I think you missed my other post, dear.Yes everyone in the UK works 9-5 and we all have Sunday off as a day of rest you know (sarcasm)
You mean so they can go to the pub in summer? It's just annoying. Heck, I used to do nightshifts so I'm well aware that a huge proportion of people don't do a 9-5. But the fact remains that builders/binmen etc. are working in and around people's houses and the fact remains they disturb people. Like I say, especially on a Saturday.
Sorry i dont experience rush hour traffic down side streets mate....i very much doubt 1 dustcart is going to create such heavy traffic in the place i live. Sorry to burst your bubble of sarcasm
As i said whats your number il be sure to wake you up at 5am...hell make me a cuppa mate...theres a good girl
Dustmen seem to be like Santa Claus, everywhere at once in the early morning, although taking away rather than delivering. Anyone got an afternoon collection? Usually about 7am here.
Worse than that... but we still have a job to do and you can bet your last penny that if we didn't do it, the likes of the OP would be screaming down the phone to us, their MP, their solicitor and anyone who would listen...!!Emergency binmen?
How nice for you.Sorry i dont experience rush hour traffic down side streets mate....i very much doubt 1 dustcart is going to create such heavy traffic in the place i live.
You obviously didn't understand ***!!111**dramatic pause***111!!*** the sarcasm.
I'll award your post 1/10, only because you sign off your forum posts and people that do that make me smile.
First the talc post and now this. Whats becomming of gd? Is it turning into mumsnet?
Lol at this thread.
I love how OP solution to binmen making noise every fortnight is to quote legislation to the council. Why not use earplugs or shut the windows on that night?
Those guys have a lot of houses to go through and someone has to get the early slot. What a snooty thread
These are the sort of issues a young, stressed, new mother complains about or a retired grumpy man who has no one to moan to. Dont deny it OP, you lied about having a job!
Well with all the heavy modding the ********** are feeling safe to come out
I have noticed the recent FSB level of modding of late. (Post prob get deleted)
They used to come at around 6:00am where I am. It wouldn't of been so bad apart from the fact that the dustcart sounded like a climaxing transformer.