Dying Light - PC next gen zombie open world game?

Are people off getting the orange expcalibur sword early on or is it too op?

It is really bad durability and can't be repaired so it's really just for a laugh one shotting zombies for a bit. It still does a lot of damage broken but it won't be long before your other weapons are doing more reliable, faster damage than it.
Playing on my Alienware 18, i7 4900MQ, 32gb RAM, GTX 780m SLI. Everything on and at highest by default except view distance at 50%. I've disabled the film grain and dropped shadows to medium though and with vsync on I'm mostly at 60FPS, but it can drop to 45ish when I'm around areas with a lot of vegetation and zombie action! Loving it so far though :D
I still have no grain.

Thats odd it came back for me after patch, but I deleted the mod file from the 'out' folder, ran the game, exit and then added the mod back in and it worked! Strange yet odd! Horray, no film grain again. :D

No HUD still not working though :(
So editing the noise scr file has allowed me to remove the film grain effect. Is there a similar file that allows one to remove the chromatic aberration or whatever it is that causes everything not directly in middle of the screen to have red/green blue edge. Makes the game look really blurry :(
Just found a place on a mission where you have to restore power. You can just sit on a fence and bash zombies heads in while having no chance of getting hit, I ranked up loads doing it. Kinda cheap I know.
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Can't put my finger on it but this game is such fun to play , even the bits where your just running away from a crowd of zombies.

Anyone tried this with Oculus Rift rift yet ? Must be mental if it can be done :D
I think it's enjoyable. The zombies are not easy to kill, you can't really take on too many at once, I like 1 at once, and really you just avoid as much as possible. At night you just try to avoid and not die and if needed run like buggery.
Seems to be getting decent reviews, only scratched the surface myself.

Its deadisland gameplay with mirrors edge parkour, and condemned melee brutality :)
I love this game, its so much fun.

Ive just spent the last hour or more killing zombies in so many different ways Ive literally laughed out loud.

The hazmat zombies are hilarious, get them in a group and whack the gas tank on their backs, blows them all to peices. The explosion draws attention so quickly climb to a high roof top building and wait a mo for the running zombies to chase you up there, as theyre climbing to the top, kick them off.

The melee combat is so fluid, when youre swinging a metal pipe around and it catches a zombie right in the face it looks brutal, the variation of swings, hits, falls, tumbles, counter attacks etc is great. I particulary like the grapple move and pushing them off a ledge but if you can time it right its so satisfying to burst a gas cylinder and then push a zombie into it, it explodes and they fly backwards. Best zombie game to date imo, it beats Dead Island hands down.

Gonna play some more! :D

EDIT: Been playing all evening with no crashes at all, it seems the patch has fixed some things. Im getting good fps with SLI 980's at 3200x1800 res, everything on max with AA disabled ingame but got FXAA running in Nvidia Inspector. The only gripe at the mo is the flickering blood splatters on the screen which seems to be an SLI issue but Id rather put up with that than the fps drop from disabling SLI.
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Flickering seems to be a common issue with multi gpu setups, I had the same problem with Far Cry 4 until they patched a fix. Hopfully they sort it soon as it can be distracting sometimes. Im also trying to record some game footage using Shadowplay but the flickering splatters ruin it.
If anyone wants a co-op tomorrow night, I'll be playing with another OCUK player just pop on the TS server in my signature around 9pm UK time. Would be great to get a 4 player going!

We're not that far into the game and seem to spend our time mashing zombies..
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