E3 2014

I still need to play the rest of the Uncharted games. They never really appealed to me that much so I never bothered with them. If Sony release a HD Trilogy for PS4 that would suit me fine!

I've always struggled with Uncharted. I feel like I should be enjoying them but I just find them a little dull. The first one I got about 2/3 through before I just got fed up of the spawning waves of enemies and dull combat. 2 was much better, a lot of variation but I still found the combat parts really bad, I think I'm about the same distance through it as well! I think I want them to be more about puzzle solving and exploration and less about ropey cover based combat. Honestly I think the last Tomb Raider was a better game.
just watched both MS and Sony shows and i think both systems had good exclusives but i think Sony was better suited to my needs what with LBP3,Uncharted, No Mans Sky, the whole Sony Now comming and Vita support.also a lot of the MS where multiplatform and i still think the Forza games look to cartoonish.

I prefer nice artwork over nice graphics. Nintendo do it very well.

Indeed, it's just good art direction, or rather can be seen as good art direction. Nintendo games have always had a particular visual style though.

World of Warcraft is a good example of how good art direction lasts.

I've always struggled with Uncharted. I feel like I should be enjoying them but I just find them a little dull. The first one I got about 2/3 through before I just got fed up of the spawning waves of enemies and dull combat. 2 was much better, a lot of variation but I still found the combat parts really bad, I think I'm about the same distance through it as well! I think I want them to be more about puzzle solving and exploration and less about ropey cover based combat. Honestly I think the last Tomb Raider was a better game.

I think they're all really good games :), I really enjoyed Uncharted 3. I think Tomb Raider is every bit as good, probably shades it a little. Hopefully Naughty Dog come out swinging with Uncharted 4.

4 if you include project spark, given they only announced like 6/7 exclusives that's pretty high.

Not saying that's a bad thing, just curious.

Well, as I said, Crackdown and Fable have a particular visual style :). I think they're both good for it to be honest. Very fond memories of the first Fable.
Project Spark is pretty customisable, seems like it can look like almost anything you want.

There were certainly more non cartoony games than cartoony. It feels like you're just lumping games together that share little in common. Fables looks nothing like Crackdown in art style for example.
Not played fable but always read it didn't live up to expectations or unfulfilled potential, crackdown was excellent.

Totally right, however, Fable was still a really good, enjoyable game. I never put much effort in to the follow ups though. My brother did and always enjoyed them.

Crackdown, at least the first one, was really good fun :). Fond memories of collecting green orbs!
Project Spark is pretty customisable, seems like it can look like almost anything you want.

There were certainly more non cartoony games than cartoony. It feels like you're just lumping games together that share little in common. Fables looks nothing like Crackdown in art style for example.

Perhaps, was just looking through the exclusives on both platforms, as multiplats are just that multplats.
Was really hoping to see something on Gears, now that's my type of game. Guess it's way too early yet given they only just started working on it.

Perhaps next e3 we'll get a teaser and a e3 after that a Christmas release date unveiled. Wonder where they can go with the story or start a fresh.
If the Developers 'bother' to try and get more out of the Xbox One, then the games should look even better on the superior PlayStation 4 :).

Never understood the argument, even when the consoles were being released that 'developers will get more from the Xbox One' well, using the same logic, they will get even more from the PlayStation 4, just increasing the performance gap.

I'm not going to get into a big discussion on this as I've made my feelings clear in the past, but my point was that rather than trying to push the consoles to their max, the developers might simply get to grips with the XB1 a little more (considering it's meant to be harder to program for than the PS4), so it might be easier for the devs to pull more power from the console.

As for the argument that the XB1 might close the performance gap a little (notice I said close the gap a little, not close it altogether), I actually think the logic is quite easy to understand, but this isn't the time for that discussion. I'm simply happy that there are lots of great games coming out for both systems in the future, and I'm in a position where I don't have to miss any of them.
Good :D. Saw some amazing looking games and some brilliant looked exclusive's, the actual conference felt long winded (lots of talking between games) and Sony insisted on showing off hardware and some new software items half way through, not to mention plugging an upcoming series and film haha.

Really enjoyed it thinking back. Microsoft and Sony have been the best two conferences so far for me, enjoyed the Sony one more.

Roll on Nintendo :).

Cheers bud. Will watch it when I get back from work.
Haha, ok Davey.

I'm sure as developers get to grips, as you put it, with the PlayStation 4 there will be even more improvement in performance too :).

Very excited by some of the multi platforms and look forward to playing the superior console versions :) along with the PlayStation 4 exclusives.

Still hoping there is more information released about Grand Theft Auto on PC / PlayStation 4 by RockStar over the next few days.
Cheers bud. Will watch it when I get back from work.

Worth a watch, so it is the Microsoft one in all honesty if you haven't seen that. Tomb Raider looked glorious :).

I was less bothered by Ubisoft and EA (A side from the Rainbow Six 'surprise' and the Sims 4 stuff) it felt like a press conference by the numbers. 'Look at all these sequels' :(.
One thing I took away from yesterday, which I never really appreciated before, EA are a fricking power house of a company. So many big brands under their banner it's not even funny. They could probably release a console of their own and win.

All sports stuff, Fifa, Madden, NBA, UFC etc
Battlefields games + hardline
Battefront Star wars
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Mirrors Edge
Racing games

Only to mention a few of their IPs, truly amazing.
The PS4/Xbox one are stupidly similar to each other, the problem with the Xbox One is the development tools and it has different approaches to parts of the hardware.
One could argue that the Xbox one is at a lower performance than it should be, so it *could* close the gap a little (As in, the gap is currently X, when it should be Y, based on their hardware spec).

So, PS4's currently performing at normal levels for itself, while the Xbox one is under performing.

But there's still a gulf of hardware between them at either rate.
EA are an absolutely massive company in gaming.

I actually play very little of their games / franchises though. FIFA (always been a FIFA player) and the Sims.

Battlefield games are good, but Battlefield 4 was really poor, felt like a real rush job to get it out.

Mirrors Edge was really good fun though, so that looks good.

I just found the EA and Ubisoft conference very, I don't know, just by the numbers, 'Look we have sequels to all these franchises' and I just, I want new games at E3, I want new exclusives, I do not want to know about FIFA 39, which 100% will be coming out.
Quality, not quantity. EA needs change regardless, their profit margins have looked lame for the past few years.
Also lying to your shareholders is a big nono... In my not entirely legit opinion, i think we'll start seeing more inhouse closures at EA.

Plus EA tends to induce developer rot, with pretty good people leaving the company after being acquired.
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The PS4/Xbox one are stupidly similar to each other, the problem with the Xbox One is the development tools and it has different approaches to parts of the hardware.
One could argue that the Xbox one is at a lower performance than it should be, so it *could* close the gap a little (As in, the gap is currently X, when it should be Y, based on their hardware spec).

So, PS4's currently performing at normal levels for itself, while the Xbox one is under performing.

But there's still a gulf of hardware between them at either rate.

That's pretty much how I see it to be honest, and that's why I think the XB1 *may* close the performance gap slightly. Of course, it will never get truly close to the PS4 as the hardware difference isn't something that can be overcome, and I will readily admit that there is just as much potential for the PS4 to pull further away in the future than it is now. I just don't think it's as clear cut as some people make out.

Still, the PS4 is the more powerful machine and I will likely buy all my multiplats on that, unless there is a compelling reason to get the XB1 version instead (like there is with Diablo 3).
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