Eizo FORIS FS2735 IPS 27" 144hz 2650x1440 - Freesync

With a reinstall of Windows 7, I reinstalled Arma 3 and everything that goes with Sa-Matra's Wasteland launcher (downloads mods via steam, really nice).

Using my two Sapphire 290x cards in crossfire configuration, I seem to have both cards working.

One thing that stands out, as I play with this monitor, and I don't quite know if this is because of the latest beta Crimson driver and/or running freesync, but the cards seeem less stressed, both running around 800MHz, something I have never seen before when running crossfire with these cards of mine.

One thing I should mention: I suspect one of the cards may be damaged. I blame AMD myself. At this point in time, things seem to work ok though.

Because of how Wasteland is cpu intensive, server side foremost, frame rates never sky rocket with a server full of players, and expected fps is anything from 30 to 90 depending on how many people are on the server, and where you are on the map.

When installing Teamspeak 3, I also installed Overwolf, and that gave me a fps counter which I like. I used to have Fraps, and then Steam, to give me a fps counter on the screen. With Overwolf I should be able too see who is actually talking on teamspeak, while playing.

To be honest, I had no expectations of any improvement by going from 60Hz to 144Hz, in windows and in games, and I am not sure I see any improvement. Things do seem fluid, but I don't know. :) Wasteland is perhaps not the best game to test out freesync, given the very varying fps everyone get. Getting a constant 60fps is just not possible because of how Arma 3 was made by the developers.

Edit: Hm, the next time I play Wasteland I should compare the GPU usage % and Hz, with the fps, to see if fps perhaps is under the freesync range, in case it matters (wouldn't think so though).
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I would try switching from freesync mode to uLMB mode. blur reduction better for me in terms of impact, I just can't use it as I can see the strobing.
I would try switching from freesync mode to uLMB mode. blur reduction better for me in terms of impact, I just can't use it as I can see the strobing.

I have heard about "strobing", could this have something to do with what AMD calles "low framerate compensation"?

Low framerate compensation is supposed to double the frames for low fps, for trying to crate a more smooth display of images as I understand it.


Btw, I am currently running my FS2735 with the high range for freesync. This seems to work ok for me, even though the fps is sometimes lower than 50'ish (50'ish frames is afaik the lower end of the "high range" for freesync).
I have not yet tried the low range for freesync. Presumably, playing Wasteland would look better.

As for running windows in 144Hz, I am not sure what to think, I guess it is an improvement. It is not like I am wow'ed by it. Ofc, I was not really sure what to expect before seeing Windows 7 running at 144Hz, as opposed to 60Hz.
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I would try switching from freesync mode to uLMB mode. blur reduction better for me in terms of impact, I just can't use it as I can see the strobing.

I am not sure what you mean by seeing the strobing. Could you please explain what you mean by this, and also mention what mode you think you see this strobing effect in? (Srgb-, gaming-, cinema-, paper mode, etc.)
sure, freesync and ulmb modes can not be active at same time.

in monitor menu go colour>advanced settings>blur reduction 'on'.

to see the strobe hold up an iphone and switch into movie record mode, hold up the phone to the screen and look at the iphone's screen, you will see the strobing.

to see the improvement first hand run a fast paced game like battlefield 4.
Edit: I have since learned that when switching to freesynch 'low range' for the first time, you have to go set the screen refresh rate from 60Hz to 90Hz, so that your computer remembers this when switching between the freesync modes later on!. My issue below here was probably because I failed to find the 90Hz option when being freesync 'high range' mode. Only when in 'low range' mode did I see the 90Hz option. Presumably, setting the monitor to 90Hz in Windows is correct for running freesync 'low range' (35-90Hz range).

I have contacted Eizo about a strange thing. Not sure what to think about this:

After logging into Windows 7, and running the monitor with freesync 'high range' enabled, and running 144Hz screen refresh rate in Widnows, and freesync enabled in Crimson driver.. (monitor light is RED)

..and if I THEN (while still being in Windows desktop) turn off the monitor and open the hidden menu for switching from freesync 'high range' to 'low range', turning the monitor back on, Windows will by itself have switched the screen refresh rate from 144Hz, back to 60Hz (and the monitor light is now still RED). Turning the screen refresh rate back to 144Hz, have the light on the monitor turn WHITE.

Is that not strange?

The consequence of that are:
• Running freesync 'high range' with 144Hz screen refresh rate in Windows, should work ok. Monitor light is "RED".
• Running freesync 'low range' with 144Hz screen refresh rate in Windows, is apparently not possible, given how the light on the monitor now has a WHITE light.(!)

With freesync 'low range', the range should be 35-90Hz, but is that even possible with Windows screen refresh rate set to only 60Hz?

EDIT: I DO see a 90Hz option in windows 7's screen refresh rate menu, but only when I have freesync 'low range' selected. With 'high range' selected, I think I only saw 100Hz and not 90Hz iirc.


Working as intended or buggy?
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What do you think Besty?

(I tried to send you a message about this, but I couldn't find a way to do that on the forums)
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One thing I have been wondering about, is whether or not it is a good idea to use the hidden administrator menu (monitor has to be turned off)..
..once logged into the Windows desktop
..once in-game playing a game

If I change the freesync settings on the monitor while in game (specifically Arma 3), I hear a duh-duh sound from Windows while the screen is black. I wonder what that means.

EDIT: The sounds I am hearing are the "device connect" and "device disconnect" in Windows.

Edit: If I am in windows desktop and turn the monitor off, I hear the "device disconnect" sound ONCE. When I turn the monitor on again, I hear the "device connect" sound TWICE.
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Hey bud. I don't use freesync so I would not know. I would try posting in the amd driver thread in the graphics card forum.
Things I think I have learned so far:

1) After selecting freesync 'high range' for the first time, you have to go set the screen refresh rate to 144Hz.
2) After selecting freesync 'low range' for the first tim, you have to go set the screen refresh rate to 90Hz.

There is afaik ZERO documentation as to how to set up this monitor from what I can see. I can only hope that, despite the apparent complexity, it still works in the end.
Update: My issues below are solved. Arma 3 has a config file with some screen refresh setting. It seems that the value has to be set to the same as the screen refresh in windows.

Hm. I play Arma 3 a lot (Sa-Matra Wasteland multiplayer), and I am puzzled by how the monitor seem to drop to 60hz whenever I multi task BACK INTO the game. I see that Arma 3's video menu, has an fps indicator, and it indicates 60 fps, with v-synch set to OFF. I am wondering if I have to go into some config file to avoid running Arma 3 in 60 fps.

I learned that if I multi task out of Arma 3, from 144Hz or 90Hz, I get 144Hz or 90Hz on Windows desktop, but when multitasking back into Arma 3, I get 60Hz.

I did learn, that while being in game, with 60Hz, turning the monitor off and then on again, flips the monitor back to either 90Hz or 144Hz.

Could be that Arma 3 settings are to be blamed here.

Even if confirming that the monitor is running at 90Hz, when using freesync 'low range' (35-90Hz), Arma 3's settings menu with its fps counter, is stuck at 60. It really looks like Arma 3 is holding something back.

UPDATE: I think I fixed my issue. I changed the refresh rate in Arma3.cfg file, from 60 to 90Hz (for freesync 'low range' mode).
UPDATE2: This fix, also fixed my wonky multi tasking, back into Arma 3. Now I can multitask out and back in, without the monitor acting up.
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Ok so setting the Eizo to 1080p and ECOView to enhanced has eliminated my eyestrain. The Ecoview uses a light sensor to calibrate the brightness on the fly, in normal mode it was a bit too dark, enhanced is perfect.

I will make the resolution change to the Dell during the week and see if I have cracked it.

Migraine lasted in total for 5 days.

I don't have a problem with the 4k monitor I have next to the Eizo as I do not look at it long enough.

Well, now I am confused...
I am struggling with the same Problems. However you described the Ecoview normal mode being to dark in "Standard" mode. This is confusing me because when I Switch to the EcoView mode "High" it's reducing the brightness instead of increasing it...

I have already reduced the blue proportion of blue in the Settings, two days ago and I increased the font size today in the afternoon, but it hasn't resolved my eye strain problems so far...
Next Thing I will try to tomorrow is reducing the Resolution to 1080p as well, however I think increasing the font size should have the same effect.

Could you tell me the exact Settings you are using? That would really help me..
It's really annoying me... I did not have such Problems with my old LG W2452V and it was by far not that expensive.. The Problem is also that I only have time left till Thursday. If I have not found out what's the reason for my eyes hurting till this point in time I might bring it back to the shop where I have bought it... It will be the last day on which I am allowed to return it to the seller.

best regards,
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I am only throwing out ideas here in case it helps but I get similar issues if i look at any monitor above 23" in size without glasses on for any extended period of time. I am not entirely convinced its just screensize either and more likely at least in part something that they do with modern lcd panels in recent years!

Wearing my glasses at the pc (despite being kind of annoying!) fixed my issues anyway.
what type of glasses are you talking about? Just normal glasses which you are also using for reading, etc.? Or some kind of special glasses which is absorbing the blue portion of the light spectrum?
Ah, in my case just recent prescription glasses. I don't need them on any screen up to about 23", but after that it makes me hugely dizzy if I don't wear them. It ends up feeling like an extreme motion sickness. I can look at a laptop screen all day or my lg 23" 1080p without any issues at all. The first size of monitor that started to get me was 24" , even if its only 1" larger, but 27" really "gets" me for this. I might just be weird :o but i wanted to say this incase its useful info to anyone else!
Seb - sorry about the late reply :)

In summary, the main issue was down to the scaling (or lack of) in games when going above 1080p. In windows 10, if i set 1440p mode and the scaling in the OS to 200%, I have no problems in applications which support the scaling.

Once I go into a game (like Elite Dangerous) I will start to get pain in my frontal lobes.

If I drop the resolution in Elite to 1080p and then supersample the image at x2.0 - I have no problems at all. The 1080ti currently renders this type of image at approx 120fps (90fps in stations and on planets).

Now, whether this is due to the panel doing something at 1440p 144hz that I cannot see but my brain can, is an interesting question however, I also have the same problem with the Dell TN 144hz panel.

What I may do for my next panel, is drop down to 24inches and see what happens.
update on this thread. basic gsync compatibility now works just fine on this monitor with the very latest nvidia driver.

variable refresh rate can be seen and demonstrated using the in built real-time refresh display.
Nice one i am still using my FG2421 Foris no hope there for any kind of sync for me but amazing at 4k DSR. Thats the only reason i never bought this monitor.

27 inch would make me feel a bit sick anyways lucky boys Foris monitors are the business.
27 inch would make me feel a bit sick anyways lucky boys Foris monitors are the business.

yeah i had real problems with this 27 inch panel at first. After months of experimentation Going with 1080p and 100hz only fixed all eyestrain and nausea.

Bigger screens are not for everyone.
yeah i had real problems with this 27 inch panel at first. After months of experimentation Going with 1080p and 100hz only fixed all eyestrain and nausea.

Bigger screens are not for everyone.

Yea i think it was all then years of counterstrike damaging the eyes? Im like you the only thing i think looks sharp is 24 inch panels preferably doing Nvidia DSR 4k at 120hz plus i found 120hz isnt able to do it anymore so going 240hz again soon. Its just that little step up from 27 144hz that eases all symptoms like you had.
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