I'll just bypass the usual anti EBay posts - go away then, find somewhere else that gives you access to hundreds of thousands of potential buyers for the same kind of charge that EBay make.
This change is extremely welcome - nice one EBay on cracking down on yet another thing on their site.
The reason so many people have a problem with EBay is that there is always somebody trying one on.
Item £1 and then £40 delivery - the idea so that their listing gets priority being cheaper.
They also hope people won't read the high delivery charges and be stuck with them.
The EBay system works really well if you do it properly.
That is - I charge for an item and for delivery I put how much it will cost me to send it via the carriage system of my choice (RM Special Delivery is still one of the best as it offers the tracking demanded).
The price for that delivery service is available on the RM website.
Simply round it up, so using the £4.30 service I'll charge people £5.
As for the free delivery cats - again, it makes sense as these are low cost items to send - amny being sendable for the price of a stamp (unless of course it is an extremely valuable comic for example, but this is a rare transaction).
As the rule of free delivery will apply to all, you simply factor in the cost when you sell the item.
So I sell a DVD for £1 now with say £1 delivery.
Come the changes I'll sell it for £2.
I'll either be competing with people in the same position as me or people selling at stupid prices, either way once their copy has sold then mine will.
*Claps EBay on sensible decision*