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E8600 E0 Overclocks

18 Oct 2002
E8600 E0 Overclock Database

Core 2 Duo E8600 Only!!!

There will not be a lot of E8600 owners, So need as many entires as possible to build a decent database.

Please use this thread for discusion to keep it active :)


FPO# ____¦ Clock ____¦ Vcore _¦ VID ___¦ Tp ¦ Cooling and Misc and Stability Screen

Q820A627 ¦ 4600.7Mhz ¦ 1.440V ¦ 1.2500v ¦ 53 ¦ Custom Water ¦ Asus Maximus X38 ¦ krisbutler ¦ Screen
Q822A435 ¦ 4500.0Mhz ¦ 1.344V ¦ 1.1625V ¦ 59 ¦ Custom Water ¦ Maximus II Formula ¦ Devious ¦ Screen
Q822A435 ¦ 4500.0Mhz ¦ 1.304V ¦ 1.1150V ¦ 66 ¦ Custom Water ¦ XFX 790i Ultra ¦ mremulator ¦ Screen
Q822A435 ¦ 4440.1Mhz ¦ 1.352V ¦ 1.2125V ¦ 60 ¦ TRUE 120 ¦ Maximus II Formula ¦ Vaderat-at ¦ Screen
Q822A435 ¦ 4410.0Mhz ¦ 1.360V ¦ 1.2250V ¦ 66 ¦ OCZ Vendetta 2 ¦ Biostar TPower I45 ¦ Rainmaker ¦ Screen
Q822A438 ¦ 4305.4Mhz ¦ 1.360v ¦ 1.2500V ¦ 73 ¦ Custom Matx water ¦ DFI Lan Party JR P45-T2RS ¦ Bradley8988 ¦ Screen
Q820A670 ¦ 4303.0Mhz ¦ 1.368V ¦ 1.xxxxxV ¦ xx ¦ Air ¦ VTR ¦ Screen
Q820A670 ¦ 4300.0Mhz ¦ 1.344V ¦ 1.2500V ¦ 57 ¦ Scythe Ninja B ¦ Gigabyte P45-DS3P ¦ NS400R ¦ Screen
QA228435 ¦ 4295.9Mhz ¦ 1.256v ¦ 1.1625V ¦ 56 ¦ Air OCZ Vendetta 2 ¦ Biostar TPower I45 ¦ Mike Gunnz ¦ Screen

Standard Rules

8+ hour Prime95/Orthos small FFT, coretemp and CPUZ screens on the same picture. NOT Intelburn

Clockspeed and Vcore readings must be exactly as CPU-Z on load, VID and CPU temp as in Coretemp,

Screenie will be in URL tags and not IMG tags. but please post IMG Tags so the post stands out so i know that i have updating to do on Original Post.

Post instructions:

To make things easier just copy and paste this little form and replace the fields between the [¦]s
FPO# ¦ Clockspeed ¦ Vcore ¦ VID ¦ CPU Temp ¦ Cooling ¦ Motherboard ¦ User name ¦ URL for stability screen

(I will bold your username and URL tag)

For examble mine will be:

Q820A670 ¦ 4330.3 Mhz  ¦ 1.496v  ¦ 1.2500v ¦ 81 ¦ OCZ Vendetta 2 ¦ Asus P5Q-E ¦ BornEvil ¦ http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c45/BornEvil_/433e0.jpg

so it turns out like:

Q820A670 ¦ 4330.3 Mhz ¦ 1.496v ¦ 1.2500v ¦ 81 ¦ OCZ Vendetta 2 ¦ Asus P5Q-E ¦ BornEvil ¦ http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c45/BornEvil_/433e0.jpg

p.s. not going to include mine as it does not fit into my rules lol, and the CPU is not going back into my Rig for further testing.
Last edited:
18 Oct 2002
BornEvil, that's too much voltage for one of those cpu's. Low clock for that amount of volts too. Have you tried dropping your voltage and tweaking your mobo settings? It would appear that the retail versions of these E8600's are not as good as the early samples. Pretty dissapointing for a £176 cpu.

good grief - lower the volts
no wonder its that hot!

I know the Voltage is too high, but just showing that my CPU needs 1.5V to get stability at a mere 1Ghz Overclock.

Motherboard has been messed with and is optimal
18 Oct 2002
For fun, i ran intelburntest with my e8600. supprisingly passed 1500mb test onces, 98 degrees. But as like most intelburn is rather too intensive of a test, my experience says good for 8hrs prime good enough for anything.

Anyways, I sent it back and using a q6600 as a stepping stone.
18 Oct 2002
running at 4.5 ghz (1800 FSB) with 1.5vcore in bios

Temps of 60 deg under load using swiftech compact single rad.....hopefully better when i stick it under custom water

That's a decent overclock. But on water I would expect more. I was able to boot into windows at 4.5ghz but no way I can get it stable. Temps were in high 80s and fails prime within 20mins
18 Oct 2002
real temp reads from the motherboard sensor iirc (correct me if i am wrong) whilst coretemp uses the CPU sensor.

But VTR- what cooling you on? Still good for 24/7 at those temps on intelburn. Is it your finnished clock?
18 Oct 2002
to be fair any CPU is good if it can do 4Ghz on air, but to judge weither it is worth the £176 is of personal opinion.

Buy no means am i sore that i got a bad chip out of a possible 'good week 22', as it is a part of the game for us overclockers. At least that is how i think after all these years.

I agree with Bizarre, that xs threads got everyones hopes up, I would admit to that, just remember that forum is more worldwide/US based. OCuk's forum is probally best UK based community for overclockers and they should be commended for it.
18 Oct 2002
Well, i'm going to make this thread a database, to encourage more stability screens.

Standard rules really as most other database threads:

8+ hour Prime95 small FFT, coretemp and CPUZ screens on the same picture

To make things easier just copy and paste this little form and replace the fields between the [¦]s

 User name¦ FPO# ¦ Clockspeed ¦ Vcore ¦ VID ¦ Motherboard ¦ Cooling ¦ CPU Temp ¦ URL for stability screen

for examble mine will be:

 BornEvil ¦ Q820A670 ¦ 4330.3 Mhz ¦ 1.496v ¦ 1.2500v ¦ Asus P5Q-E ¦ OCZ Vendetta 2 ¦ 50/81 ¦ http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c45/BornEvil_/433e0.jpg

So it turns out like:

BornEvil¦ Q820A670¦ 4330.3 Mhz ¦ 1.496v ¦ 1.2500v ¦ Asus P5Q-E ¦ OCZ Vendetta 2¦ 50/81 ¦ http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c45/BornEvil_/433e0.jpg

P.S. not going to include mine as it does not fit intomy rules lol, and the CPU is not going back into my Rig for forther testing.


Clockspeed and Vcore readings must be exactly as CPU-Z on load, VID and CPU temp as in Coretemp,

Screenie will be in URL tags and not IMG tags. but please post IMG Tags so the post stands out so i know that i have updating to do on Original Post.

Will edit the 1st post in a sec.
18 Oct 2002
OK, shall I not post mine in this thread? I won't be Priming for 8+ hours because I find it a waste of time when IntelBurnTest pushes the CPU harder and in far less time. I got better things to do than wait for 8+ hours of Prime to tell me if an OC is stable when I don't fully trust that it's correct. Too may people over at XS have run Prime for longer than 8 hours already, only to find out their CPU fails within 5 minutes of IBT.

I use OCCT and Super Pi 32M for quick tests while finding a solid OC, then IBT to verify it. Also, I won't be replying to no arguments on this -- too many people outside these forums already proved the doubters wrong, so I don't need anyone here to try and convince me I'm wrong for using IBT. I believe those people can't successfully run it, that's why they doubt. IBT shatters their illusions. :)

I'll post my results elsewhere, possibly on Friday when I get the new cooler.

LOL do you think people just stare at the monitors for 8 hours while Priming.

I am doing this thread to be helpful for others and would avoid tedious internet spouts. But I will post this message for other people not to get put off P95.

Think of it like this, Prime95 SFF is a recognised standard (in the community) for CPU stability test (likewise for memtest for RAM).

In the most often case a CPU that fails IBT but passes Prime95 would be at a higher clock than the same CPU that passes both Prime95 and IBT.

For example my E6550 had been running 3.6Ghz without a single crash for 1 year. This overclock was 'initially' varified with prime95 when i got it. It failed Intel burn test most probabilly due to extream heat.

iirc i had to decrease the overclock to about 200Mhz less for IBT stability. But the fact is that it my prime stable computer has been stable for 1 year without a single crash.

Temps were in the 80s for IBT and 60s for prime. Remember that everyday computing will never be as intensive as a IntelBurn Test. I would personally take that extra 200Mhz overclock over an EXTREME stability CPU.

When I 1st read about IBT a few years ago it was a program used by use overclockers to burn-in a new CPU at stock so it is a very useful tool. But personally I don't burn-in my CPU, just dive in straight away.

I've just giving 1 example but i have been overclocking for many years since a Pentium 3 733Mhz and went trough over 15 CPU's since then. This method has been proven by and to myself and happy to stick with it until it does not work anymore.

Well this post has taken me too much though memory lane so too tired and need my 8+ hour sleep. will be PRIMIN' throught it!!!
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18 Oct 2002
Ah, well that's news to me. See, I thought it was a very recent thing? I know Linpack has been around for a few years but IBT is pretty much brand new. I'll speak to AgentGOD at XS and ask when he made v1.1 beta. I'd ask now but the forums are down.

pretty sure i 1st used it a while back but never used it much.

But been too long ago, and may have been another Linpack stresser. So I'm happy to stand to be corrected.
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