system is fine, so either other people are doing something wrong or the classic "they must have their system overclocked " dumb and dumber comes to mind when reading these type posts (I just put em on the block list, and move on.. Lol) If these kids are not having problems, than stay the heck away from the complaint thread and go enjoy your pc. The rest of us are not wasting out time posting about the problems because we have nothing else to do.
I have a very hard time believing that Nvidia can not replicate this error. They know very well this has to do with p0 state power management and the messing around they are doing with their "software controls", boost drivers and multiple sku management through software... . Lol
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I agree with what some people are saying here, but please get real, people don't get angry if they haven't tried to fix the issues, and keep ranting. Most likely, these people have tried all the basic to advanced to bizarre fixes before posting about it.
Also, not everyone having issues is probably posting about it, and you can imagine that number is a lot higher. I have been using Nvidia cards for years, benchmarking and troubleshooting all kinds of associated problems, in the name of hobby... Lol
This is the first time I have encountered so many driver issues with Nvidia's drivers.

It really gets under my skin when kids get on the forums (not this forum..lol) and start posting nonsense such as their system is fine, so either other people are doing something wrong or the classic "they must have their system overclocked " dumb and dumber comes to mind when reading these type posts (I just put em on the block list, and move on.. Lol) If these kids are not having problems, than stay the heck away from the complaint thread and go enjoy your pc. The rest of us are not wasting out time posting about the problems because we have nothing else to do.
I have a very hard time believing that Nvidia can not replicate this error. They know very well this has to do with p0 state power management and the messing around they are doing with their "software controls", boost drivers and multiple sku management through software... . Lol

What he said. Good post :)
I agree with what some people are saying here, but please get real, people don't get angry if they haven't tried to fix the issues, and keep ranting. Most likely, these people have tried all the basic to advanced to bizarre fixes before posting about it.
Also, not everyone having issues is probably posting about it, and you can imagine that number is a lot higher. I have been using Nvidia cards for years, benchmarking and troubleshooting all kinds of associated problems, in the name of hobby... Lol
This is the first time I have encountered so many driver issues with Nvidia's drivers.

It really gets under my skin when kids get on the forums (not this forum..lol) and start posting nonsense such as their system is fine, so either other people are doing something wrong or the classic "they must have their system overclocked " dumb and dumber comes to mind when reading these type posts (I just put em on the block list, and move on.. Lol) If these kids are not having problems, than stay the heck away from the complaint thread and go enjoy your pc. The rest of us are not wasting out time posting about the problems because we have nothing else to do.
I have a very hard time believing that Nvidia can not replicate this error. They know very well this has to do with p0 state power management and the messing around they are doing with their "software controls", boost drivers and multiple sku management through software... . Lol

When you talk to the general masses on a daily basis - people generally don't tend to do what you suggest or ignore advice given. That principle is no different here. There are numerous reasons why a TDR event can occur, and more often than you'd think the prime reason is system instability, memory or otherwise (that includes system memory and cache). Positive feedback is just as beneficial as negative if addressed in an informative way. Otherwise one can only assume everyone is experiencing these issues. NVIDIA told me several weeks ago they were struggling to replicate these problems on their test beds, so unless they were lying it's not as wide spread as complaints may possibly lead you to believe. I can concur with them on that as I haven't experienced load balancing issues either. Replicating faults with web based application can be cantankerous enough, can you imagine what it is like trying to find reasoning in something as complex as a display driver? A lot of web based application - some developers will roll out fixes and see how and if the problem persists, the only problem with doing it this way in something like a GPU driver is you've got an audience of whinny kids instead of for instance NHS employees or similar. Truth hurts sometimes!
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