DS or PSP, help me choose! :)

31 Oct 2004
Im going on holiday in july to florida for 2 weeks and i figure im going to need something to amuse me during the 13 hour flight and during the 2 weeks. im stuck between the psp and the DS.

ive got an ipod video so if i want to watch movies or listen to music, ill just use that, i guess im pretty much looking for a pure gaming machine.

i like fun little addictive puzzle games, just so that i dont get bored too easily, and also some good old retro ones like sonic.

it has to have a good battery life, as it will probably be in constant use during the flight.

what would your recommendation be?
my PSP has been brilliant, lasts about 7 hours playing games (might want a spare battery) but i find it far more entertaining than my DS (battery lasts about 9 hours).
Because of GTA/SSX/Lumines/Burnout i have almost missed my bus stop quite a few times :D
As for video on the Ipod, the 4.3inch widescreen on the psp is so much better for it so you may want to buy a few UMDs or a memory card.
DS, better batery life (dont know how Raikiri get any where near 7, i only get 4 hours play)

Half the Price

Better pick up and play games

Mario 64 DS
Sonic Rush
Mario Kart DS
Advance wars
Tony hawks


Edit: since you already have the ability to play music and videos back, it makes have the psp features usless, and UMD are just a con
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marcus25 said:
i also played a demo of warioware touch when it came out, and i thought it was great!, i played the PSP but i just didnt seem to get into it well

i think you just answered your own question there
DS has better games atm. There is no denying that.

Its just down to wow factor. Unless you get a 1.5 PSP.
DS & SuperCard with passme2 - all the fun in the world.

PSP looks nice, game look far better but after owning 2 (not anymore) i still have my DS because i find the games are more fun to play with the touchscreen.
marcus25 said:
Im going on holiday in july to florida for 2 weeks and i figure im going to need something to amuse me during the 13 hour flight and during the 2 weeks. im stuck between the psp and the DS.

ive got an ipod video so if i want to watch movies or listen to music, ill just use that, i guess im pretty much looking for a pure gaming machine.

i like fun little addictive puzzle games, just so that i dont get bored too easily, and also some good old retro ones like sonic.

it has to have a good battery life, as it will probably be in constant use during the flight.

what would your recommendation be?

You are basically answering your own question here :p

Also, a DS plus 3 or so games for the price of a PSP should keep you more than amused during those 2 weeks, and maybe the foreseeable future. In fact, if you're going with someone, BUY TWO and have fun with wifi-multiplayer :D

While you're over there in sunny Floria, be sure to pick up a few imports not released here yet!
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why dont you just go and enjoy florida :p

but id go for the ds if you want to get something, its got more original games so you'll be getting something different rather just ps2 spinoffs
marcus25 said:
i like fun little addictive puzzle games, just so that i dont get bored too easily, and also some good old retro ones like sonic.

it has to have a good battery life, as it will probably be in constant use during the flight.

what would your recommendation be?

1- Obvious, that'll be the DS then.

2- DS 12-14 hours compared to the 4-5 of the PSP

3- From what you say you want it's obviously the DS.
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Another vote for the DS :)

Mario Kart DS alone will keep you occupied for a good while on the flight.. Just remember to turn the WiFi feature off ;)
I have both and as your video requirements are taken care of I'd definitely say the DS. PSP is a great all round entertainment device, but the DS is a better games machine (at the moment anyway). Much better battery life, a better catalogue of games and much more robust.
The DS was skeptical at first but its turnred out to a little grey brick of fun..
Meanwhile my 3 mates who bought psp's after the first few months the wow factor wore off and they have now been relegated barely used movie players..
Another one here for the DS, I love it, its my first Nintendo games machine since the origional gamboy, you wont be dissapointed and Mario Cart is genius, the PSP to me seems overpriced. I think I am a Nintendo convert after getting my DS, I am now looking for a cheap GameCube to play more Nintendo!
The DS is my choice but it depends on what sort of games you like to play, as said above there are so many "fun" games out at the moment and the "wireless" and more importantly the "download play" are key features that really improve the games.
I suppose these sorts of threads will always get biased opinions as no one will really post ‘I own X but would recommend Y’, unless they actually own both.

After playing on both machines I opted for the PSP mainly for the type of games it offered, also that it could be used a media player for videos at times. Take a look at this thread where I posted a load of reasons for the PSP.

As commented above and in the thread I linked to the battery life and game load times can be improved hugely on the PSP but that can’t be discussed here.

If you do opt for a PSP I’d recommend the following for a long flight

Lumines (Great Puzzle game)
Burnout Legends (Easy to get into racing/crashing game with loads to do)
Hotshots Golf (Has to be on the most addictive pick up and play games I’ve played in ages)
Sorry to hijack the thread but can anyone tell me if there will be downloadable content in the future for the DS. ie extra cousres for Mario Kart etc.
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