Dyling light issues


Well... This might be why.
Was it a clean install of Windows? I had a similar issue yesterday where the system folder ownership had changed from administraror. I had ro reinstall windows to get it to work.

If you check the owner for the Windows directly, who is it set too?
It don't matter, I think imma nuke windows and reinstall. Won't take me long on my ssd anyway and hopefully with a clean install and such it might fix all my problems :P
Welp, I installed windows but didn't do a clean wipe. Just reinstalltion of windows files and so on.

After that I went back, Installed the drivers WITHOUT A HITCH this time and boom went onto Dying light with one GPU on.

Right off the bat, 100% GPU Usage, 100 FPS avg max settings on 1 980.

Well happy, Thank you guis <3
Welp, I installed windows but didn't do a clean wipe. Just reinstalltion of windows files and so on.

After that I went back, Installed the drivers WITHOUT A HITCH this time and boom went onto Dying light with one GPU on.

Right off the bat, 100% GPU Usage, 100 FPS avg max settings on 1 980.

Well happy, Thank you guis <3

Good work! Looks like it could have been an OS/Driver issue in the end then. While a refresh isn't ideal, glad it worked!
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