I do see the argument about SC sometimes being really high due to very low population areas however that is not the only reason.
A friend of mine is paying ~65p SC despite living on the outskirts of Runcorn. Yes its a village where he lives but its a bloody big one, really a small town now and is on the outskirts of a much larger town. He also has a massive windfarm a stones throw from his house.
some desolate hamlet in the middle of no where, sure, but him paying almost 20p a day more SC than i do really isnt fair, he is just as close to a high population density area as I am. Should places like London have a slight reduction in SC because its incredibly highly populated? sure! I can dig that, but at the same time areas where the local population have accepted having generation on their doorstep and haven't been NIMBY toys out of pram throwers.... they deserve a reduction as well esp when they are supplying those areas without their own local generation.
No wonder people in some areas are tempted to push back. If they are going to have to risk losing their nice surroundings and take a hit on the value of their property, and yet not get any of the benefits of the local generation even if they accept it then i can see why they say sod it and complain.