Ebay + Youtube + Piracy = LOL

So let me get this right you are all ****** off because some one posted a pc for sale with some warez installed because of piracy ? but it's ok for you to have a thread running about news accounts in the past with no attacks from anyone mm ok i see how it works here.

And as for reporting him it's just pathetic.

The difference is that he was profitting from it, how may of those computers would he have been able to sell if he'd been saying "You'll need to supply and install your own operating system and software as I cannot legally supply any without increasing the cost".
Very possibly, but I also think cracks fall out of the purview of that exemption. I'm sure fini will give the final word when he sees this though.

It would be quite interesting to know, I'm sure I read something about this a while ago but I can't find it right now. Either way, I'm sure no one would be prosecuted if they could prove they had an original copy anyway.

Also. I'm surprised this rather laughable video hasn't been posted yet:
My friends dad has gone into the pc repair/install game self employed... he and his other son both do the work. They were both trying to convince me that because MS dont support XP anymore, that makes it freeware and were literally shouting me down when I tried to argue...
This from the guys who spent 9 months and £450 of my friends money trying to fix the pc that basically needed a new hard drive.
So if a cracked .exe is illegal, is a TSR loader legal.

By that I mean you do not alter the .exe file, you simply launch a program which stays memory resident, and that program launches the .exe file, circumventing the protection, but not altering the exe.
The amount of rubbish that goes into the game price like physical product's, transport, many ''between people'' like the publisher, shops, traders, etc is also unbelievable imo :). Should be able to download/pay to the developer directly imo for just the data and be done with it.

There was this site ( it was called BIG, ban illegale games en software) a while ago here in the NL, funded by the gov aimed at children to prevent piracy, they explained the costs of a retail game, I believe that it said that only 5€ of a 50€ game went to the dev, this is appalling imo.

The current distribution system is flawed imo.

Dude, this is the 2nd time you made the same mistake ( in the youtube comment too), it is not a p3, it's a pentium D, like 2x pentium 4's in 1 chip :p, competitor to Amd X2. Yes I'm bored :p.
/runs before skeet comes down here and punches me in the face for annoying him :D.
This, why on Earth in this day and age does someone need to trek to a game shop to Purchase a copy of the latest game???
There are already several game distribution sites (such as Steam). Over time people will be happier and happier not buying the physical product. The market will take care of itself.

If the distributors are making lots of money then more distributors will appear, and developers will look to do it in house. Eventually it'll settle to a point where distributors are not making mass profits, and it's best for developers to go through a distrubutor.

Why has this not happened with books, CDs, DVDs? Massive barriers to entry. Game distribution barriers to entry are tiny in comparison, and they will get smaller.

I would imagine that it won't be too long before a high quality "off the shelf" game distribution website can be purchased, in the same way that an off the self web-shop can be purchased.

Until then let Steam and so on make huge cuts of the profit, it can't last in a free market.
I just randomly checked (thread revival, hi) and he's gone and set all his eBay feedback to private now for some reason :D.

If you Google his eBay user ID then this thread is the first result :o.
Although this post has highlighted some valid points, piracy, whats illegal, not illegal etc I have just put the user ID in google and (based on the feedback) it seems like they were good people who were just doing something wrong if you know what I mean. I'm sure everybody reading this, drives at 30mph, never downloads anything and doesnt sneakily watch porn whilst the wife is sleeping :() I hope you get my point. a lot of good people have done wrong things, some more stupid than others! We shouldnt be so hypocritical, but then again were British!

I'm not justifiying it by any stretch of the imagination, but to start abusing people's race (I have some good asian friends), listing the phone number on the forum and causing all this, is kindof unneccasary.

The point has been highlighted, but I actually do feel sorry for the person....not from a business sense, but just from a personal attack point of view. But then again, he'll probably never see this!! If he did, he wouldnt be happy......

There are many people selling copywrighted software on PC's/laptops on ebay all the time, I have just seen someone selling a PC with games installed, but as theyre not ebay powersellers, nobody batters an eyelid!

I hope you understand what I mean by this, I'm not justifying what theyve done, but I dont think anyone deserves some of the crap that I have seen written. Some of the feedback says he's a nice guy, top guy etc etc Most people on ebay in my experience are real pains to deal with!!!

I woulda liked to seen the shoddy videos though for comedy purposes, that was stupid hehehehe

Please excuse the essay...
The amount of rubbish that goes into the game price like physical product's, transport, many ''between people'' like the publisher, shops, traders, etc is also unbelievable imo :). Should be able to download/pay to the developer directly imo for just the data and be done with it.

There was this site ( it was called BIG, ban illegale games en software) a while ago here in the NL, funded by the gov aimed at children to prevent piracy, they explained the costs of a retail game, I believe that it said that only 5€ of a 50€ game went to the dev, this is appalling imo.

The current distribution system is flawed imo.

Dude, this is the 2nd time you made the same mistake ( in the youtube comment too), it is not a p3, it's a pentium D, like 2x pentium 4's in 1 chip :p, competitor to Amd X2. Yes I'm bored :p.
/runs before skeet comes down here and punches me in the face for annoying him :D.

with digital distribution though, you have to add in enormous cost of server's and letting people re download multi gig files indefinably.
Oh Dear

Hi Peter,

I will only ask you this one, Can you remove the thread from overclockers that you started?

I have never done anything to you that will affect your life in any way, and yet you reported me to god knows who, and the worst part was left you my contact details on an overclockers forum.
I was never rude to you in any of my emails, i was actually being helpful. How difficult would it have been to have just emailed me instead of all this..

In any case, I plan to start thread on a forum on an anti-racist website which will detail your name, address etc similar to what you did for me really (*** My Name & Address ***). You'd be surprised the amount of people just living off of the Hambledon Rd area that would show an interest in what I have to say...obviously I would exxagerate if I have to to get more interest, like you did ofcourse...

The racist abuse that I have suffered because of you will only be forgiven if that thread is removed...it's as simple as that

I hope you dont ever have someone post your personal details on a website and cause you trouble like you did for me.

Unlike yourself, atleast I'm letting you know in advance and giving you an option to stop me posting it on the internet....

lol just lol

I just want to make it clear it was the chaps blatant illegal piracy that prompted me to start this thread and I would have done so what ever race he is or may be.
Also I edited out his mobile about 5 mins after I posted it as somebody pointed out that was wrong of me.
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For a minute I thought it was the ebayer posting but then I realised the qoutation marks and that you were the op. Don't know why he pulled the racist card though.
What personal details did you post? I don't remember seeing them in the thread.

The man has serious issues.
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