It really comes to life with LED's on.
Thanks faheemrazzaq, still a bit of work to do tidying it up and stopping the light coming through the case but should look OK once finished

What fan filter mesh is that? Plastic or metal?
Good to see another several month parvum wait for youyou don’t learn do you?
Haha I must be a sucker for punishment mate. It's more annoying as I always try to support smaller companies and UK based companies whenever possible and they do make great cases, just a pity the customer service could potentially lose them a lot of repeat business. Hoping things will improve before I get tempted to do another build...
Not sure if I'm allowed to post where I got it from so Mods, please delete if this is against rules, but it's PVC mesh from ModDIY

Onto the progress: Not a lot to report, but have sorted the badge lighting from this awful wonkfest:
To this:
Much better! A nice, slim, even halo effect all the way around

Also removed the front mesh as I wanted the front and top to be more consistent, so now looks like this
Next job will be covering the inside of the roof panel in black vinyl to stop the LED strip shining through, cut some vinyl for GPU logo's etc and hopefully then I'll have the rear fan guard / shroud ready to fit next week (massive thanks to LuckyBenski for cutting this for me), and we'll be nearly done, just need to get my head around what to do with the front fan then!
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