Earth on the scale of things...

Magic_x_uk said:
I mean space is so big, Earth is nothing but a mere speck, and there has to be more out there in all that space, has to be. I dont care what anyone says, There has to be other US out there, with dept, mortgages, worrying about pointless rubbish.

Yeah I agree too. I would be interested to see another planet in another galaxy that has similar properties as Earth and what their life looks like.

I often think that the way the human race is now is just an accident, the way everything has came together is just pure luck. What would it be like if humans weren't the dominant species, or never progressed like we did? We'd still be living in caves or die off.

It would be interesting to see how another planet similar to this one has managed it, and if we would look the same or similar.
Just to clear it up, the temperature and luminosity of starts goes as follows, from hottest to 'coldest'.


The sun is a class G star - yellow on that scale.

Oh and by the way, Antares is not the biggest star out there. Infact it is quite small compared to others. The largest currently known star is believed to be VV Cephei, a glass M (red on the above list) star about 2000 light years away. It is about 2600 times the size of the sun (Antares is about 800 times bigger) but is relatively dull for its size at just 315,000 times the luminosity of the sun and is very light in comparison to other stars smaller than it - its just 20 times the mass of the sun (Antares is 12 times the mass).

The brightest and heaviest known star is LBV 1806-20. It is on the other side of the galaxy at about 45,000 - 50,000 light years away (1 ly is six trillion miles by the way). It is only 200 times the diameter of the sun. Yet it is about 150 times the mass and 40 million times as bight.

Scary stuff!
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DaveyD said:
It really really does get you thinking (well me anyway) about just how stupidly insignificant our little planet is.

I think the opposite. It gets me thinking how precious our little planet is. It's a shame our wonderful lives are ruined by things like work and bills.
Thinking about infinite space sends shivers down my spine....what the hell is out there? :eek: :( there has to be other life. its impossible for there not to be. I'd love to go space exploring. Shame we aren't really up to travelling at light speeds yet.
yeah, glad someone has posted something like this.

Just shows how insignificant the human race is, with all its stupid wars, religions and other crap. We mean NOTHING!!!

We are a mere spec in an almighty huge void of space.

Forget everthing we know about he world, there's a whole galaxy out there... and then some!!!
Digital Punk said:
yeah, glad someone has posted something like this.

Just shows how insignificant the human race is, with all its stupid wars, religions and other crap. We mean NOTHING!!!

We are a mere spec in an almighty huge void of space.

Forget everthing we know about he world, there's a whole galaxy out there... and then some!!!

Its crazy if you think about space being infinite, what is beyond space?
Digital Punk said:
Who knows?
Its like saying.....
What was there before the Big Bang?
And if there is a God, how did he come into existance?
What was before God?

I hate all these questions because i really wanna know :( lol. But i guess we gotta face facts, we probably wont find out in our lifetime, or our kids lifetimes. Which is a shame. But i hope we do.
iCraig said:
We wouldn't know, because we don't have the means measure it I would have thought.
Of course there are ways. Someone posted about a galaxy found several billion light years away. Cube that and you have a rough volume of space that we know about.
Psyk said:
More space? If it's infinite then there isn't anything beyond it. The real question is, is it really infinite?

True... Hm. I wonder if there is a parallel universe? Similar to ours? HOLD ON. If its not infinite, then what the heck is at the end?? :confused: :confused: lol

iCraig said:
How's it ironic? That little flash applet doesn't disprove my point that we don't know how big space is.
Ok - you got me there - there was very little irony at all (there would have been had there been anything of value in the flash - I neglected to even watch it).

For your general pleasure and edification, Wikipedia has a little bit on the subject, which totally disproves your claim that we can't estimate the size of space (observability notwithstanding), and goes some way to disproving your claim that it is not measurable (observability withstanding).
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