Electric Hobs, talk to meh.

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New boiler is being fitted at 9am on Saturday, guy came today to survey and I asked him if the new boiler would be A rated and he said it would... hope he wasn't just bs'ing me.

The letting agent said that it will be a replacement for the one we have currently but a newer model.

The one we have is an Ideal Isar which the guy said used to be rubbish but that Ideal have now "bucked their ideas up"

As long as it's A rated I should be happy anyway, shouldn't I?
Just done some research, found out that our current boiler is A Rated...interesting.


It was manufactured in 2001-2004 so not that old really... I wonder how many years ago it got serviced. We've always suspected the house hadn't been lived in for quite a while before we moved in.

It's had a good life if it's done 10 years or so in my opinion for that make..

Wonder what make they are fitting as a replacement.
Yeah it's had a good innings I guess. The new boiler will also be Ideal but a new model obviously. In the news today SSE (who I am with) are hiking their energy prices up by 9 percent as of the 15th October!

Well I have from Saturday until then to see how the new boiler compares to the old one
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