Oh what, everyone that posted my life is bad ******** should be ashamed of themselves. Whiny bitches every single one of you,......life is precious, you only get one so make it count. Enjoy the little things, appreciate how privileged you are driving to work in a car from your house with water and heating and a fridge to your job before returning to use your home PC and internet connection. There are many folk less fortunate so try your best to meaningful life.
Feel free to hit yourself with your keyboard repeatedly for a good 5 minutes before turning over a new leaf and living like responsible men.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Being all hypocritical and moaning about other people moaning.
Life isn't precious, life is cheap, little miracles are happening everywhere. Zombie humans are shagging and spitting out little sprogs all over the globe without a second thought about what programming is driving this (or whom may have sold them the blueprint for the 'nuclear family' ideal etc.)
Your life is supposed to be amazing so show gratitude for 'little things', like mass produced consumer electronic goods and water you have to pay for despite extreme flooding. Don't you think it's a little vacuous and shallow to draw meaning from material commodities? Is this all that's important to you? Is this a reason for 'life' to you?
What a despicable thing to do, to compare yourself to less fortunate people and draw thankfulness from it. 'I'm alright Jack'. 'My life is okay, I'm not dying of starvation loolll.'
"Living a meaningful life / acting like responsible men?"
You do know women have posted in this thread right? There you go propagating this idea that 'men must be men and do men things like never moan because moaning is whiny and not very men like'. Since when does 'acting like responsible men' equate to 'never questioning the meaning of your own existence'?
What is 'living a meaningful life' and what does it mean? Another catchphrase spat out and parroted by the masses with little thought behind it. We're all meaning making machines, meaning is held conceptually in our minds like colour and bears no resemblance to objective physical reality. It might influence your actions but to what end?