Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Saying something is stupid because it directly and negatively affects you does not make it overall a stupid idea.

If that were the case, I think it's a terrific idea given I do 5000 miles a year so it would be much cheaper for me.

I'm not sure how they will do it. Currently people with ICE cars are, in a general sense, paying per mile given they use more fuel if they travel more (removing mpg differences).

The only way to charge an EV owner is either per mile or to add it to the charging. Is there a way to differentiate between charging an EV and boiling the kettle?
You do 30k/annum so can't have owned it for long. If road pricing is imminent you must have known it was coming when you bought the car.
A week ago. But I can't afford to purchase a car that wouldn't have this issue. It is a car available by limited ability to purchase something where I wouldn't be negatively affected.

The system needs to be means tested.

Doesn't seem like a stupid system to me at all. You use your car twice as much as the average so it seems fair that you should pay twice as much as average.

Yeah I do because of getting from home to work and back. I can't change I cannot afford a car to have a reduced rate to avoid these greater costs imposed and enforced.

Saying something is stupid because it directly and negatively affects you does not make it overall a stupid idea.

If that were the case, I think it's a terrific idea given I do 5000 miles a year so it would be much cheaper for me.

I'm not sure how they will do it. Currently people with ICE cars are, in a general sense, paying per mile given they use more fuel if they travel more (removing mpg differences).

The only way to charge an EV owner is either per mile or to add it to the charging. Is there a way to differentiate between charging an EV and boiling the kettle?

It's a stupid system when it has a negative impact on lower income people whom don't have a choice for an alternative solution. It won't affect those whom can afford EV ownership already but those whom are on a fossil fule vehicle who can't afford to purchase an EV are negatively impacted by being less wealthy to start with.

For instance taking into account I pay £400 ish a month in fuel and I have credit for £340 a month on a car I was not able to secure £600 a month needed for an EV so actually I'm already paying more cause of the system. The whole setup is backwards.

If the problem is EV just have them pay per mile and leave the fossil fuel cars as they are with current vehicle tax.
If the problem is EV just have them pay per mile and leave the fossil fuel cars as they are with current vehicle tax.

How would this be managed?

Vehicle black box tracking (encouraging a black market for hacks to reduce reported mileage and people citing privacy concerns) or additional cost to electricity (can EV charging be differentiated from boiling a kettle or will everyone's bills increase if it cannot?)
How would this be managed?

Vehicle black box tracking (encouraging a black market for hacks to reduce reported mileage and people citing privacy concerns) or additional cost to electricity (can EV charging be differentiated from boiling a kettle or will everyone's bills increase if it cannot?)
What has the charging of a kettle go to do with an EV. We are talking about distance travelled which is recorded on most EV's already and shared with the manufacture. Also this would be the same for all vehicles in terms of discussing but the talk by gov at moment is by number plate tracking which is mental in itself as it would costs tens of millions if not hundreds to get a full national system running to do that. None of it seems very viable but that what is being pushed for all road users at moment.

But considering the car is already trackable via the smart apps, google maps, android and own car stuff such as Tesla already have full ability to track your car because there is their app it already sends data too that you sign up too automatically. Way late to stop that being a thing well since Google maps tbh. Most people whom use google maps also send the same data as you end up with a monthly email telling you all your travel distances, locations etc. Again getting that data to the gov to then tax you accordingly is really not that much of a step further unfortunately but there it is.
How would this be managed?

Vehicle black box tracking (encouraging a black market for hacks to reduce reported mileage and people citing privacy concerns) or additional cost to electricity (can EV charging be differentiated from boiling a kettle or will everyone's bills increase if it cannot?)

I dont think its easy to detect whats using energy, the smart meter logic is to be able to tell them to turn on and off in future

I have said for some time, that with EVs coming we should have two rates (applies to multi rate tariffs) in effect for elec units over the minimum needed to live. So say 1500 units is base price, zero VAT. Above that is high price, with a eg 10p per unit government tax, and full VAT. (main reason in that charging at home shouldnt be a massive saving vs those who cannot)
The government could underwrite the system and even make the first 1500 free or heavily subsidised to all. Helps cost of living at the same time.
Can easily be tweaked so things such as heat pump heating could qualify you for another 1000 units per year etc.
I dont think its easy to detect whats using energy, the smart meter logic is to be able to tell them to turn on and off in future

I have said for some time, that with EVs coming we should have two rates (applies to multi rate tariffs) in effect for elec units over the minimum needed to live. So say 1500 units is base price, zero VAT. Above that is high price, with a eg 10p per unit government tax, and full VAT. (main reason in that charging at home shouldnt be a massive saving vs those who cannot)
The government could underwrite the system and even make the first 1500 free or heavily subsidised to all. Helps cost of living at the same time.
Can easily be tweaked so things such as heat pump heating could qualify you for another 1000 units per year etc.
Ok so I installed solar and battery storage which negates that idea completely. If anything it’s even more incentive to avoid the tax as it’s make solar even more cost effective for those that can afford the initial outlay. It also punishes those who down own their own roof further so I can see it as something that the current government might actually go with….
Its very simple, putting aside the manufacturers sharing the car data with a new agency for mileage which could be done. You already apply for car tax online each year as part of this submission you add your yearly mileage and then that drill`s down into a monthly payment. Maybe even drop the car tax as well.

Don't like it, use public transport or get a push a bike.
both california and australian states are exploring VMT vehicle mileage tax trials across all vehicle types -
however raw odometer miles don't distinguish if you are on holiday, another state/eu, so privacy invasion of GPS rears it's head; otherwise for holiday road trip to europe you may pay twice.

IMO solar should be compulsory for every new build and all social and council housing. I would also welcome a scheme to encourage all private owners to have solar but the age old question of funding will always be the problem as no-one wants to pay for it
some california studies that suggest subsidy of small scale domestic solar+batteries is less efficient than economy of scale commercial implementation - maybe boris has mates in the energy business.
People don't like the idea of GPS mileage tracking, sure new cars track you anyway plus phones but its different when the government wants to do it. They could update / make it a requirement for chargers to log how many kw/h's have been used to charge a car and put on a tax on top of that. Same with public chargers but they'll also have the operating cost so still more expensive than charging at home.

You then have the public backlash though of why should charging a car cost more than a battery etc.

They'll have to do something though as currently EV's don't pay fuel duty or Vehicle Excise Duty so it will leave a huge shortfall in taxation when more people switch.
People don't like the idea of GPS mileage tracking, sure new cars track you anyway plus phones but its different when the government wants to do it.

They wouldn't need to actually give any data to the government though. All they'd need to do is give a confirmation that the odometer mileage displayed on the car is verified by gps. Then the mileage can be read at MOT like usual.
They wouldn't need to actually give any data to the government though. All they'd need to do is give a confirmation that the odometer mileage displayed on the car is verified by gps. Then the mileage can be read at MOT like usual.
Apart from as people stated, when on holiday or similar. You pay for travelling with your car to the UK gov even when you are away. You then would need to share data to show you are not in the UK doing the mileage. Otherwise you are required for Google to provide the data of UK mileage but that will not tally with the MOT mileage as example.
Apart from as people stated, when on holiday or similar. You pay for travelling with your car to the UK gov even when you are away. You then would need to share data to show you are not in the UK doing the mileage. Otherwise you are required for Google to provide the data of UK mileage but that will not tally with the MOT mileage as example.

So, no different from the current system then?
You pay the same UK VED each month whether the car is in the country or not, you dont get any pro-rata refund by showing your car was not in the country when you took it on holiday.
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