Dungeons & Dragons/Pathfinder/*

Ah cheers, I'll look into that.

My login to the WotC website is completely messed up - I tried to re-register today but they claim that my loginid and email are already registered, so I click the "I forgot my password" button and it claims to send an email to me but it never appears, so I hit the "I forgot my userid" button and it tells me that a system error means they cannot send me an email.


I don't want to use a different email address, so just want to tell them to sort it out for me, but the only way of emailing them is to log into your account...

So much YouTube...

Still, between that and reading through the free PDFs, I reckon I'm well prepped for when my books arrive (hopefully tomorrow/Wednesday).

Going to convert an old 4e beginners' adventure first and see how it goes...
Decided to write up a shop quickly for my players to spend their starting gold to get gear etc. We've not met for a game yet, but in the character creation they have to use their starting gold to pick some gear. Seemed like a good opportunity to get some DM practise in.


Spelling mistakes aside (rather dyslexic), pretty pleased with it (feel free to steal it).
The MM is well worth getting, is great to read and get some ideas.

Had a micro DnD session early today, had two of my players come over to learn some of the rules but decided to do some impromptu DMing. Went as well as it could have I think and managed to get 3 back stories tied in with the start set without any prep work at all AND managed to land in 2 separate plot hooks that might come up later.

Also, one of my players wanted to be an "Arcane Archer". Suggested that he takes the ranger and be a human for a feat at level 1, being Magic Initiate. This gives you 2 cantrips and 1 1st level spell from any class. Converted the following spells (excuse the spelling mistakes, they've been changed now but cba to reupload!).


Only really word reworks of current spells, but they player likes em. Also trying to stick some flavor text (like on MTG cards) for each spell to give it some flavor.
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Well, Mrs. M. will be playing three characters (not ideal, I know, but she's used to it and treats it like roleplaying a "team" rather than a "person").

Human Paladin, Lightfoot Halfling Rogue and High Elf Wizard.

Character creation almost complete; just the Wizard's background and skills to do.

Then it's off into my hastily-converted-from-4e "Keep on the Shadowfell" adventure as something to do until my new order arrives - the two books for Tyranny of Dragons.

Good luck!

Up to session 11 of our Hoard of the Dragon Queen game now. They are nowhere near finishing this half of the adventure - I hesitate to think how the adventurers league games reckon it can be done in 15 two-hour sessions! I know I add stuff now and then, embellish the story a little and their in random junk, but we've played near on 40 hours and have two and a half chapters to go.
Good to know you're getting mileage out of the modules.

Can't wait to get started; I've got a nice idea for how to introduce the three core skills (ability check, saving throw and attack roll) before she "forms the party".
Mileage galore. Yes, I do need to improvise, and the maps for the section I'm currently on couldn't be more confusing if they actually tried to make them confusing - they have three levels in a castle, and they decided to have the maps facing different directions, and on multiple pages. Stupid. I've read ahead as well and the next section is mind-boggling from a maps point of view as well.

That said, we had a good session last night, with some ridiculously amusing moments - mainly due to player actions - and even a tantrum. Loved it :D
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