Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Who else is going to pay for it?

Well, I don't agree with being made to feel that I should be the one paying for it in such a blatant manner.

If you walked into a bar and were told "That table over there haven't paid for their drinks, but that's OK, you can just pick up the tab for them, thanks" would you answer "You're right, who is going to pay for it?"

I don't think that it is actually fair to portray the recouperation of unpaid revenue in the manner that it is being done so.
Because if they start losing billions supplying to the UK market they will just leave the UK market. Point at the parent company all you want, they can just go elsewhere.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't eh.

e:I suppose the nuclear option could be, damn them! Let them leave the sector. Let them breach their licensing conditions, forfeit and pull their supply provision across the infrastructure back in to public ownership. UK Gov / OFGEM then works directly with the National grid, producers and a select few existing suppliers who want part of the action for a mostly guaranteed income under a public owned, maintained and managed umbrella.

There has to be a better and fairer way to delivery public services at value to the ACTUAL customers of that service. I'm not adverse to paying more for a service as long as that service is a) sustainable, b) invests in the infrastructure for long-term energy security and c) if supplied by the private sector, there are caps to ensure investment v profits / loans taken out are weighted appropriately to meet point a) and b).

eh, I'm howling again. I may as well give it up; we're stuffed.

e: howling.
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There has to be a better and fairer way to delivery public services at value to the ACTUAL customers of that service
Yeah but what is happening now has been decades in the making and it will take time to fix, if they even bother. We've sold everything off and there is no quick or easy way back. I'm not disagreeing with your sentiment just the direction of anger, its too often focused on private companies rather than the real culprit, government.
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How are you guys getting the pennies saved from each event? When I check Octo's site, it takes to several days before Octo points are reported (as opposed to pennies).

There is a tool linked in the savings sessions dedicated thread in home and garden, gives real time updates based on octopus data (ie it already shows my base for todays session)
Because if they start losing billions supplying to the UK market they will just leave the UK market. Point at the parent company all you want, they can just go elsewhere.

Or hard split.

They won't want to split but if you go for them hard enough, then they can separate into different entities by splitting the company and shares (equity)
Move the generation side to say a NL holding company, leave the barely profitable entity in the UK.
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Well, I don't agree with being made to feel that I should be the one paying for it in such a blatant manner.

If you walked into a bar and were told "That table over there haven't paid for their drinks, but that's OK, you can just pick up the tab for them, thanks" would you answer "You're right, who is going to pay for it?"

I don't think that it is actually fair to portray the recouperation of unpaid revenue in the manner that it is being done so.
That is literally how those drinks get paid for. Everything you buy has the shrinkage costed in.
Yeah but what is happening now has been decades in the making and it will take time to fix, if they even bother. We've sold everything off and there is no quick or easy way back. I'm not disagreeing with your sentiment just the direction of anger, its too often focused on private companies rather than the real culprit, government.
Oh, I do blame the government (of any colour). The frustration boils from the lack of desire to fix any of it and simply wallow in the status quo. There are ways and means to correct this and yes it will be by piece-meal and yes it will likely take many years, perhaps decades through licensing changes to get things in a better state but there is a complete lack of anything to drive any sort of change.
Oh, I do blame the government (of any colour). The frustration boils from the lack of desire to fix any of it and simply wallow in the status quo. There are ways and means to correct this and yes it will be by piece-meal and yes it will likely take many years, perhaps decades through licensing changes to get things in a better state but there is a complete lack of anything to drive any sort of change.

Hopefully we'll have some good leaps in microgeneration by then so we can do away with centralised residential supply.
The good old Britush mindset and we wonder why we get shafted time and time again. Joe Public can just keep picking up the tab
...........who do you think could pick the bill up? You understand the basic mechanics of the world right? You can't just "print money" to cover shrinkage. It will ultimately come from the people no matter which way you turn.
That is literally how those drinks get paid for. Everything you buy has the shrinkage costed in.
...........who do you think could pick the bill up? You understand the basic mechanics of the world right? You can't just "print money" to cover shrinkage. It will ultimately come from the people no matter which way you turn.
The restaurant analogy would only work if you also accepted picking up "shrinkage" costs for all the other restaurants too!
I suspect this is the part which grates; UK households paying for other private entities who they are not a customer of.
I suspect this is the part which grates; UK households paying for other private entities who they are not a customer of.
The vast majority of us receive this benefit so it is only the very few "I'm alright jacks" who would be upset. The government could have done a better job in ensuring energy companies like Bulb etc didn't exist in the first place, but that's the side effect of a competitive economy.
The vast majority of us receive this benefit so it is only the very few "I'm alright jacks" who would be upset. The government could have done a better job in ensuring energy companies like Bulb etc didn't exist in the first place, but that's the side effect of a competitive economy.
Strange sort of competitiveness where all households ultimately pay private companies costs /debt irrespective whether they're a customer of them or not!
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