I had an endoscopy earlier int he year, was easy, took a few minutes.
just had the urge to swallow and he wanted me not to, the most I could do was about 5 seconds before swallowing.
but it didn't really matter.
about a few days later I had a Gastroscopy which is a lot worse and they go a lot further inside and it takes about 5-10 minutes but feels like about 20.
The woman in charge gave me about 20 sprays in my mouth with the stuff that tastes like rotten banana allegedly
she didn't tell me what to do so I just gathered it all on my tongue and then slowly swallowed to coat all my throat etc.
When they started inserting the camera they must have hit my gag reflex or whatever but I never felt it, she asked me to swallow to help the camera go down, I could feel the pressure from the pipe in my throat but never had the urge to gag.
once you realise there's no blockage and you can breath perfectly fine, you just chill out staying still and concentrate on breathing slowly and controlled.
The worst is feeling it moving in and then out again at the end, I was so relieved when it was finally out, but it wasn't a huge ordeal.
Sedation is a waste of time, just tell them not to go easy with the spray and make sure it coats all your throat when you swallow
This woman literally does it to herself to show how easy it is.
I'm not some alpha male either, I never liked fighting, and I don't have a high pain tolerance