Dune (2020) - Denis Villeneuve

Enjoyed it but like some have said it started to feel a bit A-B-C with hitting the different plot parts and I just remember the 80's movie being a lot more gritty in parts and had more impact.
It might just be having watched the earlier Dune and knowing the story it wasnt as good as you knew the way the film is heading. Bit like watching Sixth Sense but knowing the ending.

Made me want to go watch the 80's film again. With this being Part1 I guess there will be Part2/3.
Probably, its just 20,000 years in the future and .....Paul. :D

Yeah, but I don't think you can go wrong with Biblical names. They are sort of timeless, and don't date like the likes of Dwayne. If Herbert was deliberately mirroring Paul's journey with Saul's conversion, it makes sense to take that name from the Biblical story.

I'm sure I've heard somewhere related to Dune the phrase "a shout can start a landslide" (maybe the Lynch film or from the book), so again it ties into Saul's conversion and the start of the Christian Church. Herbert tied a lot of religious themes into Dune (the Orange Catholic Bible, Bene Gesserit nuns, Fremen worship of the worms, etc), and so much of the background is tied to the belief systems of the main players and the various combined religions of today handed down to the universe twenty thousand years from now.

Herbert's Dune books (at least the first four) are really quite intricately and carefully written.
^ aye. Walked in to the studio screen and it was empty! Another chap arrived a few minutes later, fully masked and hooded, sat next to me; we both chuckled at that but by the time the actual film started, the room was packed out. Good to see.
Started watching this last night, no idea what the hell was going on, neve read the book or seen the original movie. Turned it off 25 mins in.. was tired so will give it another go sometime.
Started watching this last night, no idea what the hell was going on, neve read the book or seen the original movie. Turned it off 25 mins in.. was tired so will give it another go sometime.

I'm sure you won't be alone. Really worth trying to pursue it through. If you don't like sci-fi however, stay clear. :cry:
Watched this in Tortosa Spain last night , English with Spanish subs.
Was pretty bored , the lead character Paul Arteides seemed a bit whimpy , dont know if this is what he is like in the books .
Aquaman was pretty awesome though.
Cant fault the visuals they where stunning.
So nice to finely see others opinions and reviews.

I echo the sentiments of many when I say a few characters were so stripped down that it feels a little hollow at some points.

Lynch did a great job at making them spring from the screen and was very stylishly OTT.
I love that. Very lavish.

I love both films for what they are. This one being a masterclass in production, story and filmography, but lacking the colourful madness and off piste style and deviation from the book

Honestly love them both...

Didn't like Jessica being an emotional mess so often at the start. Doesn't make any sense as her being who she is.
@Efour Pretty much agree with you. After my initial impressions I still feel very luke warm on the screenplay, more specifically how it transcribes much of the political intrigue and character details (or doesn't, more to the point...), but I think it's as close to a faithful visual companion piece to the novel as we're ever likely to get and that's very much good enough for me.

I dragged my partner along who'd never even heard of Dune before (hence why she kept mistakenly calling it 'Doom'...) and I thought the story would be completely lost on her. It was to the films credit that she kept up with it throughout and came out having really enjoyed it.
I watched this yesterday. Very similar feel to the original, minus the awful self narration and cheesy cgi etc, so that was good. But aside from that the story it was just as convoluted and tbh, didn't feel much different.
If anything the ridiculousness of the original might have actually made it special. This just felt boring.

I wasn't exactly a fan of first, I actually think it's one of the worse films ever made, but in doing so becomes kinda funny and worth watching, the ol so bad it's good troupe.
If you take away all the crap, then you strip its character and you just end up with a dull movie.
Does anyone else feel its all a bit naff really? I must be missing something, but the whole "Spice" thing seems very emtpy, I don't think I sen one use for it in the film or the original, talking about uses for navigating ships..well, how, shows how important the stuff is. This nearly in some places is scene for scene the same as the original.
This is from memory from reading the books 25 years ago, but spice allows “navigators” to plot the safe course through worm(?) space or how ever it’s termed in the books. Advanced computers had been banned due to a robot war or something a long those lines so it was all done manually and spice expanded the human mind (literally - it caused them to mutate into bloated messes) to allow them to do this.
Does anyone else feel its all a bit naff really? I must be missing something, but the whole "Spice" thing seems very emtpy, I don't think I sen one use for it in the film or the original, talking about uses for navigating ships..well, how, shows how important the stuff is. This nearly in some places is scene for scene the same as the original.

Indeed it felt too stripped down on what I think is so important. It would have taken 1 Min to have a decent guild scene. A pair of guildsman. Tbh not having much imperial stuff except saadukar was sorely missed by me
I expect pt2 to be imperial heavy.

Compare it to foundation on Apple TV.
They really got an empire feeling dune 2020.
Really misses that mark.... Problem...

The miniseries from sci-fi channel still does the story justice
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