Easyriders Car PC Project

Doesnt look too bad tbh, id prefer it to have an OEM look, but it doesnt look as repulsive as has been suggested, i would however be carefull with the vents, the LCD wont stand the heat or cold very well, (trust me been there and plus im an electronics engineer before you spout 'im better than you' nonsense).
Oh and as an aside, why do you need a multimedia centre in the car, i have a DVD player in mine, and i think ive played a DVD once in the car!
so was it really worth the effort...im really tempted to do this now


I love the fact that I can have my whole music collection in the car and I haven't used an IPOD.:D

I love the fact I can stream MP3's to my car from my home Nas box via wifi:p

I have GPS and Bluetooth and I can Tweak it to my hearts content.

I found a use for my battered laptop.

Definitely worth it.
Doesnt look too bad tbh, id prefer it to have an OEM look, but it doesnt look as repulsive as has been suggested, i would however be carefull with the vents, the LCD wont stand the heat or cold very well, (trust me been there and plus im an electronics engineer before you spout 'im better than you' nonsense).

I'll be careful with the vents.:)
Doesnt look too bad tbh, id prefer it to have an OEM look, but it doesnt look as repulsive as has been suggested, i would however be carefull with the vents, the LCD wont stand the heat or cold very well, (trust me been there and plus im an electronics engineer before you spout 'im better than you' nonsense).

He was told. Apparantly he's just not going to use the vents.
Shame the threads derailed somewhat with the angry mob.. in these 'diary' style threads, I can't see why people can't just post their negative opinion in a civilised manner, and leave the thread if it's not for them, but when you see someone's opening gambit as "I agree it looks like a turd" and go downhill from there they just look like some sad/angry loner with nothing better to do with their time, which isn't like that poster at all..
Well said.
He was told. Apparantly he's just not going to use the vents.

I think normal operating temp range for most LCD's is -10 to +60 degrees C, with storage temp range -20 to +70 degress C.. and that's not before it 'dies'...

The airvents surely don't generate these type of temperatures? even if the screen was inefficient and had a 20 degree differential to ambient, you'd still have to be getting a constant stream of 40 degree air out of the vents for a long time before exceeding the rated temperature..

I'd be more concerned with leaving it in the car in summer, I'm sure it'll easily surpass the 70 degree storage temperature by some margin from the radiated heat alone..

I'm not arguing anyone's wrong, just that on the 'surface' although not ideal, putting the LCD on the vents doesn't sound like a critical disaster..
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I think normal operating temp range for most LCD's is -10 to +60 degrees C, with storage temp range -20 to +70 degress C.. and that's not before it 'dies'...

The airvents surely don't generate these type of temperatures? even if the screen was inefficient and had a 20 degree differential to ambient, you'd still have to be getting a constant stream of 40 degree air out of the vents for a long time before exceeding the rated temperature..

I'd be more concerned with leaving it in the car in summer, I'm sure it'll easily surpass the 70 degree storage temperature by some margin from the radiated heat alone..

I'm not arguing anyone's wrong, just that on the 'surface' although not ideal, putting the LCD on the vents doesn't sound like a critical disaster..

Problem is, that the heat is localised, and will be for a sustained period, its like pointing a hot air gun at something for a period of time.Generally components will be specced for 60 but they wont necessarily like sitting at that temp for a prolonged period.Ive broken mobiles sat on vents before.

Its going to be a bit of suck it and see exercise tbh.
Or, alternatively, if it does end up causing an issue, he could just close off those vents and make do with all the other vents in the dashboard...? Problem solved for the meantime.
Its like anything else some people find it hard to say anything positive about anyones


I just don't care though,

I have a PC in my car and it rocks!

Especially the sound.

The sound before when using the cd changer was lifeless and dull.

Its now vibrant, interesting and at my fingertips! :D ;)
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