Elden Ring

I've just got to the Altus Plateu but still going back to old areas to get Somber Smithing Stones and discovering new areas and caves en route.

I'm loving it but I do agree that no log or waypoints makes side quests almost impossible to follow without Googling a guide.

I have no idea where Radhan's comet landed or how to cure Millicent etc without searching. I did the weird finger guys quest to get access to the chicken rune farm area but again, had to Google for help. The fact you have to talk twice to get what you need is so easily missable!

Anyway, still loving it, and am now level 110 after barely any chicken farming. That itself is much easier, quicker and unlimited by using Loretta's Greatbow instead of arrows.

yeh im finding myself searching more and more lately on mr google to find stuff, theres an item i want that increases faith by +5 and just got up to the whole east side of liurnia, missed so much there, also got to morgyth earlier which is part of the reason im after a +5 to faith item :P
Does he watch YouTube videos? Could have learnt a lot from there.
Yes he did.
I don't, and feel that it had made it easier for him! It certainly helped in terms of finding good builds and nice places to level up. That being said he did defeat melania, and no amount of videos or summons make that an easy fight. That is where I am stuck at the moment.
Managed to kill the Mini Boss Duo at Redame Castle just before Radahn. Took me probably about 25 tries, bloody annoying arena to fight in, so small, cluttered with stuff. Constantly backed into a wall and rolled into things. The first beast thing that approaches is easy (as a mage) but the Crucible Knight is hard as a rock. I could not stagger him, not even with the Meteorite Rocks or with R2 special from the Moonveil Katana and I have lvl 62 in Intelligence.

The fight was almost won due to luck because even with summons I could not take them both together, so if the beast takes his time and walks to me, I can batter him with Meteorite Rocks just as he got into his strike range of me. If he runs over and I have to move out into the space (hence shorten my distance to the knight), I would be stuffed.
Given up with Melenia for now, decided to go back to Little and Large aka Godskin Duo

I have got soo close to beating them, but I am not giving up! Sleepy time, Rotten Breath and the Tiche summon are doing a good job.

I am so impressed with this game, the AI in places is amazing, yes like many games enemies have set routes they follow, but when you get to a boss fight they do things slightly different each time, forcing you to think on your feet!
Given up with Melenia for now, decided to go back to Little and Large aka Godskin Duo

I have got soo close to beating them, but I am not giving up! Sleepy time, Rotten Breath and the Tiche summon are doing a good job.

I am so impressed with this game, the AI in places is amazing, yes like many games enemies have set routes they follow, but when you get to a boss fight they do things slightly different each time, forcing you to think on your feet!

Could you take Melenia to her 2nd phrase?
Could you take Melenia to her 2nd phrase?

Once but died as she did so I saw the cut scene then fell over dead when it restarted :D that was with Rotten Breath and the Tiche summon, think I stayed out of the way for the most part :D
I saw a video on youtube earlier that said some bosses who have 2 phases now glitch out and die automatically if you infect a status affect such as blood loss or rot. Supposedly Godskin duo and the Fire Giant were affected. It also said Melania now heals if he attacks near you... weird...
I saw a video on youtube earlier that said some bosses who have 2 phases now glitch out and die automatically if you infect a status affect such as blood loss or rot. Supposedly Godskin duo and the Fire Giant were affected. It also said Melania now heals if he attacks near you... weird...

I saw the clip with the Fire Giant and another Boss, no such luck with Godskin Duo as they don't have a second phase, they just tag team you! I also saw that Melenia is now buffed or glitched with auto heal as well :(

Also noticed a grey area in Bosses health bar, is this new?
If you can get to phase 2 again, use comet azure when she is in Flower mode (stationary). I saw someone do that and her HP tanked.

Tried it on the first phase, she moved :D

I will save my Wondrus Physick then for that stage, also seen a weapon that stuns her pretty well so might give that a go also
The blasphemous blade is good against her as the l2 knock her down, if you and your mimic summon use it she spends most of her 1st phase on the floor.

At the start of the 2nd phase don't lock onto her and run directly underneath her and as far away as possible to avoid all the damage.
yeh im finding myself searching more and more lately on mr google to find stuff, theres an item i want that increases faith by +5 and just got up to the whole east side of liurnia, missed so much there, also got to morgyth earlier which is part of the reason im after a +5 to faith item :p

Theres loads of stuff you can totally miss. I didnt know there was a huge area under the capital until I was on NG+ but even Blaidds quest...how would I of known to click my fingers to get him down from his perch?

Using guides for this game is not only acceptable its a must.
Theres loads of stuff you can totally miss. I didnt know there was a huge area under the capital until I was on NG+ but even Blaidds quest...how would I of known to click my fingers to get him down from his perch?

Using guides for this game is not only acceptable its a must.

Did you know if you use Margit’s shackle seal in an area with hidden walls it will reveal the entrance?!
Absolutely had no idea! Is it just me but how would you know to do something like that? It just seems so random? Or am I missing something obvious here?

I only knew when i came across a video on “easy way to beat Margit” with the shackle seal, then when i read up on it, it shows other things the seal can do! It can also turn on/off those flames in the catacombs.
I only knew when i came across a video on “easy way to beat Margit” with the shackle seal, then when i read up on it, it shows other things the seal can do! It can also turn on/off those flames in the catacombs.

Just...wow. It's cool and all but so much of it seems so random and theres so many combinations of things that could possibly have an effect somewhere in the world it just baffles me how people actually figure this stuff out.

As I said before, for a first run through of the game a guide is not only acceptable, its a must.

Back to the shackle seal though, it more useful out in the world than it was for the actual boss :D
The devs are just trolls.

Just got to volcano manor and that area. Found a catacomb that's the temple of doom on steroids and gave up after a few attempts, it does NOT suit a mage build!
Just...wow. It's cool and all but so much of it seems so random and theres so many combinations of things that could possibly have an effect somewhere in the world it just baffles me how people actually figure this stuff out.

As I said before, for a first run through of the game a guide is not only acceptable, its a must.

Back to the shackle seal though, it more useful out in the world than it was for the actual boss :D

The game has so so much stuff and even without DLC, there is enough to play for months to come. I would say that if it’s any other game, some of the regions would be part of a DLC but its all here in Elden Ring and you can totally ignore it and even not noticed it.
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