Elden Ring

Completed the game. 61 hours. Enjoyed it.

I’m about level 75 and 110 hours in :eek:

Im exploring Leyndell capital and Im feeling a bit under powered. None of my weapons are maxed out yet and my shield is still +1. I’m OK with 1 or 2 normal enemies at a time but even then it can get dicy.

This city area is huge though. I haven’t been intentionally playing to level up though and now I think I need to start focusing on that aspect a bit more as well as upgrading my weapons and ashes.

Still really enjoying this game. It’s vast.
I’m about level 75 and 110 hours in :eek:

Im exploring Leyndell capital and Im feeling a bit under powered. None of my weapons are maxed out yet and my shield is still +1. I’m OK with 1 or 2 normal enemies at a time but even then it can get dicy.

This city area is huge though. I haven’t been intentionally playing to level up though and now I think I need to start focusing on that aspect a bit more as well as upgrading my weapons and ashes.

Still really enjoying this game. It’s vast.

Yes you can easily go down a rabbit hole (literally) when you find a cave or new ruin. Before you know it you're committed to killing that single boss and few hours fly by with lots of death. You maybe cashed in your ruins once and only levelled once lol. I realised this and started cashing in or being more careful. Tbh the last few areas they literally throw thousands of ruins at you.
Every time I'm short of leveling up I head to Caelid. The enemies top right are really easy to kill; they have no ranged attack, no dodge, no shields, and most are in their own. Yet for some reason they drop over 1000 runes each?! I'm not usually a fan of farming but you can literally get 20-30k in 10 minutes easily.
If you've managed to open up Mohgywn Palace ( the Nameless white mask NPC quest is the key to this ) you can from a distance aggro one enemy off a cliff with an arrow netting 13-17k each time depending on your buffs. Total time 30 secs

Rest and the grace point nearside and repeat.
0% progress so far. Think I am ready? :D

@Raymond Lin Magic is certainly the easy mode on this game so you should be fine. I went in blind but I wish I'd gone melee because magic I find very unsatisfying spamming the same spell all the time
@Raymond Lin Magic is certainly the easy mode on this game so you should be fine. I went in blind but I wish I'd gone melee because magic I find very unsatisfying spamming the same spell all the time

I can see that, which is why I got that slicer thing magic sword which I can also use for a bit of melee action.

Although to do that I will need some more endurance I think.

But then an easy time is basically what I want being my first proper go at a souls game.
@Raymond Lin Magic is certainly the easy mode on this game so you should be fine. I went in blind but I wish I'd gone melee because magic I find very unsatisfying spamming the same spell all the time

Depends on your natural play style. I love the distance spam! And choosing different spells for different scenarios etc. I find it more tactically satisfying than melee; you could argue that's just spamming attacks with the same weapon as well.
Depends on your natural play style. I love the distance spam! And choosing different spells for different scenarios etc. I find it more tactically satisfying than melee; you could argue that's just spamming attacks with the same weapon as well.

Yeah I'd probably feel the same had I started that way, plus I'd not have made anywhere near the progress I did lol.
Taken down another couple of bosses today.

Godfrey first Elden Lord and Morgott. I got through to the snowy north area after back tracking to the big lift and just ran on Torrent to try and open the map up and find map shards. Came across the Fire Giant.

He is kicking my ass at the moment. I’m definitely underlevelled for this part of the map in general though. Thought I’d have a pop at the first enemy I came across at Zamor Ruins. Lol, I died. Quickly. :p

Managed to get the Fire Giant to just below half health before a big flame orb thing one-shotted me.

He is a tricky fellow! Haven’t really set my mind to killing him yet, though. Seems like I can do some good damage to him, I’m just too vulnerable to some of his attacks that basically one shot me.

I had to call it a day before I could get into it properly so will try again next time.
Damn Fire Giant is still giving me grief! got him to within an inch of death twice!

on the plus side, killed Commander Niall (also a pain) and made it to the strange tree place where I died a lot, mostly by falling off the branches! Loved the side quest to open the portal though but the archers were annoying as hell!
Finished this the other day and it should easily get GotY. Overall fantastic. Still the same criticisms that I had after 20 hours or so with some of the bosses just being ********. I don't have an issue when a boss can kill you when you make a few mistakes (if you aren't massively under-levelled) but when they one shot you with their overpowered attack that is very very hard to avoid thats not fun.

Its generally the magic bosses I found were the most badly designed. I guess they are quite hard to balance.

The world FromSoftware created was amazing and rich and dense and intricate and exactly how an open world game should be in almost every way.

Its completely different to BotW and yet I'm undecided which I prefer. Everything about Elden Ring says that it should be better than BotW and yet it lacked the sense of exploration and wonder that I got with BotW. Perhaps it was the feeling that I was constantly going towards something in ER and constantly trying to get stronger and better that meant I didn't appreciate the journey quite as much. Also, the sheer vertical scale of BotW and the use of the glider was just amazing. Its one thing I really don't like in most games. You simply don't have complete freedom to go anywhere you can see easily. Torrent made that better but I missed my climbing and gliding. :p
@fez Did you play Immortals Fenix Rising? It got a lot of (mostly weak) comparisons to BOTW in terms of general gameplay etc. I didn't enjoy BOTW but I did enjoy IFR.

I am back to Siofra on my XB character, I can go through the PTSD of the spectral arrows again.
@fez Did you play Immortals Fenix Rising? It got a lot of (mostly weak) comparisons to BOTW in terms of general gameplay etc. I didn't enjoy BOTW but I did enjoy IFR.

I am back to Siofra on my XB character, I can go through the PTSD of the spectral arrows again.

I didn't because it sounded like a poor mans Zelda. Reviewed decently enough I seem to remember though.

And yeah, those god damn archers were awful. Hit you like a freight train. When I was eventually massively over-levelled and back in that area later for part of a quest I went out of my way to slaughter them all! Made me feel good.
And yeah, those god damn archers were awful. Hit you like a freight train. When I was eventually massively over-levelled and back in that area later for part of a quest I went out of my way to slaughter them all! Made me feel good.

I went and got Radhans Great bow, they go flying off the roof :D
I just saw someone on who killed Godfrey in his 1st attempt without taking a single hit. Just Summons and used some laser blast thing.
I just saw someone on who killed Godfrey in his 1st attempt without taking a single hit. Just Summons and used some laser blast thing.
That laser blast is from Rennala and requires 70 int to use it. It is very powerful. He was the easiest main boss I’ve met as he just tries to deal with your summon and a decent shield will block most of what he throws at you if you aggro him. I used Night Maiden’s Mist on him and watched him die while my summon chipped away at him.
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