Dunkirk (Summer 2017) directed by Christopher Nolan

Has it been mentioned here yet that the film's going to be a PG13 in the US and the equivalent here (I assume 12a). Not sure how I feel about that...
Yes it has. Good films that have been PG-13 include Dark Knight and LoTR, so I'm tentatively hopeful...though I have to admit it feels like a good war movie should be able to portray the nasty bits properly, which a PG-13 can't really.
I think that a 12 is well and truly a 15 by modern standards looking back through the films I've seen in my life.
It's fine, I don't want to see blood and guts everywhere. It can/could create massive tension and the feeling of hopelessness from anything if done right.
Yes it has. Good films that have been PG-13 include Dark Knight and LoTR, so I'm tentatively hopeful...though I have to admit it feels like a good war movie should be able to portray the nasty bits properly, which a PG-13 can't really.

I think that's the real issue here. Especially when you take into account just how bloody and tragic the battle of Dunkirk actually was (and it was, despite the EXCEPTIONAL courage displayed by so many over the course of those 9 evacuation days).

Of course, you don't NEED the violence to tell a great story. But to soften it up to (assumedly) increase viewership feels a little disrespectful.

It can work the other way too, of course. I felt Hacksaw Ridge actively took advantage of it's certificate, often joyfully wallowing in it's violence as apposed to just showing an accurate historical reproduction of the events.

It's a difficult balance to strike. I can only think of a handful of films and TV shows that have managed to do it right.
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BTW, for all those who are interested in reading up on the event prior to seeing the movie, I have to suggest Hugh Sebag Montefiore's book 'Dunkirk - Fight to the Last Man'. Incredibly informative read. Sean Longden's 'Dunkirk - The Men They Left Behind' is also fantastic.
Maybe we should give it a watch before judging if the age rating is appropriate? :)

Aha you're right, of course. I don't think it's a deal breaker by any stretch. But I think it's something that should be discussed, whether that be pre or post viewing.

This isn't the Deadpool sequel, this is something that actually happened. We know a large portion of the movie takes place at Dunkirk during the time when the evacuees where under siege. Near 800,000 allied casualties...

I'm being entirely judgemental. Nolans a good enough Director that he's able to play around any certificate. But yeah, discussion and all...
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the Churchill in that trailer is horrific, he sounds like an apathetic teenager. Gary Oldman in Darkest Hour, other end of the spectrum.

I'd be willing to guess it was one of the soldiers repeating/reading his speech rather than Churchill himself.
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