Enable Frame Gen on 3000 series cards - Such as The Witcher 3

PC spec is an I7 11700k, 3080 and 16gb RAM, got the graphics settings on AMD 2.1 balanced, ray tracing on medium (but local shadows and path tracing off), and rest of settings on high. Without frame gen I'm about 45 to 48fps, but with it turned on around 70 to 75fps, all at 4k res.

I meant which game lol.

Methods used in my original post is still easier than this method above. So I'll be sticking with that
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Just tried this with RDR2. I only have a 2060 but i've gone from a stable 60fps on largely high settings which was as far as I could push it to playing just below max on everything for 55-60 fps.

Impressive, I guess I don't need to rush into an upgrade anytime soon.
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