EE - 4G

ridiculous prices. tbh im very dissapointed, i was looking forward to getting a SIII and a 4g package.

Not now!
The more I look at those T&C's the more I have to laugh, SIM only £21 for 500MB, great you get unlimited minutes, and texts but to be fair who is going to 4G for minutes and texts :S

Three have a SIM only deal at £12.90, 600 minutes, 5000 texts, and 1GB data. Or if you prefer only £15.90 with All-you-can-eat data for 12 months contract.

Why would any one even remotley chose EE options.

a.) They like being shafted.
b.) They can't read.
c.) They are confused that 4G does something better than 3G, other than data speed.
d.) They think that if they don't buy it they won't be cool since one of their iphone owning friends has it.

This is crazy!!!!
Ah yeah so he did :D

Quite a few of us EE people on here now!

Decided to go for a walk at lunchtime. :)

Edit: Crappy iPhone3 camera. :(


Those plans are actually terrible. Nokia shares are down almost 7% which must be in part related to this. The uptake is goint to be microscopic compared to forecast at £1200 for a two year contract which is massively low on data.

I think the media needs to pick up the fact that the full package is not even 45 minutes of data at the purported full speed.
i get 12mb down and 2mb up on my sim only £21 deal i only get 1200 mins , unlimited landline calls and 500 texts but more importantly i get 3gb a month to use and if i go over it i dont get charged.

think ill stick with that! glad to see everyone is thinking the same that its a rip off!

is there anyone here thats actually signed up to it?
Test Date: Oct 23, 2012 1:14:50 pm
Connection Type: Cell
Server: London
Download: 12.75 Mbps
Upload: 1.35 Mbps
Ping: 74 ms
knowing me, I will probably end up signing up as even though I'M not into Streaming, I do like the idea of faster web browsing and More importantly, I just fancy having it!
Just to stick some numbers to this debacle:

Assuming the AVERAGE download speed of 12Mbit, we see the following:

  • 500Mb allowance represents 5mins 33s of data per month (so 11 seconds per day)
  • 1Gb allowance represents 11mins 6s of data per month (so 22 seconds per day)
  • 8Gb allowance represents 88mins 53s of data per month (so 2mins 57s seconds per day)

...Even with the highest bandwidth package, you have less than three mins per day of data (potentially less if your speed exceeds the average).

Let's have a quick look at what this data is costing you:

  • 500Mb: £36 for 5.55mins is: £6.48 per minute
  • 1Gb: £41 for 11.11mins is: £3.69 per minute
  • 8Gb: £56 for 88.88mins is: £0.63 per minute

Even on the most data-heavy package, the cost of data usage exceeds that of many premium-rate phones lines - and this assumes you use all of your allowance. For the more affordable packages data costs more than the most expensive one-on-one porn lines.

Is this really the direction EE want to go? Advertising a product for data-heavy multimedia applications, and charging prices higher than premium rate phone lines for access to this service?
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