Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Sure - EV owners charging over night will increase demand a lot, but National Grid would rather that was during the night, than add it onto day use.
Charging overnight means it's not being used/ added onto the current day demand.

- Current peak day demand is about 25GW
- If you have majority of EV's charging in day (say 20GW) then peak day demand increases to 45GW, which means commissioning new power stations to meet the increase in day demand. This costs a lot of money.
- Set an overnight low tariff price and people with EV's will charge during the night. That 20GW of charging has no additional impact on the Grid capacity, because it's not higher than the demand in the day. (The number of power stations required for day and night use is the same).
As demand increases they can do that by charging say 20p/kWh instead of 30p.
Here's mine. EV and driven 1250 miles approx in the month.

It's going to be decades before his is an issue. Economy 7 has been around for longer thtn i've been alive. I'd say there are more people using more units heating up storage heaters than there are people charging EVs now. Cheap(er) electric overnight is just a thing.
You used less than 1 unit at peak for the entire month, so you taking advantage of it for house hold usage as well it seems.

This is a big problem with tariff been EV owners only, only a subset of the population have access to it.

This government wanting a solution to help people who cannot afford EV's without the government spending money should be on this like lightning.
You used less than 1 unit at peak for the entire month, so you taking advantage of it for house hold usage as well it seems.

This is a big problem with tariff been EV owners only, only a subset of the population have access to it.

This government wanting a solution to help people who cannot afford EV's without the government spending money should be on this like lightning.

Yeah. It's been two weeks since the bill and i'm still gutted about the .9, hopefully May will be better :)
Yeah. It's been two weeks since the bill and i'm still gutted about the .9, hopefully May will be better :)
I've got solar and battery storage being installed early next month, should mean my peak rate use will be zero too. At least during the April to October period.
I've got solar and battery storage being installed early next month, should mean my peak rate use will be zero too. At least during the April to October period.

Excellent, that will save you a few hundred quid a month based on that bill. Looking at my hoistorical stats, March to September are the really stong solar months. Last year I saw 7 good months, 3 meh months, 1 bad and 1 horrific.
Based on current Elec cost, how long will it take to recoup the solar and battery install?
About 5-6 years.
Basically instead of giving an energy supplier about £150 a month for electricity I'm putting that money into a 5 year Sharesave scheme, which will pay for the solar & battery and give me some profit back. Then after 5 years my energy costs will be very minimal and i'll be £150 a month up. (Probably saving more by then given the way prices are going).

Also means I can run A/C in the summer for zero cost, from the solar generation.
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IMO solar should be compulsory for every new build and all social and council housing. I would also welcome a scheme to encourage all private owners to have solar but the age old question of funding will always be the problem as no-one wants to pay for it
Better off funding offshore wind which is far more reliable source (doesn’t need to be light to work).
IMO solar should be compulsory for every new build and all social and council housing. I would also welcome a scheme to encourage all private owners to have solar but the age old question of funding will always be the problem as no-one wants to pay for it
Yep. I am hoping we get something like this over the next few years. Right now even with sky high energy prices the they still cost way too much. If only they did FIT or something like that so we don’t need to waste money on batteries. I mean the solar panels would be generating electricity when the grid needs it most anyways.

About 5-6 years.
Thats what I would be happy with. 10 years is just too much imo.

Better off funding offshore wind which is far more reliable source (doesn’t need to be light to work).
Sure, but they never seem to be doing anything and I just can’t see prices ever coming back down to 12p for electric and 2p for gas which is what I was paying a couple of years ago. The standing charge was like 5p too :(
IMO solar should be compulsory for every new build and all social and council housing. I would also welcome a scheme to encourage all private owners to have solar but the age old question of funding will always be the problem as no-one wants to pay for it
The houses need to be better too - I was going to get solar when I bought a new build, but the quality was so poor I didn't see myself staying there long enough for the solar to pay off.
I'd be quite happy with a millage charge. I don't do many miles!
If it wen to a mileage charge I'd have to quite my job. I travel 450 miles a week just to go too and from the office. I couldn't afford to buy an EV when I looked into it and so brought a second hand diesel.

The price is over double to get anything and then to suggest just do a mileage charge would mean I'd be looking for a new job.
If it wen to a mileage charge I'd have to quite my job. I travel 450 miles a week just to go too and from the office. I couldn't afford to buy an EV when I looked into it and so brought a second hand diesel.

The price is over double to get anything and then to suggest just do a mileage charge would mean I'd be looking for a new job.

A bit premature given you don't know what the mileage charge would be nor if this mileage charge would replace fuel duty thereby dropping fuel costs considerably.
A bit premature given you don't know what the mileage charge would be nor if this mileage charge would replace fuel duty thereby dropping fuel costs considerably.
Agreed. I assume that for a low emissions it would be about same as fuel vat
And for eV smaller still. But more than EVs pay now.
A bit premature given you don't know what the mileage charge would be nor if this mileage charge would replace fuel duty thereby dropping fuel costs considerably.

Anything on the mileage charge would be too much. It a stupid system. £26 a week is what I pay un fuel duty approx.

So it would have to be less than £0.06 a mile to replace that. But with that it is stated to cost the same as taxing a car but that is based on the current average distance travelled. That's 14k miles a year.

That means with me doing on average double that in a year at around 30k miles I'm expecting my cost to double. I would not be able to afford that to travel to work on top of the fuel.
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Anything on the mileage charge would be too much. It a stupid system. £26 a week is what I pay un fuel duty approx.

So it would have to be less than 0.06p a mile to replace that. But with that it is stated to cost the same as taxing a car but that is based on the current average distance travelled. That's 14k miles a year.

That means with me doing on average double that in a year at around 30k miles I'm expecting my cost to double. I would not be able to afford that to travel to work on top of the fuel.
6p, not 0.06p.
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