
Just got back from my second, they are now saying it's antral gastritis whatever that is, they want me to try taking anxiety tablets too.

My heart rate went through the roof when I went in 180? Which was was mental to me as I felt very calm. They were all panicking for a bit and hooked me up to ECG.
Been put forward for an Endoscopy by doc!

Pain in upper tummy. I think it could be a stomach ulcer.

Had procedure approx 30 years ago without sedation. Never again!! Will require max sedation this time!!

Anyone here had a stomach ulcer?
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Should probably reply to this myself, after the extremely stressful ordeal of the first attempt with only the throat spray I went back for the sedated second attempt.

It was really really weird to be honest. I know they used Fentanyl on me.

I was expecting to feel it come over me, but I didn’t. I felt conscious of everything, but I wasn’t really. I don’t remember some parts of it. To be honest it was a very strange and surreal experience with the sedation. But at least this time they completed it properly.

Mild Grade B reflux oesophagitis and moderate gastritis. Before hand I had an MRI and they found two lesions in the liver, one looks like a benign FNH the other they can’t characterise but appears benign.

Still feel insanely nauseas constantly, but part of this could also be coming from having chronically migraine and Ménière’s, it never goes away and I am constantly feeling dizzy and sick. So that compounds the issue.
It's way, way worse than the colonoscopy, but I think it would be easier the second time since I only figured out how to breathe by the end of the first one.

Colonoscopy is a cake walk in comparison :cry:
To be honest I was anxious to begin with, and suffering from chronic health problems for years has not helped the situation. But when it went down the throat I went in to full panic mode. I regret initially agreeing to the throat spray only.

It doesn’t help I’m the kind of person who after finding out about the appointment spent two weeks solid reading every clinical study I could get my hands on about the procedure…sometimes it’s better to be ignorant.
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I had an endoscopy earlier int he year, was easy, took a few minutes.
just had the urge to swallow and he wanted me not to, the most I could do was about 5 seconds before swallowing.
but it didn't really matter.

about a few days later I had a Gastroscopy which is a lot worse and they go a lot further inside and it takes about 5-10 minutes but feels like about 20.

The woman in charge gave me about 20 sprays in my mouth with the stuff that tastes like rotten banana allegedly
she didn't tell me what to do so I just gathered it all on my tongue and then slowly swallowed to coat all my throat etc.

When they started inserting the camera they must have hit my gag reflex or whatever but I never felt it, she asked me to swallow to help the camera go down, I could feel the pressure from the pipe in my throat but never had the urge to gag.
once you realise there's no blockage and you can breath perfectly fine, you just chill out staying still and concentrate on breathing slowly and controlled.

The worst is feeling it moving in and then out again at the end, I was so relieved when it was finally out, but it wasn't a huge ordeal.

Sedation is a waste of time, just tell them not to go easy with the spray and make sure it coats all your throat when you swallow

This woman literally does it to herself to show how easy it is.

I'm not some alpha male either, I never liked fighting, and I don't have a high pain tolerance
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This woman literally does it to herself to show how easy it is.

Honestly wish this were the case. Bravo for getting it done so well, for me it was one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had and had to go back for sedation as I couldn’t stomach it (quite literally).
Honestly wish this were the case. Bravo for getting it done so well, for me it was one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had and had to go back for sedation as I couldn’t stomach it (quite literally).
maybe they just don't use enough anaesthesia with some people.

I probably had about half a mouthful sitting on my tongue by time she was finished
TIL there's a difference. Sounds like that's what I had. I don't do well with any medical stuff, I felt like this procedure was brutal.
technically they are all endoscopy procedures just different ones

But the first time for me just said endoscopy with no other details
was a quick check I think he only went in about 8 inches and went through the nose instead of the mouth.
It looked like the same pipe and camera , but I'm not sure if in reality it was a smaller diameter cable or not.

2nd time
Gastroscopy Also known as an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, a gastroscopy is a type of endoscopy that examines the upper gastrointestinal tract, including the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.


the scope actually goes further in than that shows, they go to the next part aafter the stomach.

I think I had corrosive cyst or whatever in the stomach, and non corrosive in the duodenum or whatever it's called.

I got asked what I take for the pain, but I've never had any pain from it :A just bad acid reflux.

makes me wonder if she thought the damage was done from taking too many painkillers or something.
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Enjoyed reading this thread in a weird way leading up to my first endoscopy this morning.
I had a camera through my nose and into my throat at an ENT appointment last year which came back with acid reflux as a diagnosis but still been getting food stuck in my throat and pain/bloating in stomach with a lump above my belly button so was referred for this today.
I asked to be sedated but they also used the throat spray on me which made me feel like I couldn’t swallow my own saliva caused me to panic abit but once they gave me the anaesthetic I don’t remember anything after laying on my side and putting the mouth piece in I must have fell asleep as the next thing I recall was being wheeled through to a room for 20 minutes to wake up properly before having tea and a biscuit.
Got a follow up appointment in a few months to discuss biopsy they took but so far they have said oeosophagitis and acid reflux with possible umbilical hernia.
Overall was nowhere near as bad as I expected after months of worrying.
I know! Lol...

Had one 30 years ago without sedation!!!

I told the lady on the phone today i want everything available this time!

Dont worry your not the only one, my dad had it done without sedation and there were a load of them trying to hold him down as he screamed his head off.

They had to stop, he said it was the most pain he ever felt in his life.

Went back a second time to try again with sedation.
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