8.1 Software and electronics inspection :
8.1.1 Prior to the start of each season the complete electrical system on the car must be examined and all on
board and communications software must be inspected by the FIA Technical Department.
The FIA must be notified of any changes prior to the Event at which such changes are intended to be
8.1.2 All re-programmable microprocessors must have a mechanism that allows the FIA to accurately identify
the software version loaded.
8.1.3 All electronic units containing a programmable device, and which are intended for use at an Event, must be
presented to the FIA before each Event in order that they can be identified.
8.1.4 All on-car software versions must be registered with the FIA before use.
8.1.5 The FIA must be able to test the operation of any compulsory electronic safety systems at any time during
an Event.
8.2 Control electronics :
8.2.1 All components of the engine, gearbox, clutch, differential and KERS in addition to all associated actuators
must be controlled by an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) which has been manufactured by an FIA
designated supplier to a specification determined by the FIA.
The ECU may only be used with FIA approved software and may only be connected to the control system
wiring loom, sensors and actuators in an manner specified by the FIA.
8.2.2 All control sensors, actuators and FIA monitoring sensors will be specified and homologated by the FIA.
Each and every component of the control system will be sealed and uniquely identified and their identities
tracked through their life cycle.
These components and units may not be disassembled or modified in any way and seals and identifiers
must remain intact and legible.
8.2.3 The control system wiring loom connectivity will be specified by the FIA.
8.2.4 Pneumatic valve pressure may only be controlled via a passive mechanical regulator or from the ECU and
its operation will be monitored by the ECU.
8.2.5 The car hydraulic system will be monitored by the ECU.
8.2.6 The ECU will be designed to run from a car system supply voltage of 12V nominal provided by a
homologated voltage regulator.
8.3 Start systems :
Any system, the purpose and/or effect of which is to detect when a race start signal is given, is not
8.4 Data acquisition :
Any data acquisition system, telemetry system or associated sensors additional to those provided by the
ECU and ADR must be physically separate and completely isolated from any control electronics with the
exception of the primary regulated voltage supply, car system ground and a single communication link to
the ECU and ADR.
8.5 Telemetry :
8.5.1 Telemetry systems must operate at frequencies which have been approved by the FIA.
2011 F1 Technical Regulations 30 of 73 8 March 2011
© 2010 Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile
8.5.2 Pit to car telemetry is prohibited.