Pretty much.
I can't remember which frequcies which but the other 4g frequency being auction, is better for inner city's with far more data capacity.
2600/1800 for urban areas and 800Mhz for rural with lower data rates..
Pretty much.
I can't remember which frequcies which but the other 4g frequency being auction, is better for inner city's with far more data capacity.
There will still be 800MHz LTE in cities though right? Building penetrance of the higher frequencies is a bit of a joke...
3GB tariff I think I'll go for.
Because the one down isn't enough data, and the one up is too much £££.
As far as I understand it, 2600Mhz should support a (proportionally) higher capacity, but 800Mhz should be the most far reaching, with better penetration. 1800Mhz should be a balance between the two.
Well Im going for it, the faster speed seems worth it. Im a stickler for new tech.
Will 4g constantly utilise the full available bandwidth even when its not needed? When im using my home 60mb connection im not constantly downloading at that speed whilst im chilling on the ocuk forums!
Worth it for a whole 11mins till you hit the data cap.
It really is pointless.
Do you even live in one of the few 4g areas.
Wy would you think that, doesn't say that anywhere on EE website I can see. It does say this though in the T&CsBut the cap doesn't prevent general web activities does it? Just downloading/streaming
Kind of like what they have in place at the moment anyway
If you run out of data, you won’t be able to use the internet and you’ll need to buy a data add-on to use the internet until your next bill date.
But the cap doesn't prevent general web activities does it? Just downloading/streaming
Kind of like what they have in place at the moment anyway
Swap to 4GEE: Offer ends 31 December 2012