Dying Light - PC next gen zombie open world game?

Maxed out my power yesterday, everything just melts but I'm not even near the end, guess I found killing zombies on the bridge too fun XD

I love games like this, I played FC3 for the first time last year and then FC4 when it released. Anyone know any other games like this? (I've played Fallout3/NV & Skyrim)
When people are drunk they think they are some kind of super hero, so yes it does.


When I was at Uni one guy in my halls who was drunk thought he was spiderman, unfortunately he climbed of the balcony and fell to his death. :eek:

drink numbs your senses, it's much easier to think straight but only if you dont drink too much :D................... i'll probably have another go tomorrow.

that Zombie takes loads of practice to get his attacks right, it's great fun though
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i've just seen the Finale on Youtube, it's miles harder after the sewers, it's even hard just watching it :eek:
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Once you have the perk that lets you camouflage yourself using dead zombies it's pretty easy to do the finale as you can just run past most of the volatiles. Shame about the final showdown but it's been a while since a game had a truly great ending and 90% of what preceded it was very good fun.
i did the radio tower but failed at the end, i couldn't get out of the sewer by climbing that long ladder after being chased, i couldn't grab hold of it.... too scared, i died about 50 times... my guess is there's far more sewers to go before i get to Ries, so i just said that's it no more.

** Removed ** when you're scared of heights it sort of freezes you with terror and you cant press the keys properly, because i cant get him to jump in the sewers like he'll jump across the rooftops, the terror also builds up because you're being chased, so you're in a blind panic and running like crazy, great shame because the combat was improving as i levelled up.... there's only one way to play it and it works too, play it semi- drunk because it calms me right down and kills the phobia straight away

but i do like playing as the Zombie, so i might give it a go online tomorrow.:D

I don't understand? Dude I've already told you I have a fear of heights which you keep referring to as vertigo for some reason and if it really is as severe as you're making it out to be you'd know the true name for it to be acrophobia and if it's truly as bad as you're making it out to be you'd be receiving help for this and from the way you talk that doesn't seem to be the case at all.
You yourself said the game makes you sick and dizzy the solution is to stop playing it.
You said you need this game as there's nothing else out there.....yes there is.
You complain that the game has too many zombies.....a zombie game with too many zombies? I genuinely don't know what to say to that.

I'm sorry if I come across as harsh but I just don't believe you have acrophobia and I believe you might just be getting yourself caught in the moment within the game and you're complaints that developers should have put a warning that you would have to climb tall places in a game that's all about free style running, jumping and climbing which anyone could have seen in any of the trailers is something I would expect from mumsnet.com

I'll stop here as this is now just derailing the thread and it's a lot of effort over nothing.
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I find it more difficult coming down from a height than climbing up it. The towers are a good example. Getting up wasn't too bad but then coming down was more of a bang, thud, snap and crash affair with me eventually losing my life on the second towers descent. I'm not sure if that was a bad thing or not as I was then transported to a safe zone having completed that part of the mission.!

Does anyone else hav problems getting down from heights by using ladders etc...? Is there a technique which doesn't involve just leaping off or, as I suspect, am I just rubbish when it comes to climbing down in any other style than free-fall...?
I can't post links to the camping spot I found in sector 0 last night as I seem to swear rather a lot in it :) It's on our forum though.

Hundreds of zombies, tons of loot and full night 4 diamond pursuit. Highly amusing although not something I think we'll do again (it's more fun to run around!)
I find it more difficult coming down from a height than climbing up it. The towers are a good example. Getting up wasn't too bad but then coming down was more of a bang, thud, snap and crash affair with me eventually losing my life on the second towers descent. I'm not sure if that was a bad thing or not as I was then transported to a safe zone having completed that part of the mission.!

Does anyone else hav problems getting down from heights by using ladders etc...? Is there a technique which doesn't involve just leaping off or, as I suspect, am I just rubbish when it comes to climbing down in any other style than free-fall...?

I'd also like to know this, especially when coming down from the infamous bridge.
Don't you just stand near it and press "Space"?

For me it doesn't seem to happen that easily and some buildings etc can be climbable with relative ease as you can look up, to a certain point. Coming down might be made better if you could actually look down, or maybe I'm missing something...?

Although I am getting "better" at free-fall ;)
Don't you just stand near it and press "Space"?

Believe me I tried, half way down you have to go down the power cables and for some reason I jump onto them then jump off and end up dying :|

I'm sure it's just me being stupid though and missing something obvious.
descending is easy even for me, just use the Zip line.....exactly the same as Far Cry.....you dont climb down any of the radio towers at all...............also, look for blue rubbish bags on the ground and just jump, he'll survive a hell of a fall

on Youtube he runs through the sewers, he jumps from pipe to pipe at full speed without stopping :eek: i dont, i stop and climb............ but climbing up the skyscraper looks dreadful.... another radio tower, so i'm not sure what to do....i've seen the ending so there's no real need to carry on, but i think you need to complete it to be let back into the main game.

the Zombies hate UV Light, i didn't realise that :confused:
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When you modify a weapon which adds damage etc to it in one of its available slots does that modification then get lost if the weapon can no longer be repaired...?
All that I seem to able to do is to sell the broken weapon for very little or turn it into metal parts for scrap. The upgrade, worth close to $300, is then lost...?
On the pipe that I had upgraded I get two repairs, it tells you that information on how many times it can be repaired. Maybe later in the skill tree there might be options to extend that crafting or something to make the weapons etc more durable or at least give more repair options.

For the value of the upgrade and the use I got out of that weapon before it was fubar I would have been better saving the upgrade or just selling it. I hadn't thought about it being "stuck" with the weapon.
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