Agile won't help much come winter time when the real time prices shoot upWho says I use them in the summer![]()

Agile won't help much come winter time when the real time prices shoot upWho says I use them in the summer![]()
Agile won't help much come winter time when the real time prices shoot up![]()
Something odd happened to us.
Our water bill went......down.
Not really sure where we stand on this, needless to say the whole thing is making us feel very uncomfortable.
So....I've noticed in the last 2-3 weeks that our combined Gas and Electric usage has gone down by about a pound a day on our internal IHD. We've taken heating into account and we differently haven't changed what we do on a daily basis. Usually, we use slightly over £7 per day and now it's much closer to £6 and on some days it doesn't even reach that! Unless Octopus has changed our pricing without telling us not sure what's going on?!
I feel reluctant to talk to Octopus about it because maybe it's a glitch on their end and we're taking advantage of it
We just got a new bill for the last 30 days and it's definitely dropped. It's gone from £200ish a month to £180
Agile won't help much come winter time when the real time prices shoot up![]()
No real change with the avarages, that's why i'm puzzledJust look at kWh used.
No real change with the avarages, that's why i'm puzzled
Hourly pricing is awesome if you can properly control your big use events like washing machine, charging the car etc.
But it also sucks when you're cooking dinner with an electric oven at peak rate when it's hideously expensive.
I do wish there was a dashboard
Went to do a change to Octopus, just paid my bill with EDF then Octopus want a full bill on the 7th June then one on the 28th June.
With EDF I just put my meter reading in each month and paid what was owed, can't I do with this Octopus?
Interesting; I did take a gander at this site earlier and I guess it is good for average household indicators. I'll take a look at the Octopus Compare app, which may give me what I was after. Thanks.
Well, I only joined Agile last week but in fairness, aside from a few slight changes when running the washing machine, my baseline energy usage is unchanged and even so, my costs compared to Octopus Flexible (similar to Next Flex) have dropped by 40% over the last few days!to maximise benefit from either Agile or Tracker, personally don't see much scope to move moderate energy consuming activities around during the week;
meal time 4-7pm consumption is pretty fixed; washing machine - can't postpone that for days waiting for a zero price agile option like last saturday, other use kettles/toasters/breakfast/ tv|media in evening - fixed too.
hence I think average unit price for tracker, or agile average(during both 4-7pm slot and, the rest) sums up those products.
The (new) 9 month option to return to tracker if you quit, also seems like it will be a dilema,
average price over last 6 months 30p ish, unless you had presence of mind to quit for the couple of 2-3 week period where it peaked in 50/70p region,
and then rejoin a month later, in which case you'd be averaging nearer 20
For those on gas tracker, whats the standing charge ???
I expect the savings to continue in to Autumn but who knows what will happen to the Agile algorithm and/or wholesale prices. I wish I had wised up months ago and moved to Octopus earlier but let's see what happens. I've joined the waiting list for the Tracker product (primarily for gas only) but unsure if a straight average unit cost for the day is better than managing my consumption by hour in Agile. Time will tell.