I would have liked exposition to show me how spice actually feeds into the navigation etc for ships, I dont want hand holding of course in films, but I want the resource that is pivotal to everyone be shown in how special and unique to the planet it is. I cant help but think this would have been better as like a 6 part HBO special or something for the story, I don't see this getting a sequel. Honestly since Dune was written we have had far better Sc-Fi written since.Indeed it felt too stripped down on what I think is so important. It would have taken 1 Min to have a decent guild scene. A pair of guildsman. Tbh not having much imperial stuff except saadukar was sorely missed by me
Does anyone else feel its all a bit naff really? I must be missing something, but the whole "Spice" thing seems very emtpy, I don't think I sen one use for it in the film or the original, talking about uses for navigating ships..well, how, shows how important the stuff is. This nearly in some places is scene for scene the same as the original.
This is from memory from reading the books 25 years ago, but spice allows “navigators” to plot the safe course through worm(?) space or how ever it’s termed in the books. Advanced computers had been banned due to a robot war or something a long those lines so it was all done manually and spice expanded the human mind (literally - it caused them to mutate into bloated messes) to allow them to do this.
I would have liked exposition to show me how spice actually feeds into the navigation etc for ships, I dont want hand holding of course in films, but I want the resource that is pivotal to everyone be shown in how special and unique to the planet it is.
I don't think there will be anything past children of dune.
I don't see future books translating to the screen well.
Got my ticket for tomorrow - Not looking too good for box-office numbers (just 3 of us booked so far in a 300-ish seat screen) but it's great for me as there's a tiny chance of scroates ruining it!
The books don't actually go into much detail about it....beyond the navigators used to be human and through heavy spice exposure have mutated and are capable of the prescience required to travel interstellar distances.
The rest of the books are pretty weak compared to the first to be perfectly honest, I wouldn't be sad if they stop after doing the next film.
And I am sure I'll not be the only one, who at times thought that the score was a direct riff on the battlestar galactica theme's, enough that I later had to check to see who scored it, as I could have sworn it was Bear McCreary at first.
However, I can see why people weened on MCU-type cinema won't enjoy this, there's so much narrative and not enough "bay-hem" for most people I would suggest, but for fans of a good story, good acting and who enjoy the visual style/aesthetic of Denis Villeneuve, this is a truly epic (in scale rather than action) film and I can't wait for part 2.