I'm pleased you actually see this topic discussed on here. I think everyone would feel a hell of a lot better if this could be discussed in the mainstream media too. But I guess this would be devastating for commercial televisions funding.
I think if you try and describe this situation to a lot of people then they think you need help or anti-depressants. The reality is that you come to this conclusion generally through clear and intelligent thinking. Self help and anti-depressants are just coping techniques like buying stuff or distracting yourself with box sets.
To those who say oh cheer up you could be living a lot worse life in the third world. I am absolutely thankful for the western society I live in but this is missing the overall point in that regardless of third or first world your life is pointless. No circumstances are big enough to mask this fact, the only comfort is that we all share this dilemma...sadly nobody talks about it though.
Nobody talks about it because what's the point? If we are all here to die and everything we do is pointless then why even discuss it?