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Driver Has Stopped Responding - Nvidia Driver Crashes

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk

Yeah looks like it, guess they changed some refresh P-state polling rate inside r352/r353 branch and its not so compatible

Or something with nvapi in general if some get it no matter what, like back with r280.xx - 290.xx drivers and GF104/114 TDR (web browsing, flash) after specific time period, while some GF110 chips glitched by 3d switching and stayed longer in 3d P-state..

275.xx or lower was fine and nvidia later said they tweaked P-state polling rate for gpu voltage/frequency to react faster or something in those lines and its going to continue with this new approach 280.xx+.

Zero driver timeouts with Opera after stopping Afterburner. Something in the recent drivers doesn't like being polled I guess.
8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
My brother has just updated to the latest drivers and he is using a 660TI, his firefox keeps crashing out with a driver has stopped responding.

What a joke these drivers are
8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
Gregster also had issues after installing AB. Seems it's probably the route of a lot of the crashing for people. Such a small fix for a hugely widespread problem.

Unwinder wont like the sound of that ;)

Nobody besides NV should look into driver related issues. Neither me in AB, nor w1zzard in GPU-Z, ASUS in GPU tweak, Gigabyte in OC Guru or EVGA in Precision (and each of tools is reported to be affected) use anything but NVIDIA's own official NVAPI to display graphics card state in realtime. And NVAPI is build special to provide graphics card state reporting to vendor specific software.

The only thing you achieve by increasing polling rate in AB and similar tools from 1000ms to 6000ms is reducing the amount of access to NVIDIA driver via NVAPI with 6x factor. The amount of NVAPI calls during 10 minutes of testing with 1000ms polling period is equal to 1 hour of testing with 6000ms polling. If there is a problem randomly occurring in driver once per let's say 10000 NVAPI calls and you needed roughly 3 hours to reproduce it with 1000ms polling rate, then you'll need roughly 18 hours with 6000ms period to have comparable chances to reproduce it. It is not a fix by any means, it is a placebo that makes the problem harder to reproduce. If those who follow the guide of "fixing" it via altering polling rate don't get it - that's not my problem.

Talking of Unwinder.....
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8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
Sounds like he's getting a bit defensive. Nobody is asking him to fix it. There is obviously something in the recent build that is interfering with the polling when at it's default. I was a little surprised when they hadn't thought to install the utilities on their test beds.

Unless people are actually on his back I would have just kept quiet and recommended people inform NVIDIA of the problem. Instead, he makes MSI look bad by being in any kind of working relationship with them, because he's socially backward.

Very true, but this has been going on for YEARS, there hasn't been a single time he's turned around and said hey, thanks for informing me, I will look into it (Whatever issue). The user is always met with such anger and hatred that most people are now too afraid to say anything due to his Moderator status.

Instead of barking that it's not his problem, it IS infact his problem as whatever is going on is very much related to Nvidia and polling rates such as with MSI Afterburner.

Yes others have had crashes without MSI but that might not be related
8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
Unwinder is getting salty "And that thread in OCUK is perfect example why I was unhappy, that's what is happening when data is being interpreted by not to knowledgeable users."

That was in direct response to Silent Scone

I've gone back to 347.88 and all problems are gone. Ergo, the latest nvidia drivers are the problem, 100%. Simple as that.

Oh for f....

WE KNOW the drivers are the problem, but MANY users are still getting great results using the polling rate fix in MSI Afterburner and OTHER related software, sure it didn't fix your issue, but it fixed mine and not just mine.
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8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
I don't think anyone is refuting there aren't issues with these latest builds. It's obvious something in the driver has been altered. It could even be a case of Afterburner is the saviour in this instance and is creating a beneficial misread. Or at default, interrupting a new polling process within the driver.

Now that's interesting! :cool:
8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
The only reason MSI Afterburner was mentioned was the fact that a vast majority of people use it, and the vast majority were having crashes until they did the polling rate fix of 6000+. However other OSD's monitoring software also have polling rate settings, so it isn't specific to MSI.

Other tweaks have mentioned as well such as changing to a different driver, or the latest fix which someone else mentioned, setting PhysX to auto or CPU.

Still think it's coming down to a polling problem in the driver aka NVAPI

But in relation to Unwinder, his attitude frankly stinks, the way he talks to people, the people who love his software and need his help is not on
8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
He obviously doesn't care what people think. He quoted me out specifically on the basis I mentioned Greg noticing problems with AB open, probably because of a poor choice of words. I replied to him on Guru

You're brave :eek:

It never stops to amaze me how people change their words when talking behind someone’s back and face to face. Don’t you even assume that I could read whole thread @ OCUK and see your thoughts posted there? What’s a point in coming here and talking to neurotic, who don’t care what his users think and simply don’t know what is going on inside his software? Especially, if you’re even not using MSI Afterburner. Please try to entertain OCUK forum readers in some different way, cross-forum trolling is not the best idea. ;)

I did warn you :p
8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
No harm trying to troubleshoot it in the meantime... so far these drivers are running without problems for me so interested as to what the root of the issue is and/or to avoid running into it.

For many users not SOME, they either crash every 15mins or twice a week. It's so sporadic you might get one in the next month. The fact that this issue has spread to multiple forums and has ONLY occurred since the last two driver releases is saying something.

It isn't related to overclocking or the GPU model that much is certain
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