Easyriders Cinema Room

Oh no Easy!! Did you actually watch Hancock? :eek: If only I'd warned you in time :o:D

The room's looking real nice. I reckon that Get Carter pic would look ace in there, Caine's a proper icon. Could you PM me where you found it please? :)

You'r right Hancock is a crud film :p;)

I'm hovering over trhe buy it button on the get Carter mural.

Thats the only thing thats lacking now some movie posters.
Ok so Im guessing all the beer is under the middle seat :D

A superb example of what can be achieved by planning, organising and having the dedication to see it through ..... and what a result ! Every success with the rest of your build and thanks for sharing and maybe even inspiring a few others.

Thanks for your kind words.:)
What arethose guitars then?
I spy two Tele's, a Strat, a flamenco/classical acoustic, a steel string acoustic, an electro acoustic and a bass.... amiright?

1998 USA Standard Tele
1952 USA Telecaster
Gibson Les Paul Zebrawood
Martin OM18-V Acoustic
Little Martin
1972 Music master Fender Bass
Fender Deluxe USA Strat
Easy I think that is where most blokes want to go when they die.

I think my old man would seriously kill the have a few hours with those guitars, nice selection of some of the best ever made m8, again good taste shown.......but you already know that :D
This thread is win.

I went looking at a plot of land last night, which is due for a total rebuild and i'm thinking of stealing a lot of ideas :D

I especially like the guitar rack idea.. All mine are in hard cases.

Kudos on a great project. *tips hat*
Easy I think that is where most blokes want to go when they die.

I think my old man would seriously kill the have a few hours with those guitars, nice selection of some of the best ever made m8, again good taste shown.......but you already know that :D

Cheers mate.

This thread is win.

I went looking at a plot of land last night, which is due for a total rebuild and i'm thinking of stealing a lot of ideas :D

I especially like the guitar rack idea.. All mine are in hard cases.

Kudos on a great project. *tips hat*

I tend to play them more when I can get to them easily.

Mind you the Case/Rack was not cheap.

Fender Studio Guitar Case Stand


£237:eek: but managed to get it for £199

Is a quality Item though

*tips hat back*
Lovely guitars!
One of them is probably more expensive than all of mine put together!

I have a:
Fender P-Bass Lyte Deluxe MIJ
Fender Strat '54 Reissue (I think) MIJ
Squire Pro-Tone Strat Deluxe
Ibanez SRX305
Fender Fretless Jazz Bass MIJ
and two crappy Squire strats.

I'm also thinking of buiying another Pro-Tone as they're so ******* cheap, and damned nice too!
Take a look at the Dolby web site for speaker positioning. Don't think his surrounds are in the ideal position but don't think they are vastly wrong either.
i have just read through every page on this project and it is stunning, very similar to my own set up, only mines is smaller.

@ easyrider,

i have worked in sound engineering for 20 years, until recently when i gave it up to career change into IT, from musical theatre to rock n roll, mostly touring.

my specialised area was sound design and frequency analysis, now i know from previous posts that you have had the room 'sounded out' and you have very common issues with reverb and acoustic' noise'

the baffles you have instaled are great, but i notice from the pics one area that will, and probaly is causing a problem due to the 'throw' of the tannoys.

this area is that back wall, have you thought about some drapes behind the sofa? all along that wall would be great, it would just eliminate any 'back slap' that might be confusing the sounding out of the room.

if you need a more comprehensive analysis of the room give me the total dimensions in a PM,

im sure i remeber how to apply the formula, for any other engineers out there, its 0.16 x (V) volume divided by (A) absorption coefficients, yeah? measured in (OW) open window units?

should be fun to do, funny enough i ejected all this info from my brain, for my IT degree, there is only sooo much room in your head after all lol

again a very very nice set up you have there, but you know that ehh? :D
Sabine Equation

Sabine's reverberation equation was developed in the late 1890s in an empirical fashion. He established a relationship between the RT60 of a room, its volume, and its total absorption (in sabins).

This is given by the equation:

RT_{60} = \frac{c \cdot V}{Sa}.

where c is a number that relates to the speed of sound in the room, measuring about 0.161 s/m, V is the volume of the room in m³, S total surface area of room in m², a is the average absorption coefficient of room surfaces, and the product Sa is the total absorption in sabins.

The total absorption in sabins (and hence reverberation time) generally changes depending on frequency (which is defined by the acoustic properties of the space). The equation does not take into account room shape or losses from the sound travelling through the air (important in larger spaces). Most rooms absorb less in the lower frequencies, causing a longer decay time.

soundood, you are correct.. although I would say don't worry about calculating the RT to the letter. Just perform a simple "clap" test.. you'll be able to hear the kinds of delays, a set of heavy drapes or curtains would easily sort it, providing you want to be anal*

I am aware I quoted Wikipedia, but to be honest it was a few years since my degree, so I was struggling to remember the name of the formula :p

*we did a project about this very thing for our final year, and I went to the extent of calculating the surface area of all the internal surfaces minus the fixtures and fittings (plastic has different co-efficient than plasterboard, metal different to that etc). I even did the pipes going to the radiators!! but it turns out I went too deep for what they wanted. Still, accuracy was key! :D
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@ easyrider,

i have worked in sound engineering for 20 years, until recently when i gave it up to career change into IT, from musical theatre to rock n roll, mostly touring.

my specialised area was sound design and frequency analysis, now i know from previous posts that you have had the room 'sounded out' and you have very common issues with reverb and acoustic' noise'

the baffles you have instaled are great, but i notice from the pics one area that will, and probaly is causing a problem due to the 'throw' of the tannoys.

this area is that back wall, have you thought about some drapes behind the sofa? all along that wall would be great, it would just eliminate any 'back slap' that might be confusing the sounding out of the room.

if you need a more comprehensive analysis of the room give me the total dimensions in a PM,

im sure i remeber how to apply the formula, for any other engineers out there, its 0.16 x (V) volume divided by (A) absorption coefficients, yeah? measured in (OW) open window units?

should be fun to do, funny enough i ejected all this info from my brain, for my IT degree, there is only sooo much room in your head after all lol

again a very very nice set up you have there, but you know that ehh? :D

The back curtain is a good idea.

Oh no more tweaking!:p
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