[Einstein@home] News Q4 2015

Would guess you would be limited by how many cpu cores you could assign to feed the gpu.

However you need to find the sweet spot where you get the highest PPD. You might be able to run 20 at a time but overall would take longer than doing two lots of 10 so your PPD would drop.

Some AMD cards will only reliably run 1 at a time though :(

Worked out...

If I Run this..

Each WU takes 320minutes.

If I run This

Each WU takes 130minutes

If I Run This....

Each WU takes 72 minutes.

On my AMD system...

I have a r9 390 and a r9 280x

How set up for 390 to run 1 WU and the 280x to run 3 WU in config file?

Ie what is have at the minute is...

Great news for me (thanks postmanfw) as my 980ti is now running multiple wu's with no errors on the latest nvidia drivers at last ! I'm slowly increasing the amount of wu's and monitoring, at 4 wu's (0.25) they complete in 167mins each, jut increasing now to 5 wu's, a single wu was taking 51 mins before.
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Nice one :)

The 6970 was taking just over 3hrs for a single unit....just over 4.5 hrs for 2 units and looking around 6hrs if each card doing 3 units at a time.

Usage maxed out at 98%+ so think thats enough for these antiques :)

Feels like summer has arrived early in my room now :)

Glad i replaced the standard coolers with acceleros as the fans are running at 100% all the time to keep them cool...no spacing between them in 2nd rig due to mb layout :(
On my AMD system...

I have a r9 390 and a r9 280x

How set up for 390 to run 1 WU and the 280x to run 3 WU in config file?

I've never run different gpus on the same machine, hanluc might be able to help.

Not sure how from your config each card knows that they can only run hsgamma_FGRP4 or einsteinbinary_BRP6 as required ?
Would have thought you need to be more detailed and make the config tell Boinc what each card can do (and how many of the things it can do).
How do you guys run multiple WU's?
I'm only running 1 on my R9 Fury, and it's averaging around 77% load. (WU takes ~42 minutes)
I used to go away for weeks in a state of confusion.

Albert Einstein​

Got my 3 day shift out of the way, the insanity that is the peak trading period is in full effect. Needed a little time to wind down.

Speaking of insanity - what the hell have you lot been doing!
You have broken my graphs, stomped teams to bits - crikey, someone even managed to replicate himself :eek:
I just cant leave you alone for 2 minutes without you being very very naughty

...............in the most awesome way!
There is a lot to digest here, give me a couple of hours to prep a mega update :cool:

Suppose I have a machine that creates pies and anti-pies ( I like steak and kidney, but cream & custard is fine too ). If a pie and an anti-pie meet they annihilate and you get a taste explosion. What is more is that we can make (anti-)pies that can only be eaten when held in the left hand, and likewise (anti-)pies eaten with the right. Normally if I make a right handed pie then also a left handed anti-pie comes out too ie. pie-ness and handed-ness are conserved. However each pie or anti-pie can also 'decay' into two or more other smaller/lesser pies of different varieties. So a single cream&custard pie might become a cream pie and a custard pie. Likewise an anti-steak&kidney pie may decay to an anti-steak and an anti-kidney pie.

Curious? - read Mike Hewson's recent post in full here

Why choose Einstein@home

It's clearly a cutting edge project, about as 'pure' as science as can be. I think I should mention that I personally have been less than impressed with some explanations from other projects as to whether any results ( or benefit thereof ) will be in the public domain upon completion. They know who they are, and my PC will not be assisting them. I am pleased in the knowledge that my PC WILL assist with any discovery in the nascent field of gravitational wave astronomy - which it WILL.

Mike Hewson (Einstein@home Forum Moderator)

Most forum members will be aware of this already - Radeon Crimson drivers cause meltdown
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Is this project aimed towards amd or nvidia, I have a nvidia card I might have another go with as malariacontrol has stopped giving work out
Never used Radeons on Einstein myself. I have an old pdf showing the performance of various nvidia and amd gpu's - covers upto the Titan 1 and the AMD 7990.

You can download it here

Its interesting as it shows the effects of different CPU/GPU loads
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How do you guys run multiple WU's?
I'm only running 1 on my R9 Fury, and it's averaging around 77% load. (WU takes ~42 minutes)

In account go into Einstein@Home preferences and change the gpu utilization figures to 0.5 for 2 0.33 for 3 or 0.25 for 4 etc

Note that the changes may not take effect until you download new work, so if you have a weeks work stashed it could take a while.
At least this was my experience, I tried read config file, read local config file after I changed the value's and nothing happened.
Days later my gpu started doing 2 at once - I assume that was the reason anyway?
Mine changed after closing and restarting the boinc client, the current 1.0 wu's changed to 0.5 and again when i went to 0.25 but only after closing boinc and restarting it.

Looking forward to the next graph btw derk :)
You can update a project's preferences by going to the Projects tab within BOINC Manager, clicking on the appropriate project and clicking 'Update' - no need to close and restart anything :)
Update didn't change the existing wu's for me, initially i resorted to clicking reset project but found that closing and restarting worked for me in the end. Update just seemed to change any new wu's not already downloaded ones, unless I did something wrong. :) Also I had been a lil greedy and downloaded several days work :D
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Teams totally insane PPD for last 24 hours was 3,465,073

An astonishing number everyone, just when you think it surely cannot go higher, it does

Teams individual output

Ba, Streetlight (Firstborn) and PDW continue to astonish, insane numbers - collectively 2,172,506 PER DAY......wow
OcUK's assault troops - currob, Postmanfw, Andy, MGP and pnutty providing tactical support with 698,300 PPD, again a huge increase since the last update.
The rest of us raised the bar as well - 517,357 PPD, almost matching the assault troops - way to go!!!

How are we doing globally?

8th highest PPD in the world

Multiple overtakes, which at our level is a rare thing -

From 56th at the last update, now sitting pretty at 54th

Teams Stomped

AMD Users (55th)
UH IT HPC (54th)

Teams in our sights

Crystal Dream - likely stomped already
Intel Corp - likely stomped already
boinc.cz - approx 7 days
Boone Sch - Iowa - approx 14 days
UK Boinc Team - approx 24 days

Personal Milestones

2015-12-08 Zapp3012 1,500,000
2015-12-08 currob 1,700,000
2015-12-08 ozaudio 50,000
2015-12-08 Fezzer 5,000
2015-12-08 Streetlight 2,000,000
2015-12-08 pnutty 1,300,000
2015-12-08 Postmanfw 1,000,000
2015-12-08 divebod 20,000
2015-12-07 Streetlight 200,000
2015-12-06 Ba 30,000,000
2015-12-06 Tina 100,000
2015-12-06 Borged by MGP 10,000,000
2015-12-06 cadmunkey 100,000
2015-12-06 Andy_Taximan 7,000,000
2015-12-05 colinmcr 80,000
2015-12-04 Gordon Proctor 9,000,000

New Members

2015-12-05 divebod
2015-12-04 Streetlight (Replicant) - full marks for that my man



Picture of the day -


Chart - TeamOcUK

My apologies for the delay getting this up, have a lot on at the moment, note I havent had time to work out the global overtakes properly.
Our teams RAC is roughly half our PPD so I just halved the official overtake stats - lazy I know but I aint got the time today - sorry.
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