*****EGOSOFT TNBT (X Rebirth)****

Bought this during recent 50% sale. After downloading AMD software to fix integrated graphics/gpu fix for laptops, game now running sweet. Characters look ugly and talking to different people on stations who are standing close to each other, is also buggy. Finally, the lane hopping is awful, as autopilot does not seem to exit these system lanes, or 80% of the time I crash into a ship/station if I exit a lane manually.
Apart from that, I am starting to enjoy this game more than X3, as it does break you into the steep learning curve much gentle than X3. I know people hate the station walking bits, but I found it added atmosphere to the game, especially to see my ship docked. Looking forward to seeing more mods on Steam Workshop now and hope that Egosoft continue with optimising and fine-tuning out the bugs. :)
Has the game been patched enough so its worth the purchase? Also are the mouse and keyboard controls good or do i require a joystick.
Latest patch included a 64-bit executable, boosting fps. Playing this on my laptop and game is pretty stable. Still limited to one ship & cockpit, but that might change in future patches. Also Steam workshop content is a little slow at arriving, but seems lots of mod activities on Egosoft's forums. I have to say, that I have been playing this more than X3 due to it being far more accessible, but I would love to see more content/interaction during the station walkabouts (love walking back to the ship, but want to see interaction to the ship like refuelling animations or welding repairs).
So... thinking of getting this now the turd appears to have been polished a bit.

What's the verdict, has it moved on from the original mess sufficient to appeal to a veteran of X2/X3 and Terran Conflict, or best still avoided?

I can't believe Steam want £39.99 for the DL version, while the biggest on line retailer is selling the boxed edition for £14.99!
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Still avoid unless you can get it for a fiver or less. Single player is basically a tutorial. Sandbox is fun, but nowhere near as good as the previous games. Fire up TC/AP again IMO.
So... thinking of getting this now the turd appears to have been polished a bit.

What's the verdict, has it moved on from the original mess sufficient to appeal to a veteran of X2/X3 and Terran Conflict, or best still avoided?

I can't believe Steam want £39.99 for the DL version, while the biggest on line retailer is selling the boxed edition for £14.99!

Well theres 2 new patches due soon as well as an expansion DLC in December which is free if you all ready own XR, as for is the game worth it yet, I still haven't played it yet, the December DLC might well swing it for me and get me playing it finally.
The new 3.0 patch is here and comes with a free DLC if you download it before the 15th. I bought this but didn't play it as I was waiting for it to be ready, the word from the beta forum is that this patch finally brings the game to where it should have been on release. I'm definitely going to give it a shot again.
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Is this worth buying now? :D

I have held off buying it so far, watched some videos on youtube and it looks ok now but not sure if it is worth getting?
Still looks nothing like X3 :(
It's nothing like X3, I'm not bashing it as I haven't played it in ages but if you want X3, play X3, if you want something a bit different and essentially a console port then play this.

Personally I'd recommend ignoring it and getting Elite: Dangerous, yes you don't have the option to own stations etc but you have different ships, multiplayer etc.
It's nothing like X3, I'm not bashing it as I haven't played it in ages but if you want X3, play X3, if you want something a bit different and essentially a console port then play this.

Personally I'd recommend ignoring it and getting Elite: Dangerous, yes you don't have the option to own stations etc but you have different ships, multiplayer etc.

Or buy both, £13 you cant grumble.
I'll be honest I got a refund for this game on Steam, but they never removed the game, I have played it for about 20 hours in total, some of that offline and would rather have the £13. Plenty of better games available for that.
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