Episode 4
Some interesting stuff for book lovers.
2 more episodes?
Blimey speak about nothing resolving.
I think it's going to just be remembered as a shotgun spread of unnecessary dune universe ideas and characters.
I'm still trying to figure out what the hell I was watching in HOTD Season II. It really feels like they made an ideological choice to dial down Matt Smith's dominance in favour of telling a story with Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cooke. I understand that, but it wouldn't have stung quite so much if the writers seemed capable of telling an expansive story.I don't mind slow shows if the pay off is there but so far this seems to building up to a whole lot of nothing, get the feeling this is going to end up like HOTD S2 where it didn't really go anywhere and it's more of a 'remember to come back for the next season where things will actually happen'
I hope I'm wrong with the next episodes but we'll see.
Tula is indeed a naughty lady. But i'll forgive her because it's Olivia Williams and i have a thing for older women.End of episode 3, was tula using a thinking machine at the end?
I have to say that I think the weakest link in the show so far is Emily Watson. I think she's a powerful actress with a lot of range, but she looks dead uncomfortable in that role. Olivia Williams as Tula has been quite fun to watch though, Barbara Marten (Sister Avila) has become my pick for the harry Potter show when it goes into production.
I'm hopeful that Kevin J. Anderson knocking about has managed to curb the window licking instintcs of both Brian Herbert and Diane Ademu-John.Emily Watson is one of the reason why I am not bothered about watching this. In my opinion she had a couple of big roles, I'm thinking of that Fred West Appropriate Adult thing she did, and has been dining out on it ever since. I've not been impressed with much she has done since to be honest. That's just me though. Also, the idea it is based on the rubbish Dune books is also a bit of a problem. Sounds like I am not really missing much.
I quite like her as an actress and I believe she was a bridesmaid in Friends who hooked up with Joey (Ross and Emily's wedding), she was pretty smokin' then as well.Tula is indeed a naughty lady. But i'll forgive her because it's Olivia Williams and i have a thing for older women.
i'm quite proud to say that I've avoided friends.I quite like her as an actress and I believe she was a bridesmaid in Friends who hooked up with Joey (Ross and Emily's wedding), she was pretty smokin' then as well.
I think Emily Watson is good enough. I think it's a case of writing. There's very little to work with and the role is rigid.
The thing that's got to me is how this is ment to be 10000 years before and and we are already "basically" set up exactly the same....
100 years after the butlerian jihad should be fascinating but it's what we have now. This feels more like 100 years before not 10000.
Stagnation already? It's unconvincing.
I wanted this to be so much better, I like it because it's fine but I don't see how a non fan could get anything from it really![]()
They should have shown where the police capture some of these rebels. Not just because Desmond gave them a motivational speech.
And what was the reason for the emperor's wife leaking that info exactly?
I enjoy the children of dune - it's very "of its time" in the way that david lynch's film is. I think you'd enjoy it if you can overlook the bad green screen?I must be a fanboy because despite the series failings I can't help but like itit is a shame that it hasn't received the full treatment though, I do agree with the comments people are making. A low budget affair.
Trying to see if any friends have the SyFy series that I can borrow.
Edit - is this the good/Syfy series https://www.amazon.co.uk/Frank-Herberts-Dune-Winning-Blu-ray/dp/B08JW1JZSY
And is the Children of Dune worth a watch also?
If so, in which order should I watch the above? Are there any others that are with a watch? The older film?
After 2 episodes I'm not sure I can continue. I love everything Dune and I am probably in a minority that read the prequel books and enjoyed them.
This, for me, just doesn't work. I have come to suspect that if the producers aren't sure it will be a hit, they stick lots of shagging into as many episodes as possible. It's usually a sign, the rest of the material is rubbish.
I may go back and try another Ep but for now, it's a no from me.
Let's face it, unless you have a lot of skulldggery a political intrigue in TV format was always going to be a risk so a lack of confidence isn't a surprise. My personal instinct is that it'll warm up a little in the last two episodes.
I will say I actually kind of wish I'd just set the show to record and watched all six episodes in one go - then it might have been eaasier to stick with.