Dustmen/women...earliest legal start time

Dustmen seem to be like Santa Claus, everywhere at once in the early morning, although taking away rather than delivering. Anyone got an afternoon collection? Usually about 7am here.

Ours gets picked up at 8:30pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. By a big truck that sounds like this:

(That distortion is mostly from how insanely loud it is.)

...tbh I'd rather be woken up once a week :p
To be honest, I don't think binmen should be doing the rounds before 7am in residential areas.

It's easy to say "get over it OP", but I can imagine being a bit miffed at it if it were happening to me. Well, possibly - not sure I'd actually notice.

TBH, it prob does happen to you, but you just don't notice.
At our old house the bins got collected twice a week at about 7am which was pretty annoying because I'd usually realise I'd forgotten to put it out.
No law and recylcing tend to be earlier than normal bins. Most councils have their normal bin collection start at 7am, recyling starts earlier at 5am.

OP is just unlucky.
How is it it trolling? The law says you can't operate heavy machinery in a residential area before 7am, why are binmen any different?

I think Bin men cant which is why councils dont have them start before 7am. Recyling small trucks (or they are round here) arent heavy machiney and they start at 5am.

Unfortunately, the recyling make way more noise with their glass collection than the main bin wagon does.
Point proven...you just wouldnt like it yourself!!

Youre basically saying suck it up...so whats your number fella...lets see how well you suck it up!!!!!

My point was...is it actually legal? Is there a guideline...and yes it is a pee take...5am...is a stupid time...1 job shouldnt dictate a neighbourhood and when they get woken up! Think about it logically more than behind your keyboard and nonsensically....

Back for more :)

Yeah, suck it up, and you wanting my number argument is not an argument at all, it is a totally different situation.

So, are you a bum?

Great post

Is op a bum? dah dah dahhhh :)

This, GD must know.
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those bloody milkmen and their clanking of bottles at 3.30am, along with the binmen, all living generations of their family's should be exterminated for their behavior.

(not a serious post) but this is how some replies sound to me, over some dedicated guys doing their jobs, I dont care what time they come,

I always pull my bags out for them in the morning, and give them a crate of lager at xmas/new year.

I have a cracking bunch of guys doing mine.
I start work at 17:00, my bins are emptied about 13:30. Called 999 when they woke me up but somehow I'M the time waster???
My council say to have your bin out by 7am so they don't collect before then.

They only work 4 days a week. Sounds like your bin men probably only work 3 days.
My council say to have your bin out by 7am so they don't collect before then.

They only work 4 days a week. Sounds like your bin men probably only work 3 days.

Could work less days to avoid causing major disruptions.

My bins are collected early and thank god they are, dont like being stuck behind them on collection day but i would like to be them even less.
Could work less days to avoid causing major disruptions.

You would think that. If they worked Tues-Fri then they wouldn't be a day late every time there is a bank holiday but no they have Friday off and work Friday as overtime every time it's a bank holiday week. :rolleyes:
The thing I hate is that the bins from the flats across the road are emptied on a different day.

So every Tuesday without fail my wife shakes me until I'm awake, shouting in a panic that I've forgotten to take the bins out until I'm awake enough to remind her that our collection is on Thursday.
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