E-On Ripp off!!!!!

25 Apr 2010
:mad:We are with E-on for our electricity,
Our monthly Direct debit is £127!

We use a fair bit but really and truely barely have anything runningin the house every switch is off when not being used just out of habbit not because were trying to save money.

We have the Tv on now and then mainly we just have the Laptop and main rig which are on maybe an hour a day at most lately which is barely anything elec wise. No heating house is well insulated.

Guess what?

They send me and my mom a mail today saying hello we would like to change your bill from £127 to £217 not based on our usage or anything of the like.

If it costs a 2 bed flat with 1 tv and a laptop and a rig which are the main electrical items in the house that draw the majority of electricity then how the hell can someone afford a proper house with a few tvs and what not.

Surely this cannot be right of them.

My mum knowsbetter about these things and shes dealing with it but....£217 a month they want to raise it to.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Yeah it makes no sense mum is goin to deal wit it tommorow she cant get through to them right now.

The worst thing is in the mail it says.

Its okay you dont have to worry we will debit the amount from your account automaticly....

How can people justifiy these kind of liviving costs for me and my mum who are barely in the house barely use any electricity busy bodies we are.

If it costs this much for us which CANT BE RIGHT then how can any of you guys with 2 or 3 computers and tvs and all sorts afford to live in a house.

E-on are prats.
Something wrong there! Can you get one of those little electric use meters and turn off as much as you can and see how much draw is going out? Has your meter been tampered with? Are you secretly growing a load of weed in the loft tended to by a small vietnamese chap called Poh?
Yeah it makes no sense mum is goin to deal wit it tommorow she cant get through to them right now.

The worst thing is in the mail it says.

Its okay you dont have to worry we will debit the amount from your account automaticly....

How can people justifiy these kind of liviving costs for me and my mum who are barely in the house barely use any electricity busy bodies we are.

If it costs this much for us which CANT BE RIGHT then how can any of you guys with 2 or 3 computers and tvs and all sorts afford to live in a house.

E-on are prats.

I think you need to calm down.
Similar happenings in my household bill up from £80 to £130 in one foul swoop this month. However i then recieved another letter a few days later telling me i would recieve a new bill on the 29th of this month so im pretty sure EON have cocked up. They are not using actual meter readings but estimates. Thats where the problems occur
I think you need to calm down.

Agree, we are all agreeing with you OP, that bill is WRONG.

There is a obvious mistake, speak to them tomorrow, get them to read the meter and I can almost bet that bill there will be a mistake somewhere.

Just be calm and speak to them.
companies like this charge you monthly DirectDebits based on their estimate of your usage and then refund you or charge you more every 6/12 months when they take a meter reading.
You need to change suppliers.
Two of us in a 3bed house. Tvs on all evening as are several computers, everything always left on standby, two virgin boxes always left properly on and it comes to ~£90 a month for dual bill and that over pays in summer but under pays in winter.
Also get an online account and enter meter readings monthly and all the ones I've had, have had an online form to change your direct debit and they've always changed it to what I request, even when they fiddle with it, just bang another form in.
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Thats the thing guys they did read the metre but my usages is NOTHING compared some of what i hear on these forums.

We are not fussed about money its the fact they have the cheak to up the prices like this like its nothing.

These companies are so willing to screw us customers its ridiculous.
Companies charge what they charge, they give you plenty of notice if they up their actual prices.
It's upto you to shop around and it's upto you to make sure they use actual readings not estimates.

As I said shop around and get an online account and manage it yourself, don't leave it up to them.
I have a monthly direct debit in a 2 bed flat here in SW London set at £40 per month, and I suspect I might even drop it to £35 come bi-annual review. I check the meter myself regularly also to supply readings to EDF and to keep track of my spending.
Seems high to me, when I had a flat with several computers running, etc. even during the winter when the 2kw heater got used a lot, etc. was rare to use more than £80 a month tops - usually much closer to 50-60.
Looking at this bill estimate-

They estimate that we will use 8,242 kWh a year at a anual cost of £1,174.

They took the reading last month before sending us this ridiculous bill.

Even I know that annual estimate is Ridiculous....

We are goin to figure this out and move companies however this is disgusting i must say.
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