DSR ceased to exist when the new Consumer Contracts Regulations came in place on the 13th of June.
They basically extended the original 7day period to 14days, they also amened our right to, not refund the whole amount that was originally paid for the item, this is to take into the account of fair usage that would be expected when purchasing an item from a shop.
For example, if you bought a laptop from Argos or somewhere like that you wouldn't expect to open all the accessories, power it up, register it and play a few games then take it back to them and expect a refund. I know in some circumstances that may have occurred but it would be an exception not the rule.
Online purchases are a little different as it is selling from a distance, however if the item is used, more than an inspection that would be carried out in a retail store, we are allowed to make deductions in the refund amount to take into consideration the losses that will occur by having to re-stock a used item and possibly sold at a loss.
We always aim to be fair at OcUK and we take each case on the merits of that particular case, we don't simply apply a blanket reduction on everything that is returned in this way. All we state is that as a company we may reduce the refund amount by upto 25%, which totally depends on what the item is and what condition it comes back to us in.
I hope that may clear things up a little for everyone.