Elden Ring

Honestly, I scarcely know what the options are...

Which class did you pick? Okay, do you want to use

1 - Swords - light kind like Katana
2 - Heavy - BIg swords or hammers
3 - Staff - be a wizard

or blend and mix. There are things like daggers and spears and stuff which are less popular.
Which class did you pick? Okay, do you want to use

1 - Swords - light kind like Katana
2 - Heavy - BIg swords or hammers
3 - Staff - be a wizard

or blend and mix. There are things like daggers and spears and stuff which are less popular.
So I'm currently running around with a sword and have found a crossbow, so have put runes into strength and dexterity.

More generally, though, is this a game with much of a story? As in, should I be trying to follow a certain path (and if so, where do I start?)? Or is the deal basically that it's fully open world, and you go wherever you're sufficiently leveled enough not to die?

In short, I deliberately read nothing about the game before starting, and now realise that may have been a mistake as I feel pretty lost in it! Did any of you use a guide to start you off and nudge you along the right path?
So I'm currently running around with a sword and have found a crossbow, so have put runes into strength and dexterity.

More generally, though, is this a game with much of a story? As in, should I be trying to follow a certain path (and if so, where do I start?)? Or is the deal basically that it's fully open world, and you go wherever you're sufficiently leveled enough not to die?

In short, I deliberately read nothing about the game before starting, and now realise that may have been a mistake as I feel pretty lost in it! Did any of you use a guide to start you off and nudge you along the right path?

The in a lot of respect is an open world, even the first official boss in the game can be bypassed (northwest of where you start off). There are areas through portals that are closed off to you until you beat a boss though, and when you step through a boss door (silver or gold curtain thing), you are locked into that fight until you either win or die. Inside these fights you can’t run away from. You will know generally if it's a fight you can or cannot run away from. Or small health bar on an "invasion" from these red colour NPCs fights which you have to do, although to be honest i never ran away from them.

Generally, if you don’t see a large health bar at the bottom of the screen as opposed to a health bar on top of their head. They are just NPCs, there are exceptions like dragons who will have a huge health bars and you can still run away from.

If you look on the map, on where the grace are, there is a direction of the gold thing is pointing at, that’s a suggestion of the way you need to head to.

It feels unnecessary to beat everything you see but after a while, or at least once you have been to an area, you just ride through them all unless you are specifically looking for an item drop from killing them. That’s the best way to stay alive usually if you can run pass. I can always go farm to level up.
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Can anyone suggest a good "read this first" guide? I've made a start on the game, and have met the lady who allows you to level up, but am otherwise basically wandering around killing things and being killed, and don't really know where to go, what to focus on etc.
I don't want some huge guide which gives everything away, but something saying "head that way, think about these things relating to builds etc" would be helpful!

Your immediate "main" objective is the big castle to the north, however you may find that a bit difficult at first. Explore Limgrave, and consider heading south east to Weeping Peninsula. There's a fair bit to pick up here, some side quests to begin, and its suitable for very early gameplay now that you can level up.

Have you got the horse yet?
Which class did you pick? Okay, do you want to use

1 - Swords - light kind like Katana
2 - Heavy - BIg swords or hammers
3 - Staff - be a wizard

or blend and mix. There are things like daggers and spears and stuff which are less popular.

I will advocate mixed build.

Im Samurai running Medium load because I have 4 talismans, ranged capability and magic. Starting weapon for Samurai is also beastly once upgraded.

I currently run:
Black Knife Armour (full set, unaltered)
Moonveil and Clawmark Seal in right hand.
Carian Knight’s Shield and Longbow in left hand.

I mix and match Talismans as required but generally it’s +1 health boost, +1 FP boost and +1 stamina boost. Also got ones that boost intelligence, faith and dexterity for times when I need them, or ones that negate specific types of damage.

Got some super useful magic like Swarm of Flies, Rotten Breath, Cure Poison and suchlike. My +10 Moonveil wrecks most things (currently hitting about 650dmg), but having a +23 longbow is super useful for weakening enemies or ranged cheese.

I also have an Academy Glintstone Staff in reserve for Rock Sling cheese if the mood takes me!

Summons wise it’s +10 Mimic Tear and +10 Tiche.

Occasionally Lone Wolves for some situations.

Im pretty much hard as nails now, but still haven’t managed to beat Malenia. That stupid waterfowl move is just total BS (She literally just keeps doing it on a loop until I’m dead). Mean. Lol :p
gained a ton of levels now using the blaphemous blade + 9 at the palace approach road, got the magma worms scale sword up to +8 as well, pumping some faith up now as im thinking of ditching the heavy claymore +25, not really sure what ill end up doing lol
In short, I deliberately read nothing about the game before starting, and now realise that may have been a mistake as I feel pretty lost in it! Did any of you use a guide to start you off and nudge you along the right path?

Wasn't a mistake in my opinion.

I'd recommend just playing through it to completion however you get there and being content with the fact that you'll miss a lot of items and stuff.

Then, once you finish, start NG+ with a guide. The discovery and stumbling through it is part of the fun.

Personally, I started butt naked with a club. The classes are pretty meaningless as you can just pump points into whatever you want anyway.

Start with putting points into health so you're not getting one hit, endurance so you can guard properly, then whatever is best for the weapons you're using. After a while, if you find yourself getting one hit again then more points to health and so on.

You'll eventually get to the point where if you're using a sword you'll think I'd quite like to be able to shoot a fireball and and start putting points into that instead. :)
i went in it blind, but i had played demons souls and dark souls 1-3 and bloodbourne and i still missed tons, like whole areas, dungeons etc that i would have never found with out google before i even think about new game+ :)

i wouldnt worry about spoilers on these games, google is essential and you really have to dig, something as simple as getting a weapon you want can be very obtuse or a item etc

if i want something now i just google then find out i need something else and to go to somwhere else then i need to go get that and before i know it i forgot what i wanted in the first place lol
i went in it blind, but i had played demons souls and dark souls 1-3 and bloodbourne and i still missed tons, like whole areas, dungeons etc that i would have never found with out google before i even think about new game+ :)

i wouldnt worry about spoilers on these games, google is essential and you really have to dig, something as simple as getting a weapon you want can be very obtuse or a item etc

if i want something now i just google then find out i need something else and to go to somwhere else then i need to go get that and before i know it i forgot what i wanted in the first place lol

Somethings are so obscured in this game you can play through it 3 times and STILL not discover it, like Rivers of Blood would be inaccessible once you kill the Fire Giant. Is that a spoiler or would that be useful to know so that you don't miss one of the best weapon in the game? Part of the charm playing a game like this on release too is when the most amount of people are playing it and thus can share their experiences. I find that as much, if not more fun than playing it blind.

Like I don't have the Haligdrake Talisman, apparently you pick that up in a body at the cave at the start…somehow i missed it. I actually went back through it again and STILL can't find it…:o

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Somethings are so obscured in this game you can play through it 3 times and STILL not discover it, like Rivers of Blood would be inaccessible once you kill the Fire Giant. Is that a spoiler or would that be useful to know so that you don't miss one of the best weapon in the game? Part of the charm playing a game like this on release too is when the most amount of people are playing it and thus can share their experiences. I find that as much, if not more fun than playing it blind.

Like I don't have the Haligdrake Talisman, apparently you pick that up in a body at the cave at the start…somehow i missed it. I actually went back through it again and STILL can't find it…:o


i dont even know what that rivers of blood is lol

i just came across a +2 talisman to negate holy damage i didnt even know there were +2 ones while i was using a guide to get to a area i missed and i dont even have a normal one or a +1 one lol

i havent killed fire boy yet so thanks for the tip :)

edit: played for over 130 hours and im still not sure what the story is about...... some thing about a ring and a tree????
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i dont even know what that rivers of blood is lol

i just came across a +2 talisman to negate holy damage i didnt even know there were +2 ones while i was using a guide to get to a area i missed and i dont even have a normal one or a +1 one lol

i havent killed fire boy yet so thanks for the tip :)

edit: played for over 130 hours and im still not sure what the story is about...... some thing about a ring and a tree????

It’s about there was a ring, but it got broken (obviously)…something about Marika (hence all the churches in her name) and someone she’s with and something something and now all the main bosses has fragments of it?

i did see a video on the more about Melina, not sure what Ronni has got to do with anything though! I’ve actually seen all the endings and still not sure 100% of what’s going on.

The thing is, makes a change from all the handholding other games gives you. I’m still enjoying a lot of it.

ps, I got that Talisman just now! Had to jump off a massive cliff to get to it. These places that you normally would avoid.
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It’s about there was a ring, but it got broken (obviously)…something about Malika (hence all the churches in her name) and someone she’s with and something something and now all the main bosses has fragments of it?

i did see a video on the more about Melina, not sure what Ronni has got to do with anything though! I’ve actually seen all the endings and still not sure 100% of what’s going on.

The thing is, makes a change from all the handholding other games gives you. I’m still enjoying a lot of it.

ps, I got that Talisman just now! Had to jump off a massive cliff to get to it. These places that you normally would avoid.

yeh game is awesome for finding stuff i was heading to
Fort Laiedd and came across the +2 holy thingy, i was like wow sweet, never expected that talisman :)

i reverted back to my heavy claymore +25, my claymores a bit pussy but im used to it and no chance of it been nerved :)
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^^ cheers everyone! Played a fair bit last night and leveled up a bit. Really enjoying it! Feels slightly overwhelming, but it's excellent and I keep going back for more so it must be doing something right!
Just arrived at the capital. Massive doesn't do it justice!

The way I see looking to guides or asking here is it's just like asking townsfolk in the game.

Most of the guides I just watch the start to set me in the right direction (sometimes just finding the start of the road or "how the hell do I get down there" is the hardest part) and then explore the rest myself and only come back to the guide if I'm blind.

Got Comet Azure now which is fun :D
Found a whole underground section I never found in the first playthrough. In the Sofria river there theres an offshoot that takes you to a Gargoyle boss but last playthrough I beat him and thought that was it. Turns out I missed a coffin that takes you somewhere else!
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