*****EGOSOFT TNBT (X Rebirth)****

Its probably how the video came out, I can't find the quote but on one of their videos or egosoft forum the developers said its just bad quality from the video.
Its probably how the video came out, I can't find the quote but on one of their videos or egosoft forum the developers said its just bad quality from the video.

The game looks cell shaded and a different style than the old ones, i doubt that's down to poor video quality. I don't mind it tbh.
That latest trailer oh yeah! Really looking forward to this and the release day has come around pretty quick. Also ordered from Zavvi :D
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I've tried the other X games and got bored quickly. Just didn't have the time to sus it all out. I know some people will go mad but I hope its dumbed down lol

You are not the only one! I spent two hours on x3 during a tutorial mission (if you could call it that) only to head put on the auto docking thingy and have it ram me into the station. I rage quit and never played it again :p
You are not the only one! I spent two hours on x3 during a tutorial mission (if you could call it that) only to head put on the auto docking thingy and have it ram me into the station. I rage quit and never played it again :p

LOL first time I played it, I did similar, as I was starting with the trader start and the trade ship didn't have any front facing weapons, it made shooting the crate rather difficult until I realised wtf was going on.
It does indeed. At least egosoft are good at patching - I just hope they don't sell features that should have been in the main game at a later date.

they never sell anything like there patches are always free.
They also add stuff that the community comes out with in there patches as well
Ive read somewhere a month or two back that they plan on adding content in the form of free patches and dlc. I would imagine a large expansion would cost money but that would be a few years away yet.
The interview is interesting, everything sounds worrying unfinished :)

Nah, it sounds to me like it's business as usual, they'll release the core game, then patch, rebalance, & add content as and when the community brings things up, Ego have a close working relationship with there fans, it's one of the things i like about them.
Nah, it sounds to me like it's business as usual, they'll release the core game, then patch, rebalance, & add content as and when the community brings things up, Ego have a close working relationship with there fans, it's one of the things i like about them.

You missed the bit about loosing your save games because the patch made them incompatible ;)
Ego have a close working relationship with there fans, it's one of the things i like about them.

Hopefully that's something they will continue to do. Got a few things planned my self if the engine is as modable as they have said.
Getting closer to release (nov 15th) anyone getting this?
Ive watched the dev videos and I think it looks excellent and also not too hard to play like the others.
IS there only going to be one ship available in this version of the game lol thats the impression I got from the trailers.

Yes, but it is highly customisable so you can fill different roles with it. They may even put in different ships later on, who knows..
Can anyone explain what X games are about? Spaceships? How do they play? They look fantastic, but I've never dived into one... Rebirth could be where I start.
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